LED Noobs, STOP Buying China Junk

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Building your own LED light isn't that difficult. Patience is the key. Plan well. Do everything as it should be done. [Well this is the hardest thing...at least for me] And if you get lost I'm sure that there are certain members which can get you pretty unlost.
I didn't even read this but I just bought my 1 st LED and its a KIND K5 750. research reviews are what did it. warranty is a big thing with me. It was between Kind 750 , Cali lightworks 880 and blackdog 750xl. Don't buy junk!!!!!If you don't have 1200 bucks don't buy LED right now!!! wait another year or 2.
I didn't even read this but I just bought my 1 st LED and its a KIND K5 750. research reviews are what did it. warranty is a big thing with me. It was between Kind 750 , Cali lightworks 880 and blackdog 750xl. Don't buy junk!!!!!If you don't have 1200 bucks don't buy LED right now!!! wait another year or 2.

I must say they integrated some nice features into the light. Built in timers, remote, pwm dimming. I'd never pay that much for 650w though..

Lets see a grow with it!
Actually Nate from growers house sold me on it! After buying it I wanted the blackdog. The next run I am gonna put the 2 750 against each other. I love the features on the KIND with the remote. The K5 750 is 430 watts running. No heat to deal with! I am gonna make a test run with 6strawberry banana and 3 honey bananas in coco/perlite with pureblend pro lineup!
I must say they integrated some nice features into the light. Built in timers, remote, pwm dimming. I'd never pay that much for 650w though..

Lets see a grow with it!
There display for the max yield show had a fan out...
Top left fan not spinning at all.
PAR readings were weak and falling fast outside the unit.
Why would you need to dim if full power isn't enough to start with is my question.
The PAR readings for 750 and 1000 are superior to its competition. Chinese LED are basically the same diodes I use for my xmas tree . underpowered junk. They dim so people can change there reds and blues to specific phase?
I didn't even read this but I just bought my 1 st LED and its a KIND K5 750. research reviews are what did it. warranty is a big thing with me. It was between Kind 750 , Cali lightworks 880 and blackdog 750xl. Don't buy junk!!!!!If you don't have 1200 bucks don't buy LED right now!!! wait another year or 2.

Brands like Kind (Lush, Cali, HydroGrowLED, BlackDog, GrowBlu) make me nervous because they don't publish the chips they use, the spectrum and ratio. That's *a lot* of money to spend for what looks like a rebranded Chinese import.

And the whole secrecy thing doesn't make sense to me. They say it's "proprietary" and competitors would kill for it. But, very little is secret after a light leaves their possession. If the "secret" was as valuable as they claim, a competitor could order a light and spend $3k on a spectrometer to unlock that particular egg-laying goose. Even consumers can spend $40 on a DIY spectrometer from PublicLabs and discover the bands and ratio/count used.

It doesn't make sense. Probably the worst example are brands that publish the bands used but not the count (ratio). Anyone can put paper over the light (and/or use welding goggles with UV protection) to view the light at a comfortable strength. The individual bands will be discernible and therefore countable. But, the seller insists they can't publish that info because it would be like "giving everything away."

When I see stuff like that it sets off my BS detector. It sounds like they're selling speculation. Subjectivity not objectivity. The story doesn't add up and I'm left looking at slick, well-produced web pages. It feels like a "come on."

With more original and transparent brands like Apache, A51, Rapid/Onyx, Hans... I don't see any reason to bet on secrets.
How many LED companies put put changeable reds and blues to suit your needs? 2 that I can think of lumigrow and KIND K5. I would not buy a lumigrow because of the footprint. CL solorstorms have a flower/veg switchs but its set the way they want it! The NEW KIND K5 are handsdown the winner! Are your Chinese knock offs gonna take your light back for a warranty fix or replacement??
How many LED companies put put changeable reds and blues to suit your needs?

I agree the K7 model looks more original. When I lumped Kind in with the other "secret sauce" brands it was due to their previous models which look like rebranded Apollos.

Which LEDs does your Kind K7 use? What spectrum/ratio does the K5 use?
The PAR readings for 750 and 1000 are superior to its competition. Chinese LED are basically the same diodes I use for my xmas tree . underpowered junk. They dim so people can change there reds and blues to specific phase?
No they are not...I have sene every published test and they are not...and I have been to 3/4 max yield shows last year and tested it every time...it is not better than the competition. Maybe it's china comp...but not what is available in the market.
How many LED companies put put changeable reds and blues to suit your needs? 2 that I can think of lumigrow and KIND K5. I would not buy a lumigrow because of the footprint. CL solorstorms have a flower/veg switchs but its set the way they want it! The NEW KIND K5 are handsdown the winner! Are your Chinese knock offs gonna take your light back for a warranty fix or replacement??
A good light will never fail...specially within the 5yr mark. The real top companies have the best warranties...and the kicker is they will never have to be used. Build it right from the start with top components and never have to deal with premature failures.
As for adjustable spectrums...everyone wants to be a plant physiologist...but just because they give you a dial don't make a person one. When the correct spectrums are given to start with, there is no need to dial it up or down.
I agree with adjustable spectrums, but should I trust a company that lets a 12 old Chinese girl adjust that spectrum for me or the company that will actually back there product?
I agree! This goes a lot deeper than just Chinese LED! Are country is at a crossroads! Americans are buying everybody elses goods but they don't buy ours.This is why people have no jobs in this country!
No...which is why we say stay away from secret sauce spectrums...which come 99% form china.
China has all the best secret sauces. I just had some chicken at a Chinese restaurant the other day that was fantastic - but the real secret was that the chicken was a rodent, and the sauce was the chicken!!!

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3 and 5 watt diodes 12 band

Earlier you said "Chinese LED are basically the same diodes I use for my xmas tree." We know Chinese LEDs use Epistar, Epiled (which you euphemistically correlate to xmas treelights). So, I'm curious what LEDs your Kind K7 uses.

Also, which bands?

(I don't think you know because they don't tell you. All part of the "secret sauce" hyperbole of selling, not necessarily growing.).
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