Don Gin and Ton
Well-Known Member
hardly surprising HT would say that seeing as they had the amsterdam cup canceled this year...
well if i go there someday and i see this shit im packing my bags right the fuck up
pointy boots are a sign for trouble and they will stab you cuz there loco as fuck man i mean anyone taking such a fashion risk is loco
Well il be in barcelona this year for spanabis cant wait ... was there last year just for a holiday and taut the social clubs wer much better than dutch coffee shops ... the atmosphere totally differnt more welcoming and casual then the weed was as good and sum better hash was defo better than dam and i had the best hash ive ever had there it was a caramello rub aww man droolin here and u cud also get waxs and stuff u cant get in the dam .... the dam is outdated well for me been about 15/16 times ... deffo wud tell every1 who smokes to go shit even if u dnt smoke go the dam place is luvly all netherlands is... il prob go again meself sure but at the min barca is better imo ...
Rock on spanabis![]()
I'll def catch you this time when you come over!
It's nice to hear your comparison from a smoker who's visited and tried both cities clubs.
I have to agree with you on the atmosphere of the clubs here being better, they are certainly better decorated. More stylish, spatial etc. The Dam shops look old and in need of redecoration even back then. None of them look like our clubs here.
@racerboy71 you havent seen Barca since the movement so itd be hard for you to compare, other than a holiday destination. I'm sure you'd love the clubs here.
It's hard for @Sativied to compare as he has never even seen the inside of a Barca weed club and seems to have his knickers in a twist over every newspaper in Europe comparing the two cities. Naturally the papers are going to compare a city that sells weed decriminalised such as Dam does. That's just absurd to think they wouldn't !!
There isn't too much similarity at this point (IMO) as our clubs are still exclusive and not easy for tourists to join. I want to see regulation here, I wish more cities would decriminalise it too. There was a big shakedown recently due to tourist trade. Nice for the locals, not great for tourists. Also the reason clubs are pretending to have a max of 11%thc which is fabricated for the government.
Originally people would try and put down Barca by saying the weed was better in Dam, however since we have Dutch owned clubs things have changed. Dam ain't that Dutch! Derry from Barneys Farm is Irish and he has a coffeshop for years.
If you haven't smoked in both Dam coffee shops and Barca clubs then you can't compare. There isn't any competition IMO, Barca wins hands down!
you know i love barcelona lahada, but the blue bits, imo, are the exact reason(s) why, imvho, that barcelona can't compete with a city like amsterdam..
in amsterdam, any tom dick or harry can walk into a coffee shop and buy bud or hash of various quality and quantity, so long as i think you're over 18, i'm a bit shady on that part, but as you declare, it's pretty hard for a tourist to walk into a club in barca and buy bud.. that's the huge difference, again, imvho..
i absolutely loved spain, and barcelona, and probably prefer it over amsterdam, but when it comes to weed smoking, from say someone not from the area, nothing can compare to the amsterdam experience imo..
I like it there too, I drove 3 times (flew the rest) including Eindhoven, Rotterdam but after a few days I'm bored. This is as a tourist and smoker btw, they have a Vondel Park (mediocre) and terrible weather.
We don't have freezing canals, we have the Med! Our 5C night temps beat their day temps. it's a big difference for a holiday destination. Dam is a weekend break kind of thing and Barca could be at least a week.
Smoking wise, we're on a par but we have some lovely places to chill and do it.
Had you come over before the shakedown, promoters wouldve pitched you left, right and centre for membership, it WAS easy.
I just want people to have the freedom and choice. Barca adds to that choice for people. No reason for the Amsterdamers to feel threatened by it, if anything it lightens the tourist load.
Between 2010 and August 2014 you could, only in the last 5 mths has it changed.i agree with pretty much all you said, minus the smoking bit, which is what this article is saying, barcelona is becoming the new amsterdam. when tourists can't come to the city and smoke, i don't understand how that's comparable to being amsterdam, which for decades has been the go to destination for anyone who wants to go on a weed holiday..
i agree about amsteram being a smaller city, and one doesn't really need but a few days to enjoy all it has to offer, and i spent a week in barcelona, and went home not seeing a lot of cool shit imo..
for me it just comes down to the ease of access of someone coming from another country to get stoned . i can't wait for the day i go back to barcelona, but again, imvho, it's still not the same as amsterdam in the fact that you can't walk into 1 of 100 plus coffee shops, sit out on the sidewalk and smoke a joint and not have a care in the world, other than possibly getting wet from the rain, lol..
Between 2010 and August 2014 you could, only in the last 5 mths has it changed.
The loophole now is that a tourist can join but not buy for 2 weeks, in other words someone buys for you.
The clubs are everywhere and it's not necessary to go to all. I have 30 cards, it's enough and I don't go to a fraction of them.
I'm not happy about the typical €20 membership fee which restricts access for normal people. That's the difference of it being a members club I suppose.
So, for 4 yrs tourists have been walking in with ID and usually a promoter. That easy.
make room on your couch lahada, i'll be coming over.. when's good for you?? lol..![]()
The couch? I've got a secret jardin for you!!!
Spannabis is on soon which is big fun for me. Summer is the best here though, after June it's very hot and like being on holiday everyday. I had an indica summer, never again!
It's 45F at night and 63F days. Not too bad for jan.
If anyone comes out here, I'll be able to sort them out. I just need some notice of at least 2 days. I missed Irish 420 last time![]()
well there still white Mexicans tho
mexicans are mestizo, tyty. spaniard + native american.
go to bed.
lol. We gotta take Ty to the Redlight district.
mmmmmmm now Spanish girls are hot af i meet one at a wedding vowel renewal she was a forgin exchange student with a perfect tan nice big ass sexy cute as fuck and alas i was just a horny teenage hick
i never got to talk to her but she kept looking over at me of course i was getting pretty drunk as fuck off shit table wine and i was the only fucker wearing a plaid shirt, boots, jeans, a "pride not hate" shirt
but we danced together and i was thinking the whole time like "dude were so gonna fuck tonight"
so thinking back id go to spain if every girl looked like that hopefully they dont have a brother/dad/crazy ex that owns a pair of pointy boots
id be fucked then like i said about anyone willing to take such a fashion risk
there still white Mexicans wither you take the ass plus out or not bucky pie
go to central mexico then go to a white hood then think of the two combined buck this is a 2 FER ONE and thats the shit i dont like boi
lol, i was wondering the same exact thing..