Let's get drunk!!!


Well-Known Member
I never said trust is overrated. trust is essential now isn't it. but I don't need it. my comments were more about the difference between wants and needs. I attract mostly what i need at the time. my intuitive abilities allow me to understand ppl better than most, this I am very thankful for.
well I do. Trust is everything to me..I have no clue how to operate without it, honestly. I'm glad you are happy though, that's awesome..maybe one day I'll get to be. For now I just wait I guess..


Well-Known Member
I've had my bouts with co-dependence and too high of expectations of others which only amount to one big pile of steaming disappointment. Freedom, real freedom baby hehe

for me, simply put, love is freedom.
you either have trust or you don't. wanting it, or demanding it, demonstrates a lack of faith that it exists; therefore your beliefs may become self-fulfilling-prophecy. :eek:

maybe the love you give is equal to the love you receive, maybe not. but if it's not and that's a problem.... Isn't it our responsibility to jump ship. nobody at fault.... perhaps I'm too independent now for my own good i dunno:joint:
I have a lot of love inside of me for a lot of people..I only have room for one though and that is that. Independence is a good thing..just lonely. I have so much to offer but not the one that I need to offer it to. I guess that's my problem though..;) no self fulfilling shit over here. I figured that out a while back, just keeping it real as I can you know?


Well-Known Member

It gets better :-D
that's what I keep hearing :)
I hear ya, you sound a lil jaded from the infidelity. that's the past, doesn't have to have a thing to do with the future. everyone has baggage, i tried checking mine at the airport but they gave me my shit right back. Lol
well do you blame me?? I mean c'mon..18 years I really didn't leave my marriage feeling like I couldn't trust again, just the way things have been going. I still have hope..don't get me wrong. ;)

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
hoooly fuck drank waay to much last night, woke up 10 am today and im still wasssted, the 151 aint fit to drink that stuff posion

and captain morgan spiced rum that shit posion too
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Well-Known Member
Morning newf! Whatcha mixing that spiced rum with? I'm actually looking forward to a spiced rum and eggnog this year....my kid wants to try it....

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Morning newf! Whatcha mixing that spiced rum with? I'm actually looking forward to a spiced rum and eggnog this year....my kid wants to try it....
guess what i mixed spiced rum with, water, fuckin forget to get extra mix cause im an idiot, last drink i had was at like 12 o clock last night and now its 1:20 pm and im still feeling it, ughh:spew: