Dr Gruber
Well-Known Member
What finally got him banned at the MMMA was his wrong headed take on some important issues. His insistence that sec. 8 is nothing more than a pinky swear if you color a little outside the lines under sec. 4 is one of them and nothing more. He continued to refuse to respond whether an unregistered patient caregiver is a thing. Sec. 8 is separate from and equal to sec. 4 in authority, and it is for anyone to use in any prosecution for using marijuana. That was determined in Larry King's case before the Supreme Court. The guy is a threat to patients and caregivers in their liberal use of the drug. He supports the Court of Appeal's take on Hartwick/Tuttle, which puts an onus on caregivers to the point that is prohibitive. The COA opinion in that case requires caregivers to precisely dose patients according with their debilitating conditions and leaves that determination out of the hands of physicians, leaving caregivers to do the jail time. That said, the law does not have closely defined requirements that physicians get nit-picky with it either. While it is a service that many of us work at, it is in no way required by law. The Court is wrong to consider otherwise, and so is B*B. He and I went at it tooth and claw, having hundreds of posts and multiple complete threads deleted by the mods before coming to this conclusion, for which I am glad.
If you don't mind going to the trouble could you please post a link or two of his where he is making those statements?
I woud really like to know what to believe about this guy after all this.