Darlin's net thread is locked. The thread asking why was deleted. WTF is going on here?

What finally got him banned at the MMMA was his wrong headed take on some important issues. His insistence that sec. 8 is nothing more than a pinky swear if you color a little outside the lines under sec. 4 is one of them and nothing more. He continued to refuse to respond whether an unregistered patient caregiver is a thing. Sec. 8 is separate from and equal to sec. 4 in authority, and it is for anyone to use in any prosecution for using marijuana. That was determined in Larry King's case before the Supreme Court. The guy is a threat to patients and caregivers in their liberal use of the drug. He supports the Court of Appeal's take on Hartwick/Tuttle, which puts an onus on caregivers to the point that is prohibitive. The COA opinion in that case requires caregivers to precisely dose patients according with their debilitating conditions and leaves that determination out of the hands of physicians, leaving caregivers to do the jail time. That said, the law does not have closely defined requirements that physicians get nit-picky with it either. While it is a service that many of us work at, it is in no way required by law. The Court is wrong to consider otherwise, and so is B*B. He and I went at it tooth and claw, having hundreds of posts and multiple complete threads deleted by the mods before coming to this conclusion, for which I am glad.

If you don't mind going to the trouble could you please post a link or two of his where he is making those statements?
I woud really like to know what to believe about this guy after all this.
What finally got him banned at the MMMA was his wrong headed take on some important issues. His insistence that sec. 8 is nothing more than a pinky swear if you color a little outside the lines under sec. 4 is one of them and nothing more. He continued to refuse to respond whether an unregistered patient caregiver is a thing. Sec. 8 is separate from and equal to sec. 4 in authority, and it is for anyone to use in any prosecution for using marijuana. That was determined in Larry King's case before the Supreme Court. The guy is a threat to patients and caregivers in their liberal use of the drug. He supports the Court of Appeal's take on Hartwick/Tuttle, which puts an onus on caregivers to the point that is prohibitive. The COA opinion in that case requires caregivers to precisely dose patients according with their debilitating conditions and leaves that determination out of the hands of physicians, leaving caregivers to do the jail time. That said, the law does not have closely defined requirements that physicians get nit-picky with it either. While it is a service that many of us work at, it is in no way required by law. The Court is wrong to consider otherwise, and so is B*B. He and I went at it tooth and claw, having hundreds of posts and multiple complete threads deleted by the mods before coming to this conclusion, for which I am glad.
Spot on, well done sir!
If you don't mind going to the trouble could you please post a link or two of his where he is making those statements?
I woud really like to know what to believe about this guy after all this.
Because some of the mods support him, they deleted an awful lot of our commentary. The site administration banned him despite that and for the reasons stated. Please feel free to browse those forums to find what is left.
B*B has been banned, both here and at the MMMA. Some mods there do use him for certs and argued in his support. Nonetheless I argued against his bullshit and got the job done. Several of his recent forum responses here have been deleted by the mods, and my hat's off to them for that.

Banned? Here? More like bored there and amused here. If there is something important to add, I do, otherwise I just mark as read and get on with the day.

Really Greg... you need to give it a rest. You are the darling of Chad at the MMMA because your horrible advice and flawed logic assure him of plenty of criminal defendants to represent, nothing more. The only other redeeming feature is that your constant attacks and name calling make for fun reading and google ratings for the site due to the page hits.

Most just chuckle at your complete lack of understanding of section 8 section 4 and the entire act- especially since by posting a lot you try to make yourself out as some sort of 'expert' when those of us that have actually been involved in section 8 cases can clearly see your 'knowledge base' is limited by what you can cut, paste and misinterpret from wiki....

Keep up the good work Greg...

Dr. Bob
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The important thing is that folks that are actually looking for accurate information do take away something from my posts, despite the attacks by you and your buddies. You don't want to listen or learn, and that is fine, but it means I can't reach you. I don't bother to correct you anymore simply because it is like talking to a wall, you've made your mind up that whatever reach of logic you create. Be it a 'notarized form' allowing someone to be an 'unregistered caregiver' with an unlimited number of patients (which was originally promoted by you to try and justify some farmers market/dispensary scheme). Or even your characterization of my position on recent court rulings design to try and make me appear as an 'anti marijuana' whatever you call it.

Your purpose of trying to make me out to be some sort of a 'bad guy' because I demolished your logic and called you out on something hazardous to patients is not affecting me or my practice but hopefully makes you feel somewhat better.

So again, keep up the good work Greg
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I didn't like Bob for one reason , he had an agenda for being a member here , when anybody has an agenda it's not good for the membership as a whole , his agenda was to further his own interests not participate in an online community as a contributing member .

Whoever banned him & deleted his rhetoric good on them , they guy was full of himself .
Bob if you want to teach then teach. Don't sit behind the scenes and pull strings without making sure the patients and caregivers agree. Some people might like safe consistent (as much as they need) access to medication without it costing 500$ an ounce. Some caregivers and patients might like to sleep at night without worrying if they are going to get busted because of your actions. You don't care about the laws do you? All you want is the money and you do anything you can to make more even if it means throwing people under a bus and changing laws in your favor.

So Dr Bob, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind answering a couple questions and clarify your position a bit?

I have always been neutral where you're concerned and have never really understood why people get so upset with you. More recently I have been filled in a bit and am starting to see where this distrust is coming from.

Any truth to the following:

You are supporting efforts to end our rights to grow our own medicine, and instead support the idea of large corporate grow facilities that will supply meds to patients.

You have aligned yourself with one of these large distributors (CPU/malamute) and are angling to have the state use you to write scripts for these meds like you do the pills that you peddle.

Can you clarify your position on this, and confirm or deny your relationship with Malmute?
A few months back Doc boob sent my wife an invite to his own forums. Any of you get this? I'll ask her later and get a link so you can all ask him as many detail questions as possible so he can put his foot in his mouth repeatedly. It would be a shame to have anyone in real trouble follow that boobs medical advise.

I imagine he was careful to not invite many known members from here, I found it humorous. He must have setup the website about the same time he proved his ignorance here last time. Notice how he's barely present anymore.
A few months back Doc boob sent my wife an invite to his own forums. Any of you get this? I'll ask her later and get a link so you can all ask him as many detail questions as possible so he can put his foot in his mouth repeatedly. It would be a shame to have anyone in real trouble follow that boobs medical advise.

I imagine he was careful to not invite many known members from here, I found it humorous. He must have setup the website about the same time he proved his ignorance here last time. Notice how he's barely present anymore.

I'm fine with having differences of opinion with someone.... but if he is actively trying to fuck over my rights to grow my own meds for his own personal gain then I have a huge problem with that.

Considering his track record I probably shouldn't be shocked by this.
I'm fine with having differences of opinion with someone.... but if he is actively trying to fuck over my rights to grow my own meds for his own personal gain then I have a huge problem with that.

Considering his track record I probably shouldn't be shocked by this.
The struggle of freedom. Everyone wants to be free but don't want that freedom for those they disagree with.