horrific 25i spider trip! help!!


New Member
i just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced anything like this before , ive been taking lsd/25i a bunch of times before and have loved every second of it, im never happier, but i had a horrific experience at a party i had. my friend got me 5 really strong 25i tabs for my birthday, i gave 3 away and took two at once

i took them at about 5 in the morning after partying all night, everything was going swell and i was tripping balls and everything was fine and amazing, although id never had anything quite so intense before... my legs were completley covered in black/purple long hairs like a bear and hairs were growing out of everyones faces and there was tonnes of sparkly slime and ooze everywhere and leaking from me. it was bizzare but i was fine and enjoying seeing it all, sitting in my room with some people at this point someone came in and put kill bill on, looking at the screen of someone getting cut with a knife the whole room went red and something weird happened, it was all a bit hysterical.

next thing i know out of the corner of my eye i see a spider bigger than my hand dart across the bed, i then though oh shit (you should know that i have the worst spider phobia ever, i make my boyfriend wipe down chairs outdoors and check for spiders all the time before any of this happened) i couldnt control it there were spiders all over me and the room, i mean hundreds and hundreds, i coulndt more my arms because when i did they would dart out of my top. they were hanging from my friends faces and there where ones that were 3x the size of me. i could feel them all over my legs, face, hands aswell as seeing them, i could also hear them. they were so 3d, i knew i was tripping but other than the fact i knew it was 100% happening and real, luckily i have an amazing mates who stayed n looked after me they made me a smoothie drink to take the trip away and as i drank it there were spiders in my mouth, i could feel them crawling around and in my throat it was absolutley terrifieing i have never been so petrified in my life, this went on for 3/4 hours, the longest 3/4 hours of my life.
i wanted to know if other people had had this experience, because it was sooo real there were literally giant spiders and smaller ones all over my room and all over me.

my fear has got loads worse now and even looking at a spider picture makes me go very panicky, even writing this now 3 months later my heart is beating so fast and it makes me tremble. i dont think i could ever touch 25i acid or mushrooms ever again incase it happened again as i am slighly obbsessed with the incident now. even when i get really high i can see spider outklines and if i close my eyes little parts of it replay in my head. its such a shame because hallucinogens were my fave

if anyone has any advise or comments id really appriciate it (sorry for spelling mistakes)

Set and setting my friend. There is no way most serious psychonauts would advise you to take the substance in that mindset (partying all night, no rest, how has life been lately?) and the setting was worse, Kill Bill or horror movies and violence are not things that make for a good, safe, sane setting for a trip and definitely not a strong trip. I would advise smarter choices next time, take your time to help guarantee you will be in an enjoyable place when the you give yourself the gift next time. I would prepare mentally and physically for maybe a week before I do such things. If the time isn't right, just save it, you won't be disappointed. I empathize with your experience however, I bet you were humbled by it.
Set and setting my friend. There is no way most serious psychonauts would advise you to take the substance in that mindset (partying all night, no rest, how has life been lately?) and the setting was worse, Kill Bill or horror movies and violence are not things that make for a good, safe, sane setting for a trip and definitely not a strong trip. I would advise smarter choices next time, take your time to help guarantee you will be in an enjoyable place when the you give yourself the gift next time. I would prepare mentally and physically for maybe a week before I do such things. If the time isn't right, just save it, you won't be disappointed. I empathize with your experience however, I bet you were humbled by it.

i definatly agree with the setting, as every other time ive done it the setting has been chilled and much nicer environment, i will never make that mistake again its just a shame i have ruined it for myself. ive decided to learn from it as i definatley rushed taking it. ive learnt that ive got some amazing friends and maybe also that i was pushing myself way too hard at the time aswell as going through bad time. definatley learnt my lesson! thankyou so much for your reply x
I've never had that happen but I do know that spiders are often affiliated with sleep deprivation which would make sense if you took it at 5am after partying.
I've never had that happen but I do know that spiders are often affiliated with sleep deprivation which would make sense if you took it at 5am after partying.
yeah i was definatley sleep deprived, at least ill be getting much better nights sleep now i know that !
yeah i was definatley sleep deprived, at least ill be getting much better nights sleep now i know that !
Definitely keep that in mind! When I was really young I used to mess with diphenhydramine and dxm a lot. The diphenhydramine would always have me seeing spiders and falling asleep on accident. Then I started to realize after I was awake for too long on dxm and my ADD meds, there'd be spiders all over everything and I didn't even mess with Benny..

In the past few years, I haven't attempted to stay awake for long at all. Well hell, just last weekend I was awake for 48 hours on LSD and MDMA.. No spiders though.. I once saw spiders on mush but that was my first time eating them and God knows how long I was awake. Probably 3 days or something. But that caused me to not be scared of spiders anymore haha xD ohhh man this is bringing back some special memories.
Also be carful with '25i' nowadays. Since nBOME's became banned there are nBOH's and some other kinds that I never really cared to look into. As far as psychedelics go, I won't take it anymore if it's not either a plant or LSD/DMT/2c-b(BK) :)
Either way, I can tell you that it's not abnormal for someone who's been awake too long to see specifically spiders.

I've seen it happen to a lot of people and it's happened to me.
^ guaranteed cure to arachnophobia

at least you didn't get into a battle with the spiders thats when shit gets real did something similar one time and it ended bad for me and the spiders
If you wish to cure yourself of your new fear of hallucinogens. Take a good dose of tranquilizers and a moderate dose if mushrooms. Mushrooms do not invite spiders, nor does mescaline.
aw thanks, thats good to know, when you say tranquilizers what do you mean, like ket?
had similar...won't go into details. loose the lsd stick to shrooms is my opinion. that's what i did. never looked back and the next 10yrs were every bit of awesome.
had similar...won't go into details. loose the lsd stick to shrooms is my opinion. that's what i did. never looked back and the next 10yrs were every bit of awesome.
How would you compare?,you need ten years of lsd fun time to do so...
Get to schnackin!
5 yrs of lsd will suffice. just took 1 bad trip.nvr had a bad trip in 15yrs on shrooms.just intense ones. maybe i should have clarified. i felt i had enough exp. with both to make a comment