Smoking near your plants


New Member
I saw a fourm about something like this before. But it was cannabis 2nd hand smoke. I don't smoke weed near my plants becasue I don't sesh there. But I do smoke cigs near it and sometimes the wind with make it go past the plant. So is 2nd hand cig smoke bad for your plant?


Well-Known Member
This is about as bad as eating a deer you shot while the head is mounted on the wall watching you eat it.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
look up tobacco mosaic virus, some say weed can't get it. some say it can. I wouldn't want to give it a chance to find out by smoking around my plants.


Well-Known Member
I saw a news article about tobacco mosaic virus being a cure for ebola. But I guess it didn't work. I'm confused why no one wanted to try it from a marijuana plant but instead they only tried it from a tobacco plant. +Rep for medical if it works, haha.