How much time daily to be a good grower..?


Hey guys,

I plan on the long term to be able to grow about 1 pound or Northern Lights a week by myself. How much time per day do you think that would take?

Like, how much time should I invest per day to grow that much, If per say I already have the material and the setup done. (Hydro)

I am a very busy guy that works around 70hours a week, so 10 hours a day. When I come home, I have nothing more than 1-2 hours to dedicate to the plants, is that enough per day..?


short answer is yes.... anything is possible.... i myself would give up all that horrible work carry-on and focus more on the important things in life ..... growing lol
When I say 10 hours a day... this means about 6 hours at the dayjob, 4 hours street dealing, I also go 1 hour to the gym... i wanna know if the rest of thhe time is enough to suppply my own clients' demand.. loool ;)


Well-Known Member
You are talking about a pretty big grow. perpetual, 30+ plants right? maybe even twice that.
If you do it right at least an hour a day just for regular maintenance and then there is rez change, harvest weekly and trimming, drying, new clones etc. I'm gonna say about 15- 20 hours a week as a wild ass guess.
If you have at least 2 hours avg per day it could happen. Some of those days may run a little long though.


Well-Known Member
Just opinion, ten minutes per week / seven days per week, the per weeks cancel out and that leaves one and three sevenths of a minute per day. Maybe if you're not lazy, you could get a pound and a half per week if you spent a full two minutes per day.


Crap... I guess i'll just stick to buy low sell high! I'll leave the growing part to the professionnals :/.

I move 300-500 grams a week, which leaves me with around 800 to 1.5k profit depending on quantities and etc. I thought about growing it myself and the price to the gram approximately and it would of changed my profit to like 3k per week, i was crazy about it hahahahah.

anyways, im making enough money for now with the dayjob too... ill just reinvest into a legit business like real estate i guess :p

thanks people!


Well-Known Member
I spend time with them as therapy, anything You Love isn't work.....I save myself umpteen thousand a year and I can't find any as good so it's all good.Better Plant's make better concentrates and I concentrate the shit out of them.From cut to caviar in 20 min's....I keep Bud for just in cases too...Better than cash in alot of situation's.


Well-Known Member
Just sayin when I want I am in and out. I really enjoy when I transplant to bud my buckets are soaked and
I don't look at them for 4 days just so I can be surprised.


Well-Known Member
Op if you want 1 pound of NL bud every week you will need to pull down 4 qp plants every 7 days.
So your garden will need a rotation of 4 plants a week in and out, for a total of 32 plants budding non-stop.
Go for 5 gallon buckets to get a qp per plant. And if you are doing all this get the original strain from Sensi.
Its expensive but worth it. Although I would recommend the Holy Grail from DNA for you.


Well-Known Member
Nah , you can pull a lb a week in spare time easy , especially doing hydroponics , its all in how you set up the system , lets use my flood & drain tables as an example.

Big rez means less time topping off so i used all 50 gallon rez's , next i brought fresh water directly to each rez via 1 inch pvc & made a gang valve , each rez water supply has its own fawcet & garden hose ran directly thru rez lid .

Next is water disposal , fuk buckets , i use small pool sump pumps that stay in each rez at all times with the dump hoses running thru the lids & tapped directly into the buildings 6 inch grey waste water system . If i need to top off i twist a fawcett , if i need to dump i flip a light switch powering the pump , a garden sprayer filled with 30% h202 & a toilet brush makes rez cleaning a 5 minute task , i can dump , clean , refill , add nutes & ph a rez in under an hour with zero mess or clean up .

I monitor each tables ph & ppm constantly via permenant probes & just unscrew my meter & go from table to table , ph checks every 4 to 7 days takes around an hour , rez top off's takes 3 to 5 minutes a rez .

Never reuse hydraton or net pots , it takes hrs to clean that shit to save a $100 bill , i toss all net pots & rocks into trash & use fresh each grow , to clean new rocks fast use 5 gallon buckets with hundreds of holes drilled in bottoms & sides then i put 6 5 gallon buckets in a utility shower for about half an hour & let them rinse .

I could write pages on how to speed flood & drain rigs up , i worked 12 to 18 hrs a day running a union construction company before retiring & still had time to operate 8 seperate 4ft x 8ft flood & drain tables & pull 5 to 6 lbs a week .

My Achilles heel was harvesting , trimming ,up 5 to 6 lbs ,cloning & resetting up a 50 clone sea of green table every weekend , i used hired help at $200 to $300 a day & with 4 fellow growers plus myself got everything chopped , trimmed & set back up on my day off .

Its all in how you automate & plan for speed .


Well-Known Member
I am in the middle of cutting Clones so I have them on 300W, love these adjustable Dimmable Unit's...

In this room is a few Bubonic X Bubonic, Bubonic X Alaskan Thunderfuk a couple of My Outdoor strain's and seven Bubonic X Sour Diesel's..Someone had a premature Ejaculation and Dosed a three bedroom Grow,I'm Flowering them out now..Shitty pic but I'll post some good ones in the 600 section later.Check out the tomato plant Photobombing on the left...

Still keep my shades on though.


Well-Known Member
, 4 hours street dealing,
It's doable. Buuuuut you might wanna define street dealing. If you're not moving at least an Oz @ a time to your "patients" then you might wanna weigh in the risk vs reward factor. Yes you're going to profit immensely cutting out the middle man but in the event one of your clients decides to go full retard and get popped smoking a blunt in a parking lot. Then having your grow at home could spell your doom if the cops come knocking or even worse kicking.
So that's a situation you need to consider. The $ looks good on paper but high risk on a street level.
better to be the great unknown bro. Some moron u drop a fitty on is gunna drop po po's on ur door step the moment the get caught with that medicine.
just grow and relax == get all ur time back to yourself.