giving defoliation during flower a try

C99 proly one of the few sativas I really enjoy.

Correction (again). C99 is NOT a sativa. The Dalat I posted about 4 pages back IS a sativa. C99 is a mutt, the rumor from the fellas who cubed it to what it WAS when released back in 2001 was perhaps it is a Jack Herer. It was bought by Mr. Soul in the Dam back in the year of 1999 or 2000.

This is the original Cinderella 99 that I grew out in early 2000. It came directly from the basement of the breeders aka Sly and Soul aka The Brothers Grimm.

Not sure what folks are buying these days that is being hawked as C99. Using the C99 name primarily for market draw may be all that's left except for folks like me that did backcrosses of it.




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Come on bro im talking about AN. U know i didnt say bio canna was chelated read entire post dont skim thru it. I said both mutrient companies IMO are way superior to DG the post was about the AN expirment nothing im that post was about canna besides that sentence.
I know. But the way you worded it included it.... One sentence comments from me are just poking fun. And there were comments against canna by others. So I did read and not just scan.
Speaking of Soul's Jack Herer - the original Jack Herer as bred and named by Wernard of Positronics is - Northern Lights #1 X Skunk #1. Old school genetics.
I had a friend way back in the day grew that NL, it would stink up though whole neighborhood. I would smoke the hell out of that. When i first started growing, that is what i wanted to grow the most. Now, I am stuck on OG's
Good points.

All liquid foods have a limited shelf life. A little history and rethinking for me. 15 years ago nobody in cannabis forums had heard of DG much less used it until I started pushing it. I was even flamed by a popular POS at the biggest grow site ever - Still pushed it AND Jack's. Having said that I have pretty much migrated away from liquid foods and gone dry. It's much more manageable. I've been through dozens of brands and ratios. They all pretty much perform the same.

DG Bloom will precipitate out (Foliage Pro will not) but here's where the rubber meets the road - if you call DG up and talk to a tech they will not only discuss the issue with you and maybe redesign the product (if they find your problems have merit) but will replace the product free gratis. Not that I have had any problems but I was given a T shirt and 3 gallons of DG goodies - the Fo Pro, Bloom and Pro-tekt.....just for shooting the shit with a DG tech.
I actually never thought of storing my nute's properly ben :p....Never had a prob w/ Dyna run a 1:1 ratio with Mag-pro all the way through been toying w/ the idea of switching it up and using pro-tekt ....Now I'm jealous Im gonna have to call customer service and tell em I have nothing to bitch about now send me a t-shirt!:lol:
I used DG over a year cuz of all the hype on these forums. To my disbelief I was getting shitty results and crystallized bottles.

I hope you didn't throw them away. Those crystal bottles may be worth something. Do they have a "Waterford" stamp on them?
I hope you didn't throw them away. Those crystal bottles may be worth something. Do they have a "Waterford" stamp on them?
It was a few months ago when I threw the bloom away, but I don't remember seeing anything like that. I'm sure I could call DG reps and all that, but I would rather just use nutes that don't precipitate, especially since it is the exact same price where I live.

P.S. I store nutes in a room temp, dark, dry cabinet... pretty much common sense.
Seems ironic if everyone says nutes don't make the difference yet piks are posted like "can AN do this?" "can DG to that?"

How bout Happy Thanksgiving all, we have dankness in common. Bring back the tittie turkey piks! (strangely arousing)
I admit, I was bein an ass by sayin that, but Gaslight Veg is cool

Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving all.

Unlike Thanksgiving, Dyna gro made it to the Netherlands as well. They are still working on the site even though they spammed it over a whole bunch of .nl market sites. I see they made some progress since yesterday.

Notice the future "Medicinal herbs" menu option...

There's already a knockoff too., which imports and sells the Dyna-Gro products but also creates and sells the following DynaGrow product:

75% citrus acid :lol:

At dynagrow the Dyna-gro products are based on volume alone, per 5 liter bottles, 5 times more expensive than H&G. I read it's more concentrated but 5 times? It'll be interesting to see what the prices will be at their own site.

From my point of view, physically that is, they look as much and as little cannabis specific nutrients as the rest (except for Canna and AN then :rolleyes: ) and their ratios don't seem that great at all. Liquid Bloom and even Grow are high P nutes. Mag Pro is a high P bloom booster. I can see why UB recommends foliage Pro, but that one is unnecessary high on N. It's basically all low on K.

[Devil's Advocate]
Pro-Tekt uses the same trick so many other products use. Add N/P/K + beneficial and claim the benefit comes from the beneficial instead of in this case the K. Plants that are low on K become weak and unhealthy before really showing deficiencies. Adding Pro-Tekt 'fixes' that.
[/Devil's Advocate]