Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
remind me: what are you studying to be? Thought I read drug/alcohol counselor? but that doesn't seem right.
could be...dont really feel like saying on open board, but i can say specific programs you have to take classes that arent related to your career, like global citizenship english, and next year an optional choice


Well-Known Member
could be...dont really feel like saying on open board, but i can say specific programs you have to take classes that arent related to your career, like global citizenship english, and next year an optional choice
Ah yeah, you're right, public forum and all. *sorry* I didn't think D and A counselor…. I mean If you're a smoker/drinker, then how to counsel others not to? Are you enjoying he psych courses? I minored in it here. I found them fascinating, however I disagreed majorly during the addiction unit. (born that way vs. environment) I used to argue w/ prof all the time. LOL surprisingly got an A though. Industrial psych was the worst. boring...


Staff member
Ah yeah, you're right, public forum and all. *sorry* I didn't think D and A counselor…. I mean If you're a smoker/drinker, then how to counsel others not to? Are you enjoying he psych courses? I minored in it here. I found them fascinating, however I disagreed majorly during the addiction unit. (born that way vs. environment) I used to argue w/ prof all the time. LOL surprisingly got an A though. Industrial psych was the worst. boring...
i think theres an extreme difference between the odd glass of wine here and there than being trashed every single day and being an alcoholic.

the psych classes are very well...i think theres been a lot of changes in the addiction classes, we do touch on many theories such as born that way and environment but its much more complex now and it stated that not one single theory is relevant to everyone


Well-Known Member
i think theres an extreme difference between the odd glass of wine here and there than being trashed every single day and being an alcoholic.

the psych classes are very well...i think theres been a lot of changes in the addiction classes, we do touch on many theories such as born that way and environment but its much more complex now and it stated that not one single theory is relevant to everyone
Geez girl, it's not like I went to school with Sigmund Freud LOL.


Staff member
Geez girl, it's not like I went to school with Sigmund Freud LOL.
haha i just mean in the last 4 years or so its changed a lot or so my teacher has said
Is it all drugs? what about sex addiction, any labs and guest lecturers?
we have specific classes on specific things as to not overwhelm so one about drugs, than abuse and sex, than children related class


Staff member
for the same reason I'd be skeptical of fitness/nutrition advice from someone who is obese.
kinda a big difference from an alcoholic to someone who has a glass of wine with dinner though
also your clients wouldnt know that about your personal life


Well-Known Member
kinda a big difference from an alcoholic to someone who has a glass of wine with dinner though
also your clients wouldnt know that about your personal life
I never said alcoholic I said "if you're a smoker/drinker" . If someone uses these things even recreationally how would they in good faith tell someone else that they must abstain?

the goal of sobriety is abstinence no? Or is it possible to go through rehab and come out with the ability to engage in alc./drugs socially? (there are some who believe yes)

I know I know every one is different right?


Staff member
I never said alcoholic I said "if you're a smoker/drinker" . If someone uses these things even recreationally how would they in good faith tell someone else that they must abstain?

the goal of sobriety is abstinence no? Or is it possible to go through rehab and come out with the ability to engage in alc./drugs socially? (there are some who believe yes)

I know I know every one is different right?
well , i think the big difference there is someone who is at risk for alcoholism obviously if they went to rehab they have some reason such as problematic drinking, not everyone has issues drinking or becomes addicted to drinking or substances.
there is a big difference between use , and abuse
chances are if you went to rehab you were an abuser, meaning you most likely cannot have a drink socially without feeding the demon.
but that doesnt mean someone else cannot responsibly have a drink with dinner and not have it affect them


Well-Known Member
If you're not a smoker/drinker, then how to counsel others not to?
You don't have to be a subtance user to counsel others not to b/c you're not relating to them how hard it is to quit, you are counseling them on the ill effects of the drug. As in being healthy (diet-wise) you don't have to have ever been obese to know that it isn't healthy. Now if you want to relate or be empathetic to the person, then yes, it's probably necessary to have been overweight or been a drug user, but to counsel? Facts are facts for the effects of drug use (and obesity) regardless if one has ever been a druggie or overweight.


Staff member
I dont think what my profession and my minimal drinking will affect my professionalism with my clients , i certainly thinking there is a drastic difference between myself and someone who is an alcoholic , and i certainly also believe i would be able to help someone who is an alcoholic even if i part take in a glass of wine at dinner. I dont think my personal life will be an effect on my clients and their issues.


Well-Known Member
well , i think the big difference there is someone who is at risk for alcoholism obviously if they went to rehab they have some reason such as problematic drinking, not everyone has issues drinking or becomes addicted to drinking or substances.
there is a big difference between use , and abuse
chances are if you went to rehab you were an abuser, meaning you most likely cannot have a drink socially without feeding the demon.
but that doesnt mean someone else cannot responsibly have a drink with dinner and not have it affect them
yes, (I think) In my OP about my disagreement w/ prof I was referring to nature vs. nuture theories. So I was referring to substance addiction. Which is what we're talking about right? I wasn't referring to social drinking. I was stating that if one were to go to rehab for abuse, then how could that drug counselor in good faith counsel them to abstain when the counselor goes home and lights up a joint? B/c it's not a problem for the counselor? Doesn't make sense to me.


Well-Known Member
I dont think what my profession and my minimal drinking will affect my professionalism with my clients , i certainly thinking there is a drastic difference between myself and someone who is an alcoholic , and i certainly also believe i would be able to help someone who is an alcoholic even if i part take in a glass of wine at dinner. I dont think my personal life will be an effect on my clients and their issues.
Just differences in opinions then. No worries.


Staff member
yes, (I think) In my OP about my disagreement w/ prof I was referring to nature vs. nuture theories. So I was referring to substance addiction. Which is what we're talking about right? I wasn't referring to social drinking. I was stating that if one were to go to rehab for abuse, then how could that drug counselor in good faith counsel them to abstain when the counselor goes home and lights up a joint? B/c it's not a problem for the counselor? Doesn't make sense to me.
so you think i wont make a good professional in my career, which is not a counselor by the way but close
because i have a glass of wine with dinner and ill be working closely with addiction and substance abuse users.