NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

So anyone here try crushing the plants stalk?
I learned it from my grandmother in her veggie patch. You squeeze the stalk until you feel it crack a bit and move up the nodes crunching between each node.
Apparently it helps with uptake and strengthens the stalk. I've gotten it s few times where the bottom of stalk gets a big bulge from the scarring. Just wondering if any of you guys are familiar with this, and if it is beneficial? Does not seem to hurt them, although I've gotten carried away and had to stake one or two.
So anyone here try crushing the plants stalk?
I learned it from my grandmother in her veggie patch. You squeeze the stalk until you feel it crack a bit and move up the nodes crunching between each node.
Apparently it helps with uptake and strengthens the stalk. I've gotten it s few times where the bottom of stalk gets a big bulge from the scarring. Just wondering if any of you guys are familiar with this, and if it is beneficial? Does not seem to hurt them, although I've gotten carried away and had to stake one or two.

its called 'supercropping' i think, there was a thread where this guy did an experiment on it and it didn't seem to produce any different results
I now have 2 bagseed plants that are 2ft tall, and no balls (yay!!) are they to late for fimming / topping? and when do we start to expect sexing to begin on outdoor plants? the 2 with balls were started earlier, these guys have the stipules, and little nubs for 3 weeks now, some of the nubs have just turned into more vegetative growth. So hope I don't get any balls!
I now have 2 bagseed plants that are 2ft tall, and no balls (yay!!) are they to late for fimming / topping? and when do we start to expect sexing to begin on outdoor plants? the 2 with balls were started earlier, these guys have the stipules, and little nubs for 3 weeks now, some of the nubs have just turned into more vegetative growth. So hope I don't get any balls!

Still early in the season, top em for sure man. You wont see flowers till late January most likely, clones usually show pre flowers while vegging.
Were the bagseeds from indoor or outdoor?, probably female seeds if they're from indoor.
they gonna be pretty big by late January at this rate ( in a greenhouse)
.... bagseed is outdoor I think, 2 earlier bagseed plants got balls mighty early so fingers crossed these are girls
All the yellowing had gone now that theyre int the ground you were right :) Probably was a PH issue or something that I can address one day but for now Im happy they're just in the ground and alive/healthy. Yeah weather wise its been petty shitish down here to to be honest haha Its been typical spring weather dwon here, cloudy then sunny then raining then sunny. Spring came late this year so Im hoping that maybe the season will have a stella finish but who knows itl pick up eventually.

Sweet as Ill keep an eye on her I just brewed up a potent mix of guano. Yea I made just a mix up but Im think of making a concentrate. Let us know how your new nutes work out and whether theirs a difference. Wack spring weather, could be better down here i reckon but itl pick up.

Yeah mate I went up to my plants mid last week but my computers been screwed so I haven't been able to update but I can now so Ill post some images below. They look algood except they're very stretchered due to the cloudy and wet spring days/ tones of bush is going crazy because of the spring weather that I didn't expect so Ill have to cut that right back next week. The panama is insanely stretched lol One of the Panama go munched on by a rabbit, luckily it was the one I was gonna top anyway. Its almost like the rabbit new coz it was a perfect topping lol So Im probably going to put some blood meal around my grow area next week to deter the rabbits because they hate the smell and if that doesn't work then Im gonna get some chicken wire fence. Its just hard because I dont have a car at the moment/time because of work and it looks dodgy carrying around fence. Other then that so far so good :mrgreen:

Sweet thats good then, they look real good considering the weather. Yeah same old up here, cool mornings and hot when the sun comes out. Windy as fuck at the moment too. Spring didn't really come late this year up here, it just came and never left lol. UV is 9.5+ around here so the plants still grow good enough even when it's shitty. At least I don't have to visit them with the rain.

Oh yeah, I wonder how easy it bat guano burns plants and it doesn't show ppm either.
They look good man, the Panama has insane node spacing though - probably the biggest I've seen. Haha thank god he didn't munch the rest, topped it perfectly lol. Maybe you could use some sort of netting instead?.
The PDC looks like a Deep Chunk pheno? short Afghani leaves. Taskenti looks nice and fat, should grow into a beast.

Haven't been to mine yet and wont need to til next weekend, not keen to leave tracks.
they gonna be pretty big by late January at this rate ( in a greenhouse)
.... bagseed is outdoor I think, 2 earlier bagseed plants got balls mighty early so fingers crossed these are girls

Lucky you get to grow in a greenhouse!, You could grow landrace sativas easily in greenhouses.
Those earlier seeds probably went to flower because of early spring so you wont see sex for awhile. How tall is the green house?.
The green house is only 2.3m tall in the middle, plants in pots are allready nearly a meter, in the giant pots you get Lemon trees in etc, ... I have no smell control in a residential area though, so only got 2, see here for my first babies ever.
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Sweet thats good then, they look real good considering the weather. Yeah same old up here, cool mornings and hot when the sun comes out. Windy as fuck at the moment too. Spring didn't really come late this year up here, it just came and never left lol. UV is 9.5+ around here so the plants still grow good enough even when it's shitty. At least I don't have to visit them with the rain.

Oh yeah, I wonder how easy it bat guano burns plants and it doesn't show ppm either.
They look good man, the Panama has insane node spacing though - probably the biggest I've seen. Haha thank god he didn't munch the rest, topped it perfectly lol. Maybe you could use some sort of netting instead?.
The PDC looks like a Deep Chunk pheno? short Afghani leaves. Taskenti looks nice and fat, should grow into a beast.

Haven't been to mine yet and wont need to til next weekend, not keen to leave tracks.

Typical spring weather wont piss of haha Things should pick up pretty well in the next month or so id say and yeah man windy as fuck.
Thats good that even on cloudy days you can get some decent growth I went up to my plants and they're starting to take of a bit more now and the stretch has slowed right down. Like you, I wont be going up for awhile because I don't wanna leave tracks and been seen etc. No more rabbit damage thankfully and I sprinkled some blood and bone around the area to keep the rabbits away for now, they hate the smell and itl be nice if the flattened grass etc grows from the blood and bone to make the area a little more stealthy around my plants. I also cleared some bush back so they should get lots of sun now especially the up topped panama, its gonna be a monster :mrgreen:

Netting sounds good actually and I could make something up. Were do you reckon I could get some? Yea massive node spacing on the Panama lol The topped plant is taking of from the bottom shoots now, I defiantly have two different phenos one has very typical slim sativa leaves and the other one has slim but slightly wider sativa leaves. I havent burnt my backyard plant with the guano yet but keeping in mind I haven't monitored my ph or anything so I dunno how much of the actual nutrient solution has been taken up but its great stuff man.

Yeah Im thinking it might be a slightly more deep chunck pheno but not 100% sure yet you can defiantly see the Panama in it but seem to be more Deep Chuck so far :)
Im thinking my backyard plant might still go through till 9 and possibly 10 weeks. Its still pushing out white hairs and starting to foxtail a bit now lol Updates soon
This thing is still going strong. Its just getting fatter and more resinous the longer it goes, Im still not seeing any amber trichomes yet and every-time I think its nearish to being done it pours out more hairs. The two top heads are getting rock hard :) Smells like mango, citrus, carrot and quite hard to describe. Its at about 8 and a half weeks, these pictures were taken a few days ago.
It has loads of trichomes under the leaves but not many on top, weird or stain dependent I guess?




Update! :mrgreen:

looking really nice and healthy, growth has been amazing(18 days since last update) considering the wild November we've had.
Tallest plant is about 70cm. To me the plants look more Orient Express dominant from the bigger longer and more blades per leaflet.
Pics taken at 7:30pm.
DSC02308.JPG DSC02309.JPG DSC02310.JPG DSC02313.JPG DSC02316.JPG DSC02320.JPG DSC02323.JPG

Pretty stoked to be honest. I hate that anticipation walking just before the plants.
Hope to see more kiwi brothers showing off their plants.

Typical spring weather wont piss of haha Things should pick up pretty well in the next month or so id say and yeah man windy as fuck.
Thats good that even on cloudy days you can get some decent growth I went up to my plants and they're starting to take of a bit more now and the stretch has slowed right down. Like you, I wont be going up for awhile because I don't wanna leave tracks and been seen etc. No more rabbit damage thankfully and I sprinkled some blood and bone around the area to keep the rabbits away for now, they hate the smell and itl be nice if the flattened grass etc grows from the blood and bone to make the area a little more stealthy around my plants. I also cleared some bush back so they should get lots of sun now especially the up topped panama, its gonna be a monster :mrgreen:

Netting sounds good actually and I could make something up. Were do you reckon I could get some? Yea massive node spacing on the Panama lol The topped plant is taking of from the bottom shoots now, I defiantly have two different phenos one has very typical slim sativa leaves and the other one has slim but slightly wider sativa leaves. I havent burnt my backyard plant with the guano yet but keeping in mind I haven't monitored my ph or anything so I dunno how much of the actual nutrient solution has been taken up but its great stuff man.

Yeah Im thinking it might be a slightly more deep chunck pheno but not 100% sure yet you can defiantly see the Panama in it but seem to be more Deep Chuck so far :)
Im thinking my backyard plant might still go through till 9 and possibly 10 weeks. Its still pushing out white hairs and starting to foxtail a bit now lol Updates soon

Been real hot this week aye, sunday till today has been hot with the temps being around 24-26 with high humidity; some nights have been so hot that I couldn't get to sleep. Couldn't have asked for a better first month for my plants. Yeah not keen on leaving tracks too but I've entered my patch from different angles every time now and there's no obvious footprints. Hopefully the rabbits will fuck off lol, still not as dangerous as possums or wallabies - those assholes will destroy a crop or more in days. Same with my patch, all the grass has almost submerged my plants and made them very hard to spot, spotter planes and choppers would have a hard time spotting them. Your topped Panama will be a beast, if the season is good enough it'll easily yield a pound with the nutes your feeding it.

Not too sure bro, never done it myself but have heard of old school growers doing it by using trees or big stakes to tie the netting round with string. Yeah the wider sharp leaf Panama should be the green one, fan leaves grow absolutely huge. Sweet sounds good man, I don't keep an eye on ph or ppm with outdoor guerilla, as long as it looks green and healthy it's all good.

Hard to tell at the early stages aye, sometimes you think a plant is indica dominant until it hits flower and then it turns full on sativa.
I'm keen to grow out a pure DC in the next couple years, apparently it's a low-medium yielding devasting hash plant with tight hard purple buds. Shit we need to be the leading group of people when it turns medical in NZ, especially with the genetics we're growing.
Your plant looks real good bro, will grow those seeds out one day fro sure :mrgreen:

Oh yeah and the indoor Cotton Candy plant yielded 156 grams! it was a seed mother not even under full light. Great yield, can only imagine the potential outside.
Hey crazy kiwi420, Nice plants mate, Looks like u got them out nice and early.

I have 4 plots of 25, I am a little late to the party and my seeds have only just sprouted. I am going for the sog approach.

Here's a photo of one of the 4 plots. Nothing too interesting. Ill post more pics once I go back to rip males. IMG_20141126_202406.jpg
still growing bagseed, dunno about sexing much, first grow, paranoid as earler ones had balls.
but my big one is now over 1m


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So anyone here try crushing the plants stalk?
I learned it from my grandmother in her veggie patch. You squeeze the stalk until you feel it crack a bit and move up the nodes crunching between each node.
Apparently it helps with uptake and strengthens the stalk. I've gotten it s few times where the bottom of stalk gets a big bulge from the scarring. Just wondering if any of you guys are familiar with this, and if it is beneficial? Does not seem to hurt them, although I've gotten carried away and had to stake one or two.
I to have heard this mainly in asia,
Thailand or even Columbia,
but think about it for a minute, ...
see it anything that impedes the flow of 'juice' from the root to the leaf
ain't good for any bud development,
in much the same way as putting a tight rope
around your neck expecting
to lengthen you penis,
should you have one?
Yeah so I've crushed half of them and let the other half alone, what I've noticed is the ones I did crush the main stalks on are very bushy and lush looking. I think this technique is a winner.
I to have heard this mainly in asia,
Thailand or even Columbia,
but think about it for a minute, ...
see it anything that impedes the flow of 'juice' from the root to the leaf
ain't good for any bud development,
in much the same way as putting a tight rope
around your neck expecting
to lengthen you penis,
should you have one?
Contrarily the stem actually swells and bulges which I think is counterintuitive but It appears not only to have bulged but it looks like it's increased its ability to uptake water and nutrients.
So I'm finding this to be quite amazing and I think my grandma was right all those years ago when I thought she was nuts for damaging her plants.
Been real hot this week aye, sunday till today has been hot with the temps being around 24-26 with high humidity; some nights have been so hot that I couldn't get to sleep. Couldn't have asked for a better first month for my plants. Yeah not keen on leaving tracks too but I've entered my patch from different angles every time now and there's no obvious footprints. Hopefully the rabbits will fuck off lol, still not as dangerous as possums or wallabies - those assholes will destroy a crop or more in days. Same with my patch, all the grass has almost submerged my plants and made them very hard to spot, spotter planes and choppers would have a hard time spotting them. Your topped Panama will be a beast, if the season is good enough it'll easily yield a pound with the nutes your feeding it.

Not too sure bro, never done it myself but have heard of old school growers doing it by using trees or big stakes to tie the netting round with string. Yeah the wider sharp leaf Panama should be the green one, fan leaves grow absolutely huge. Sweet sounds good man, I don't keep an eye on ph or ppm with outdoor guerilla, as long as it looks green and healthy it's all good.

Hard to tell at the early stages aye, sometimes you think a plant is indica dominant until it hits flower and then it turns full on sativa.
I'm keen to grow out a pure DC in the next couple years, apparently it's a low-medium yielding devasting hash plant with tight hard purple buds. Shit we need to be the leading group of people when it turns medical in NZ, especially with the genetics we're growing.
Your plant looks real good bro, will grow those seeds out one day fro sure :mrgreen:

Oh yeah and the indoor Cotton Candy plant yielded 156 grams! it was a seed mother not even under full light. Great yield, can only imagine the potential outside.

Yea man its warming up really nicely, sounds like its been good up your way. I think it was 27 - 28 in Napier earlier last week its been pretty decent here as well got a few 24 - 25's but piss all rain, all the vege garden has gone crazy with the sun though. Yeah i try enter on different paths each time aswell its life or death and the small things count with growing I guess :) You noticed the grasses n stuff go crazy to? Shit yeah my un toped Panama is gonna be a monster lol Hmm might have a look around for that netting and try and suss something out.

Exactly if it looks green its algood haha Your using bat guano this season? My dad was telling me that his mate had a friend in aussie back in the early 80's that was part of the indoor growing scene as it took of and he used to go down into the bat caves and get the shit and sell it to all his mates he reckoned it kicked ass. I think you might be right about the Panama phenos I reckon the tall one is a green pheno and the topped one is a red pheno, its showing red in the stem already.

Yeah Ill have to see but so far so good :mrgreen: Ill have an update on the girls next week they should be looking brilliant now. Hell yours have gone nuts they're gonna be big fuckers. Are theyt sativa or indica dom or at least what do you think? I wanna grow pure DC out aswell it looks like it has a shit load of resin. If it ever gets legalized we have to start something up hahah I would love to breed for a living id be happy to go to work ever single day. Wow nice yeilds on the CC that's awesome how does it smoke? Been through all you Malawi yet?