Blacks Patrolling neighborhoods with guns

For the record:

Phoenix owes it's existence largely to the invention of air conditioning.

AZ has the largest nuclear reactor in the nation, and gets the vast majority of its power from it along with coal. AZ gets less than 20% of Hoover Dams power output.

Yuma is a total armpit.

ok, so reduce phoenix's power by 20% and it's water by 100% or so. what do you get?

and i sure do wish lettuce cost $1.69 a bunch instead of $0.89.

remember a few years back when a bunch of lettuce shot up to $3? that was because yuma froze.
The only gun I see a cheap, shitty High Point carbine made in 9mm, 40 and 45 caliber. Atleast show something picture worthy. Where Im from everybody packs, nothing new here
ok, so reduce phoenix's power by 20% and it's water by 100% or so. what do you get?

and i sure do wish lettuce cost $1.69 a bunch instead of $0.89.

remember a few years back when a bunch of lettuce shot up to $3? that was because yuma froze.

For the record:

39% of water in AZ comes from the Colorado, which would still be there without a dam. CA, NM, NV, CO, WY and Mexico* also get water from the Colorado river. The rest comes from underground and the Salt, Verde, Gila and Agua Fria rivers.

Phoenix would still have been developed without the Hoover Dam.

It was all about Air Conditioning, not the Hoover Dam. Just sayin'.

If Yuma didn't exist, they'd have grown lettuce elsewhere. Big deal!

*edit: I forgot UT
For the record:

39% of water in AZ comes from the Colorado, which would still be there without a dam. CA, NM, NV, CO, WY and Mexico* also get water from the Colorado river. The rest comes from underground and the Salt, Verde, Gila and Agua Fria rivers.

Phoenix would still have been developed without the Hoover Dam.

It was all about Air Conditioning, not the Hoover Dam. Just sayin'.

If Yuma didn't exist, they'd have grown lettuce elsewhere. Big deal!

*edit: I forgot UT
Dude whats with the hating of the Hoover ? Did you know Las Vegas gets 85 percent of its drinking water from Lake Mead - the lake Hoover dam created. Lets not talk about the power it generates for Vegas. No Dam No Vegas.
Prior to irrigation, the Imperial Valley was a barren desert. You can thank the Hoover.
I think you would be in for one big surprise to see how much commerce, and how many people, depend on that one dam.
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Dude whats with the hating of the Hoover ? Did you know Las Vegas gets 85 percent of its drinking water from Lake Mead - the lake Hoover dam created. Lets not talk about the power it generates for Vegas. No Damn No Vegas.
Prior to irrigation, the Imperial Valley was a barren desert. You can thank the Hoover.
I think you would be in for one big surprise to see how much commerce, and how many people, depend on that one dam.

I'm not hating on it at all. Sure, it's important. It's just not the end all, be all of AZ. Far from it.

True on Vegas though, for sure.
I do have a two 5 gallon water jugs. One for quarters, which is about 3/4 filled. The other for all other change. I put nothing but MY change in it 8-)

I collect change too , for yrs i would buy a case of quarters from the bank on payday ( $500 per case ) & put them in a gun safe until the safe was full , then the lil cases just got piled up on top of each other next to the safe , we let the kids take them when they need cash .

The water jug your using for quarters will explode on you once it gets too much past half way full & it makes a hella mess , i had to reinforce our 2 jugs with quality duct tape after one exploded out of nowhere , ya might want to reinforce the jug before the plastic gives out & it will , thats why i started buying cases vs dropping them in the jug .
Neither are roads or bridges, but I'm sure glad we have them.

Heh. Well, my only interest was adding facts to wild conjecture. Nothing more.

Hoover Dam is impressive. For sure. I love the Urban Myths about catfish the size of a VW bus that live at the base of it.
For the record:

39% of water in AZ comes from the Colorado, which would still be there without a dam. CA, NM, NV, CO, WY and Mexico* also get water from the Colorado river. The rest comes from underground and the Salt, Verde, Gila and Agua Fria rivers.

Phoenix would still have been developed without the Hoover Dam.

It was all about Air Conditioning, not the Hoover Dam. Just sayin'.

If Yuma didn't exist, they'd have grown lettuce elsewhere. Big deal!

*edit: I forgot UT

phoenix is unsustainable as is. take away 39% of their water and it's a ghost town even sooner.
Dude whats with the hating of the Hoover ? Did you know Las Vegas gets 85 percent of its drinking water from Lake Mead - the lake Hoover dam created. Lets not talk about the power it generates for Vegas. No Dam No Vegas.
Prior to irrigation, the Imperial Valley was a barren desert. You can thank the Hoover.
I think you would be in for one big surprise to see how much commerce, and how many people, depend on that one dam.

you're right, i should have used vegas as my example rather than phoenix.
Yo! Thats all ways been that way in my hood! Exept that there would be a tokin white guy and toking hispanic dude with a bandana.bongsmilie
phoenix is unsustainable as is. take away 39% of their water and it's a ghost town even sooner.

Sure, if you remove existing infrastructure shit will suffer. But that wasn't your original point, was it? Are you suggesting that without the Hoover dam, there wouldn't be a Colorado river?

I thought you appreciated facts?

Edit: just looked it up. Sure enough, population was dismal until post WWII. Why is that? 2 words: "Air Conditioning", not "Hoover dam".
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Zero quarters under the mattress. I do have a two 5 gallon water jugs. One for quarters, which is about 3/4 filled. The other for all other change. I put nothing but MY change in it 8-)
How do you feel about public schools and libraries ?

Some public schools are quite good. Many are mediocre. A few are hell holes. If your child is enrolled in a hell hole public school, should you have the option of sending her to a public/private school that is not a hell hole, or should she be captive to her fate?

Libraries are going the way of the dodo it seems.
Some public schools are quite good. Many are mediocre. A few are hell holes. If your child is enrolled in a hell hole public school, should you have the option of sending her to a public/private school that is not a hell hole, or should she be captive to her fate?

Libraries are going the way of the dodo it seems.
How did you learn to read, write, and do arithmetic ?
You sound like one who does not visit the library. Let me assure people still take advantage of gaining knowledge at the public library.
i wonder how much water will last them woth three million people in there city limits... andlike a 8 million metro or so. everybody is trying to suck the colorado river dry