Burn This Bitch Down!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
again I pay others to do any folding. Would you like a job ? You will have to serve all

Now again what would stop someone from killing another and taking that persons property.
Rational self interest would keep a rational person from doing it. No "system" be it a centralized control system or not, will keep an irrational person or group from doing it.

For instance, the irrational coercive government that you pledge allegiance to everyday seizes property and kills people in non defensive ways routinely. Are you okay with that ?


Well-Known Member
You need new material. You're slipping...is there something on the bottom of your shoe?

No, property rights cross race and gender etc. You see, if EVERYBODY truly owns themself, and their property, but they don't own others or others property, the answer becomes self evident.

You're not real bright are you?
why do you constantly use racial slurs against black people?


Well-Known Member
Rational self interest would keep a rational person from doing it. No "system" be it a centralized control system or not, will keep an irrational person or group from doing it.
What recourse do you have against these "irrational" people?


Well-Known Member
Rational self interest would keep a rational person from doing it. No "system" be it a centralized control system or not, will keep an irrational person or group from doing it.

For instance, the irrational coercive government that you pledge allegiance to everyday seizes property and kills people in non defensive ways routinely. Are you okay with that ?
so you are clueless as how you would stop someone from killing another and just taking property.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
so you are clueless as how you would stop someone from killing another and just taking property.

The first thing you do is you do not allow this to occur on a system wide basis manned by psychopaths and emboldened by sychophantic sheep that have a hard time folding laundry.

You might start with asking how things like asset forfeiture occur and why you are powerless to do anything about it under the present regime, but you are more curious about gerbils than knowledgeable about what freedom is or isn't.


Well-Known Member

The first thing you do is you do not allow this to occur on a system wide basis manned by psychopaths and emboldened by sychophantic sheep that have a hard time folding laundry.

You might start with asking how things like asset forfeiture occur and why you are powerless to do anything about it under the present regime, but you are more curious about gerbils than knowledgeable about what freedom is or isn't.
You see Rob Roy this is the very reason why your utopia could not work. When asked how would you stop someone from taking others property you have NO ANSWER. Instead you have to try lame attempts at insults.
I have no one trying to take my property, but to allow your anarchism would lead to that, but thanks for playing better luck next time.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You see Rob Roy this is the very reason why your utopia could not work. When asked how would you stop someone from taking others property you have NO ANSWER. Instead you have to try lame attempts at insults.
I have no one trying to take my property, but to allow your anarchism would lead to that, but thanks for playing better luck next time.

Not really.

Your systems method employs and permits theft from the beginning and you have CLEARLY avoided addressing the obvious contradictions of it.

If you want to have a real conversation, it takes two....you are not there yet.


Well-Known Member
You see Rob Roy this is the very reason why your utopia could not work. When asked how would you stop someone from taking others property you have NO ANSWER. Instead you have to try lame attempts at insults.
I have no one trying to take my property, but to allow your anarchism would lead to that, but thanks for playing better luck next time.

Maybe he'd use harsh language? Send a strongly worded letter? Leave a passive-aggressive note?

Perhaps "the force" exists in this fantasy land he created?

/waves hand
"This is not the property you were looking for...."


Well-Known Member
Not really.

Your systems method employs and permits theft from the beginning and you have CLEARLY avoided addressing the obvious contradictions of it.

If you want to have a real conversation, it takes two....you are not there yet.
you let me know when you figure out how you would stop chaos with no rules being enforced.
Your conversation is like a fairy tale reading to infants...I would do better believing that Santa Claus is real.


Well-Known Member
Maybe he'd use harsh language? Send a strongly worded letter? Leave a passive-aggressive note?

Perhaps "the force" exists in this fantasy land he created?

/waves hand
"This is not the property you were looking for...."
or yell the famous words of the late Rodney King

in which case he will be beaten and raped as well

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you let me know when you figure out how you would stop chaos with no rules being enforced.
Your conversation is like a fairy tale reading to infants...I would do better believing that Santa Claus is real.

You confuse imposed order and peace, among other things.

Also I don't need to figure it out, I already have.

The problem isn't with those of us who have figured it out, the problem resides in those who employ contradictions as a salve for their cognitive dissonance in a whirling game of " we need coercion to stop coercion from happening" . Dizzy yet? You should be.

How do you plan to gain your freedom, by begging for it ?

Santa Claus is like your nanny state, they both see you when you're sleeping.


Well-Known Member
So, what you're saying is the nature of ownership changes depending upon how the owner uses something?

If that were true, do you favor a person not owning their own body if you or somebody else doesn't approve of how they use their own body or what that person may or may not ingest?
Human bodies are quite a different thing that real estate.

I think most people would say we do own our own bodies. But deeper examination reveals we do not. You're not allowed to sell your kidney to a wealthy man dying from kidney failure, for instance. Yet it is legal to sell your plasma.

I do think we ought to own our own our bodies. Sell our kidneys, take whatever chemical however you wish. It's all yours.

Outside of prostitutes though, I don't think this relates to opening a doughnut shop. Given the deeply personal nature of pprostitution, I think they ought to be able to descriminate.

But to answer your question, yes, the purpose to which we assign our property does determine how we can operate it, including rights of exclusion.

Only private use, or deeply personal uses should be able to descriminate.


Well-Known Member
You confuse imposed order and peace, among other things.

Also I don't need to figure it out, I already have.

The problem isn't with those of us who have figured it out, the problem resides in those who employ contradictions as a salve for their cognitive dissonance in a whirling game of " we need coercion to stop coercion from happening" . Dizzy yet? You should be.

How do you plan to gain your freedom, by begging for it ?

Santa Claus is like your nanny state, they both see you when you're sleeping.
you do realize that you have not yet told us how you will stop someone from taking others property.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Human bodies are quite a different thing that real estate.

I think most people would say we do own our own bodies. But deeper examination reveals we do not. You're not allowed to sell your kidney to a wealthy man dying from kidney failure, for instance. Yet it is legal to sell your plasma.

I do think we ought to own our own our bodies. Sell our kidneys, take whatever chemical however you wish. It's all yours.

Outside of prostitutes though, I don't think this relates to opening a doughnut shop. Given the deeply personal nature of pprostitution, I think they ought to be able to descriminate.

But to answer your question, yes, the purpose to which we assign our property does determine how we can operate it, including rights of exclusion.

Only private use, or deeply personal uses should be able to descriminate.

Wouldn't it be simpler if it went like this...

I can do whatever I want with my property, but not whatever I want with another's property ?

If a person owns something, how do you get over the hurdle of another person threatening force to make them use their property in ways they prefer not to ?


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be simpler if it went like this...

I can do whatever I want with my property, but not whatever I want with another's property ?

If a person owns something, how do you get over the hurdle of another person threatening force to make them use their property in ways they prefer not to ?
I'm not proposing letting others do what they want with your hamburger joint. They cant come in and replace your tables with booths. Change the curtains on your windows or anything of the like.

They can come in and buy the hamburgers you have placed in the market.

It would take significantly more energy to exclude who you wish than to just allow them to buy your burger.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you do realize that you have not yet told us how you will stop someone from taking others property.

I said no system coercive or otherwise will prevent irrational people from doing this. The question you might ask is how can this be minimized and what is a just way of ensuring restitution.

Except you didn't ask that, nor did you answer why you salute a flag that ENCOURAGES asset forfeiture as a business model to gain "revenue" for budgets for the thugs.

It seems like you are avoiding your own contradiction.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm not proposing letting others do what they want with your hamburger joint. They cant come in and replace your tables with booths. Change the curtains on your windows or anything of the like.

They can come in and buy the hamburgers you have placed in the market.

It would take significantly more energy to exclude who you wish than to just allow them to buy your burger.
Thank you for this conversation. It' much better to engage this way than to battle a legion of drunken strawmen astride penis cloud chariots.

What is a truly free market is the relevant question. A truly free market can only occur when there is a consensual exchange, otherwise the market is restricted and somebody has been placed under duress. Agreed?