The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Fury is pretty good I'd anyone is looking for a flick
startd watching it otehrday,,, the tank one innit? yeh me youngest is up still too whinging in bd so cantw atch shit and im refusing to put peppa pig on, i dont give a fuk if shes 2 nd poorly, i have pepppa bastad pig all day this is MYYY time now fukoff bed lil shit lol

fuking kids


Well-Known Member
I've been disappointed with the majority of flicks this yr. Its not amazing but good never the less n the copy that's floating about is a screener.


Well-Known Member
I've been disappointed with the majority of flicks this yr. Its not amazing but good never the less n the copy that's floating about is a screener.
yeh thats teh one,,, its screeener season innit, nightcrawlers is popular atm

right bed for me, try get a nosh before i sleep yo,

ohhhh yeh,

got a zlh of hg like in june, gave it to the inlaws, it stretched to fuk and i told em get it outside, they did not, anyways , the husband aint ther no more and left them and the mom is talking to it n shit lol, anwyays, point being,,, in spring she said if i want i can buy her a green house and i can pop it in ther and shel grow tomatoes so i can have few plants amongst the tomatoes,just sort her owt, good for xmas harvest...

so yeh the plant i guess will go dormant for winter? its growing round her window lol,so yeh if i get it outside next yr it will be over a yr fucking old.

thats mad that innit,,, she has a spanish seeds SKUNK upstairs on landing, was a reg bean and is female,lol about 11" tall so again thats gunna be well old by next yr, wonder if its gunna make any difrence to the end product? gunna cut the bud and let her reveg when done and just leave her in greenhouse,not gunna take piss and start doing liver n shit outside. just few amongst the tomys n shit


Well-Known Member
keif in the cano is better than green imo, thick clouds!. it does mess the solid valve up slightly but so long as it isn't too melty you'll be reet, second shake with a bit of plant matter in has a great flavour.


Well-Known Member
lol, i like a runny yolk, could do with a big messy bacon n egg butty now, i mean messy, i wanna be wearing it. works night out last night, i'm feeling fine but i did wake up in the spare room this morning, shitty little single bed, took me 5 mins to realise where i was lol. had to send my bro home cause he was spewing everywhere


Well-Known Member
lol, i like a runny yolk, could do with a big messy bacon n egg butty now, i mean messy, i wanna be wearing it. works night out last night, i'm feeling fine but i did wake up in the spare room this morning, shitty little single bed, took me 5 mins to realise where i was lol. had to send my bro home cause he was spewing everywhere
Just about to make a bacon and egg bap has to be a runny egg :) ...

this budder stuff i hav just turns to oil then evaps .. i know ya get that big gauze yoke for it just a bit nervous it runs throught it

Ohh and a nice cream cake for after the bap :)

