Elizabeth Warren?

At least define Social Responsibility fine for me,....I don`t wanna get one by mistake or something.
"Social responsibility".


That's cute.

Liberals don't know a g'damn thing about "responsibility", as there whole life revolves around AVOIDING responsibility.

I've been tempted to start a thread having a philosophical debate over a "social contract". Don Vega linked an excellent page/site on the historical debate and I thought it would be cool for us to expand on it here. It's more political oriented, so I would belong in this section.

I need to do it on a weekend when I can be high and uninterrupted.

one of these days...
Yes Buck, his porch is his home, and yes his Charges were dropped because he no longer would seek an apology that he still to this day has did not get.

You must have me on ignore because I provided a Boston Herald headline...I think, with the other pics you didn`t see. Maybe I didn`t,...I forget....

Anyway, That was a big story for a while,....I`ll get the best skinny I can muster. I think....maybe...alright but give me a few.
Buck, the moral of the story was that lizzy`s campaign managers did some research and found that lizzy`s great, great, great, grandmother was supposedly 1/32nd Cherokee, and Sarah got laid.
In Ms Warren's favor, she isn't wearing 2 coats of Avon with a Oil of Olay clearcoat like Sarah is.

Sarrah can wear whatever she wants, I`d still hit that chick....twice !i I can`t say that about lizzy. WTF would Lizzy do in a make-up room ?
Sarrah can wear whatever she wants, I`d still hit that chick....twice !i I can`t say that about lizzy. WTF would Lizzy do in a make-up room ?
Yeah well Lizzy has 15+ years on Palin.
Palin would probably win if the country didn't already know much about her. Many people vote style over substance.
Buck, the moral of the story was that lizzy`s campaign managers did some research and found that lizzy`s great, great, great, grandmother was supposedly 1/32nd Cherokee, and Sarah got laid.

so where is this link showing she lied to harvard and apologized about her native american heritage which she actually has?

are you retarded?

serious question. you come off as mildly retarded.
so where is this link showing she lied to harvard and apologized about her native american heritage which she actually has?

are you retarded?

serious question. you come off as mildly retarded.

The link is in the first post I made to answer you about the shit I brought up about Lizzy and her Native American claim.
Above the pictures.
The link is in the first post I made to answer you about the shit I brought up about Lizzy and her Native American claim.
Above the pictures.

you must be retarded.

that link says nothing about your claim that warren "lied to harvard, got caught, and apologized".

seriously though, are you mentally retarded? tou really seem like it at this point.
The lie to Harvard was that she did not tell them anything about her having Native American blood when they said she did.

Harvard produced the documents.

She then admits that she did indeed say it. She then apologized to Ma. about misleading information that she didn`t say it. She didn`t mean it to come out that way.

or did you get lost thinking that the Native American blood was the only lie.

Yup, she lied, got called out and apologized for it.

She aint injun, Harvard was correct, and I forgave her.....Have you or would you ?
The lie to Harvard was that she did not tell them anything about her having Native American blood when they said she did.

Harvard produced the documents.

She then admits that she did indeed say it. She then apologized to Ma. about misleading information that she didn`t say it. She didn`t mean it to come out that way.

or did you get lost thinking that the Native American blood was the only lie.

Yup, she lied, got called out and apologized for it.

She aint injun, Harvard was correct, and I forgave her.....Have you or would you ?

got any citation for that heaping pile of mental retardation?
Careful with the re-re shit, a tard just walked in and those guys are super strong so I don`t want him to see it.

Why do you think she stated that she did indeed....say it ? Which that link says.
Careful with the re-re shit, a tard just walked in and those guys are super strong so I don`t want him to see it.

Why do you think she stated that she did indeed....say it ? Which that link says.

ya mean the link that mentions none of your blathering retardation at all?
The title and the first paragraph state all one needs to know she had previously denied it. Or, is that just the way mentally challenged see it ?
The title and the first paragraph state all one needs to know she had previously denied it. Or, is that just the way mentally challenged see it ?

all it says is that she told harvard that she was part native-american. which she is.

i really don't get why you're so obsessed about this.