MDMA - safrole vs PMK oil. Is there a difference?

No. PMK is just another name for MDP2P. Even if the synthetic route used is different racemic MDMA is racemic MDMA. The only way you'll get different subjective effects is if the MDMA is made by N-methylating MDA because you're likely to have some amount of MDA remaining.
Then you got mescaline pills!
No,wait..smaky rolls :-) :-) :-) :-)
Love the knowledge dropping thanks
I love this shit also..helps put that overly boisterous street pharmacist in ego shutdown mode when he starts yammering on with myths about his product or experiences..
"This Molly's tested at 99% pure!..I know the chemist.."
"Oh yea,99%? Why is it a baggie and not a medicine dropper?"

My favorites are the LSD afficianados who cant spell "LYSERGIC",have no house,car,bills payed,yet their friend has them help whip up batches of pure L-25 in his basement,magically,with the lights on,no extraction hoods and its ALLWAYS done sporadically,never can never ask to get dosed,cause it's still "in the works" and when its there in front of you,it's $5 a hit,to cover "overhead" materials,you understand...
shit rory spot on...cant tell ya enough how much I try to clear the crap out having a minor in drug geekery as I do...but folks just dont want to believe or worse dont want to tell the truth to themselves...pretty sad smacky rolls or the pure fact that fucking people dont believe molly is MDMA folks have literally told me they like molly but would never fuck with mdma then they dont get my good mdma or.any.of my good drugz....wonder how much that happened to me when I ran my.mouth at.gatherings as a young buck
shit rory spot on...cant tell ya enough how much I try to clear the crap out having a minor in drug geekery as I do...but folks just dont want to believe or worse dont want to tell the truth to themselves...pretty sad smacky rolls or the pure fact that fucking people dont believe molly is MDMA folks have literally told me they like molly but would never fuck with mdma then they dont get my good mdma or.any.of my good drugz....wonder how much that happened to me when I ran my.mouth at.gatherings as a young buck
"they like molly but would never fuck with mdma" - what the fuck...
shit rory spot on...cant tell ya enough how much I try to clear the crap out having a minor in drug geekery as I do...but folks just dont want to believe or worse dont want to tell the truth to themselves...pretty sad smacky rolls or the pure fact that fucking people dont believe molly is MDMA folks have literally told me they like molly but would never fuck with mdma then they dont get my good mdma or.any.of my good drugz....wonder how much that happened to me when I ran my.mouth at.gatherings as a young buck
I had this custie in town,cool kid,just young,an naive about most things..but still an ok guy..he came over to help 2 friends from nj and I kill a 60lb tank after a primus show near here..we're on my front porch,been passing the quickly diminishing sheet around..we pass it around again,everyone gets another hit,and my custie friend offers my buddy from nj some of his personal stash..says "look,you can see the Crystal on the paper,see the whitish stuff?!?" then with a head full of nitrous and lsd,I proceeds to explain micrograms,the relative size of them,the relative trip to said invisible micrograms,and why there is no way that there is lsd on that paper he was offering..
Then went into nbomes,2c's etc,which he didnt know of...but the kicker was him not admitting it was not,we tested it,razzed him about being a customer,and mushed him in the face with a balloon..:-D

Kids these days....
Totally flipped his perspective on things after 2cb...all into testing things..:-D
He knowingly took it,but it was alarming to him to consume such a small amount of a substance with that much,he's the paranoid type,and now everyone's gonna rip him off on Molly with bathsalt look alike,and he just knows he's gonna get some 2cb spiked rolls one day,eat three and freak out.certain of it.didn't know about it a month,2cb lurks in EVERY Ziploc :-D
I love this shit also..helps put that overly boisterous street pharmacist in ego shutdown mode when he starts yammering on with myths about his product or experiences..
"This Molly's tested at 99% pure!..I know the chemist.."
"Oh yea,99%? Why is it a baggie and not a medicine dropper?"

My favorites are the LSD afficianados who cant spell "LYSERGIC",have no house,car,bills payed,yet their friend has them help whip up batches of pure L-25 in his basement,magically,with the lights on,no extraction hoods and its ALLWAYS done sporadically,never can never ask to get dosed,cause it's still "in the works" and when its there in front of you,it's $5 a hit,to cover "overhead" materials,you understand...

Talked to a kid the other day, know it all type (like me i guess). We got to talkng drugs and he told me that he used to extract lsd from ergot.

I examined him, noticed that he still had all his apendages and then felt sad for anyone who does not yet have their own stories.
I was offered some "sassafras" by a friend on new years. Its been around for a few months but I've never tried it. He seems to really enjoy the stuff so I was considering it.
He's actually paying homage to your coolness if you look at it different...he looks up to ya..but def don't know you...

I long ago quit correcting people face to face. Too many dick fights early on.

No harm in embelishment, no harm in romanticizing maybe no harm in boasting but fabrication is unacceptable.