Random Jibber Jabber Thread

did you get far intot he game yet?

anyways house purging day here, i clean out madd whatever i feel like during the new year :D
also went shopping today woohoooo

It's beer o'clock here and they are singing their siren song so I'm out :) Please come clean my house it's a stye! I'll pay you in pot and a warm place to stay (figuring my 27 has to be warmer than where you are).

No, didn't spend any more time on it. I think I am headed to Herschel's farm.

Damn, I wish I had spent more time cleaning the house. It is a disgrace.

I can tell you with complete accuracy the day she will give birth. When did she loudly announce she could not be pregnant even ONE MORE DAY! They then stop cleaning and do not sleep. There are precisely 30 days of that........ Then they give birth and in a sleep deprived state get handed a red, howling siren and sent home! Trust me get that fucking house cleaned when she's out of it, this will pay you back, oh and stock up on tons and tons of alcohol, the high quality shit, this is not the time to be stingy. Oh and you officially have to wait until the child breaks 1 tooth through the gums before you can get away with giving the kid scotch, whiskey etc....... don't waste anytime on beer. By the time mine were a few months I was buying them shots!
Thanks holmes I didn't know that about the larger mortgages, I'll check into it more deeply. I have not spoken to a loan officer yet, just throwing around numbers in my mind and have spoken to my parents about it. The owners have wanted to sell to me for two years and they're willing to do short sale but haven't given me an actual number on what they want for the house.

I'm in Michigan, anybody know anything about this kind of stuff? I'm open to suggestions/criticisms/comments/trolling

I want to put 10% down. I know what market value is and what they wanted for the house in 2009, so I can guess as to what they want for it now...

I could put 20% down if I got about a pound per plant :rolleyes:

you can always refi when you get to 20%, to get rid of that several hundred dollars a month worth of mortgage insurance.
I just got banned on another forum for censored nudity LOL

I got banned from another forum for being insensitive. Some unbannable fuckwit posted a 3 page run on sentence with no punctuation and me and 2 other people politely pointed out how difficult it was to read. Well dude gets super butthurt and deletes his post and says something like "you guys really know how to bring a guy down" and threatens to leave for good.

Other members of forum started calling me and the other two guys names and basically sucking the dudes dick,and before I could try and defend myself I was banned. I guess the other two guys got banned as well.
RIP cousin. You were taken too early.

Best friend lives in another state but his dad showed up and showed his respects. Really reminded me some people do give a shit. He could tell I was hurting. Think I needed that.
That guy is a good man and I'll make it up to him someday.
RIP cousin. You were taken too early.

Best friend lives in another state but his dad showed up and showed his respects. Really reminded me some people do give a shit. He could tell I was hurting. Think I needed that.
That guy is a good man and I'll make it up to him someday.
sorry for your loss<3