Obama. free college to anyone willing to work for it

yeah, that must be why hawaii is overwhelmingly liberal. because it is a conservative paradise.


You must be thinking about Honolulu? Is that where all these liberals are that you speak of? I have cattle ranchers and coffee growers around where I am. And when I go to the little town near my house there is every church known to man except a muslim church.

You must be thinking about Honolulu? Is that where all these liberals are that you speak of? I have cattle ranchers and coffee growers around where I am. And when I go to the little town near my house there is every church known to man except a muslim church.

so your conservative utopia is bigoted as fuck?
probably so. you're a delusional old bigot.

hawaii is literally the bluest state in the entire union.


Blue Hawaii. Elvis wrote a song or made a movie about that, but I think he was describing the sky and the water.

Buck, why is there so many churches around here? Is that a liberal thing?

Blue Hawaii. Elvis wrote a song or made a movie about that, but I think he was describing the sky and the water.

Buck, why is there so many churches around here? Is that a liberal thing?

why does hawaii vote 70% or more democrat in elections, the highest of any state in the union?
Yeah, somebody will pay up front. But then again, once that college grad begins working they will undoubtedly start paying more taxes as a result of a higher income for the rest of their life.

Everybody wins.
Except the people that already have those "higher income" jobs.
inB4 he accuses you of avoiding hawaii's black sand beaches, cuz, you know, racism.

that was actually where i spent my honeymoon.


I went to a trade school over twenty years ago and most students that were there that had their school paid by the government were at the bottom of the class or flunked out. So free doesn't really work to good in my opinion.
I took a trade school class also, and you could easily tell who was paying for the class and who was getting a free ride off taxpayer or insurance money. Seemed like a waste of money to me.
So what were the Republican politicians in Tennessee doing?
Is this another republican idea they hate because Obama is going with it?
I have no idea what goes on in Tennessee. This is not a new idea. Government funded privately owned degree mills have been around a long time and have a poor reputation. Community Colleges (the specific schools Obama was talking about) aren't that expensive that people can't pay for them on their own.