Some are more equal than others...

You brought it up as a strawman that you couldnt even beat up; without kicking your own ass
But then again you are against any constraints on money in politics unless it goes to candidates you are told not to like.
Notice I said "candidates" you are told not to like
Becuase I think you are too stupid to have your own opinions

You are looking in the mirror. You brought up Mitt Romney and his wealth, I countered with Hillary Clinton and said I didnt care.

It was YOUR Strawman...

RUSH Limbaugh is nearly right all the time. I am glad he agrees with me...

You want me to care more about your opinion that what I know about my opinion? Puzzling at best...
Try not to be so short sighted. I am not just talking about Clinton, Bush, Regan, etc. The federal school system is a failure. The illiteracy rate is rising and has been for a long time.

Whenever I blame government you hear me blaming Obama and you rise to defend even the most illogical shit because it is your *side*.

It is my philosopy and a fact that someone being rich does not necessarily make someone else poor. Therefore I honestly want EVERYONE to do better. It is not a zero sum game, the economy is built on wealth creation and the truly wealthy in this country are the ones that create it.
Consumers create wealth.
The wealthy do nothing but hold capital
You ask a theoretical question that is impossible to answer and then accuse me of avoiding it?

Why is the illiteracy rate rising despite all the money poured into education? I blame the government, who do you blame?

We make it better by having vouchers and private school alternatives. Competition and results drive the system rather than unions and bureaucracy.
Voucher schools on the whole perform poorly against public education
Private schools are out of reach for the majority
So what other opinions hae you been told to hold?
Voucher schools on the whole perform poorly against public education
Private schools are out of reach for the majority
So what other opinions hae you been told to hold?

You just threw talking points up and swatted them down and demanded other answers... LOL!!

The public school system ISNT WORKING... Your excuse is that it could be worse. My position is that it is not acceptable and anything would be better than this. Our children are not being educated in school they are being indoctrinated and taught they need government to survive. Then they are denied the very tools that would get them out of the trap.

You are looking in the mirror. You brought up Mitt Romney and his wealth, I countered with Hillary Clinton and said I didnt care.

It was YOUR Strawman...

RUSH Limbaugh is nearly right all the time. I am glad he agrees with me...

You want me to care more about your opinion that what I know about my opinion? Puzzling at best...

You just threw talking points up and swatted them down and demanded other answers... LOL!!
The public school system ISNT WORKING... Your excuse is that it could be worse. My position is that it is not acceptable and anything would be better than this. Our children are not being educated in school they are being indoctrinated and taught they need government to survive. Then they are denied the very tools that would get them out of the trap.

The Louisiana Scholarship Program allows low-income students to attend participating private schools at public expense if they are at C, D or F-graded public schools or entering the system for the first time. Vouchers began as a New Orleans pilot in 2008 and expanded statewide in fall 2012.
The Scholarship Cohort Indices measure only students on vouchers at the private schools, not the entire student body. The calculations are nearly identical to those used for public schools and rely heavily on test results. On the state's 150-point scoring system, anything lower than a 50 is an F.
Of the 22 schools for which the state released scores Wednesday, 13 were in the F range, including seven in New Orleans, three in Baton Rouge and one in Kenner. There were five voucher schools in the D range, three C schools and one B, with a score of 93.8: St. Benedict the Moor in New Orleans. (See the full list of schools.)
The lowest-scoring voucher school, Redemptorist Elementary in Baton Rouge, had a score of 18.6 on the 150-point scale. If measured alongside public schools, Redemptorist's voucher cohort would be the second-worst in the state, not counting alternative schools.
There are consequences for low scores: After two years, failing voucher schools may not take new publicly funded students. They may, however, keep the students they have.
Four schools appear to fall into that category: Holy Ghost Elementary, St. Alphonsus, St. Mary's Academy and St. Peter Claver, all in New Orleans. White said staff were working with those schools to figure out how many seats they would list when applications open in January.
Two schools on Wednesday's list have already left the program altogether: Cathedral Academy in New Orleans was shut down by the Archdiocese, and the state Education Department booted New Living Word in Ruston for alleged financial issues. Another school on the list, Bishop McManus in New Orleans, was barred from accepting new voucher students this fall due to low spring test scores.
You just threw talking points up and swatted them down and demanded other answers... LOL!!

The public school system ISNT WORKING... Your excuse is that it could be worse. My position is that it is not acceptable and anything would be better than this. Our children are not being educated in school they are being indoctrinated and taught they need government to survive. Then they are denied the very tools that would get them out of the trap.


Students in Milwaukee's school choice program performed worse than or about the same as students in Milwaukee Public Schools in math and reading on the latest statewide test, according to results released Tuesday that provided the first apples-to-apples achievement comparison between public and individual voucher schools.
The scores released by the state Department of Public Instruction cast a shadow on the overall quality of the 21-year-old Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, which was intended to improve results for poor city children in failing public schools by allowing them to attend higher-performing private schools with publicly funded vouchers. The scores also raise concerns about Gov. Scott Walker's proposal to roll back the mandate that voucher schools participate in the current state test.

The answer is dont test Voucher schools and Choice schools than no one can say they suck ass....right?
Students in Milwaukee's school choice program performed worse than or about the same as students in Milwaukee Public Schools in math and reading on the latest statewide test, according to results released Tuesday that provided the first apples-to-apples achievement comparison between public and individual voucher schools.
The scores released by the state Department of Public Instruction cast a shadow on the overall quality of the 21-year-old Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, which was intended to improve results for poor city children in failing public schools by allowing them to attend higher-performing private schools with publicly funded vouchers. The scores also raise concerns about Gov. Scott Walker's proposal to roll back the mandate that voucher schools participate in the current state test.

The answer is dont test Voucher schools and Choice schools than no one can say they suck ass....right?

You accused me of towing a line and then showed me where I dont tow the line as a shining example of your argument?

I dont care about a particular program in a particular state. What I feel is important is that choice and innovation and alternative teaching methods are introduced. The sucessful ones will thrive and breed a new form of teaching and learning in our digital age. Clinging to some burecratic dinosaur that fails to even teach our children to read or do math at a kindergarden level is not the answer.

Pointing to failures as a reason to continue the failing status quo is not the answer.
I know Lets get rid of the Dept of Ed that will change the way local schools teach

The primary functions of the Department of Education are to "establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights."[10] The Department of Education does not establish schools or colleges.[11]
The Office of the Inspector General conducts audits and investigation in connection to the Department's programs.
Unlike the systems of most other countries, education in the United States is highly decentralized, and the federal government and Department of Education are not heavily involved in determining curricula or educational standards (with the recent exception of the No Child Left Behind Act). This has been left to state and local school districts. The quality of educational institutions and their degrees is maintained through an informal private process known as accreditation, over which the Department of Education has no direct public jurisdictional control.
The Department's mission is: to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.[12] Aligned with this mission of ensuring equal access to education, the Department of Education is a member of the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness,[13] and works with federal partners to ensure proper education for homeless and runaway youth in the United States.
Voucher schools on the whole perform poorly against public education
Private schools are out of reach for the majority
So what other opinions hae you been told to hold?
You got any evidence voucher schools preform poorly, or is that some opinion you have been told to hold?
You accused me of towing a line and then showed me where I dont tow the line as a shining example of your argument?

I dont care about a particular program in a particular state. What I feel is important is that choice and innovation and alternative teaching methods are introduced. The sucessful ones will thrive and breed a new form of teaching and learning in our digital age. Clinging to some burecratic dinosaur that fails to even teach our children to read or do math at a kindergarden level is not the answer.

Pointing to failures as a reason to continue the failing status quo is not the answer.
And in the mean time the Majority of Voucher schools will not educate the children they are collecting money for impacting the childrens lives for ever and in the long term hurt the United states
You got any evidence voucher schools preform poorly, or is that some opinion you have been told to hold?

MADISON — Wisconsin taxpayers have paid about $139 million to private schools that ended up being barred from the state's voucher system for failing to meet requirements since 2004, according to a newspaper report.
State Department of Public Instruction data shows more than two-thirds of the 50 schools terminated from the state's voucher system in the last 10 years had stayed open for five years or less, according to the Wisconsin State Journal. They were all in Milwaukee.
Eleven schools, paid a total of $4.1 million, were terminated from the voucher program after just one year.
The voucher program expanded from Milwaukee and Racine to a statewide program last school year.
Last school year, there were 108 schools and about 25,000 students participating in the Milwaukee voucher program, and 146 voucher schools total. The state has budgeted about $210 million for all voucher schools for the current school year, compared to around $4.4 billion in general aid for public schools.
And in the mean time the Majority of Voucher schools will not educate the children they are collecting money for impacting the childrens lives for ever and in the long term hurt the United states
Yes, we can see by your post how well public education has served you.