The forbidden TRUTH

David Wilcock is a fucking idiot.

Yonaguni, Japan; this Island lies in the western most tip of the Japanese Archipelago. Scholars believe that the earliest inhabitants of this island migrated from South East Asia, during the prehistoric times. In 1987, in the nearby waters, diver Kitchino R Taki made a shocking discovery. A massive complex of giant stone structures lay hidden 60 feet below the ocean surface. Experts call it the biggest discovery in the history of underwater archeology. According to Graham Hancock, “whats intriguing about the underwater complex of Yanaguni is that a whole range of monuments lie side by aide, and this to me looks like the work of man, and definitely not a random action of the Oceans on differential layers of stone”.Submerged beneath 60-100 feet of water the largest of the structures resemble a massive 5 layered stepped pyramid, the size of approximately 2 football fields. According to David Wilcock, another eminent author, film maker and an ancient alien theorist of prominence, “you see unambiguous carvings that are geometric in nature, channels and pathways that are perfect;y rectangular in shape and stairways at the end that cannot be created by nature”. Graham Hancock says, “there are places where you find megaliths that are piled one on top of another, that create a tunnel through which you can swim. There is a gigantic human face carved under water, almost 23 feet tall. At first glace it resembles the MOAI of the Easter Islands, and then we realized that it strongly resembles the Sphinx, that guarded the pyramids. And we wondered if it served the same purpose here. Its all these factors that convince me that we are looking at a ceremonial complex. The mystery however surrounding the structure is when did it actually go under water. The geological evidence shows that it was submerged during the meltdown of the last ice age”.

last ice age when was that hmmmmmmmmmmmm

look shit up for yourself ............. i found that in less then 2 mins but i knew about the water lvl of the world raising covering up old cities by the coast

yes it is blog but look the info up for yourself it all true ............this stuff would fall in the line of what we been yelling at each other about ...........i got more proof
Lets ask your favorite Geologist, Robert Schoch! Yonaguni Underwater RMS CT.htm

VERDICT: Most likely natural formations that were used and modified in the past.

Let's ask Dr. Patrick Nunn;

Patrick D. Nunn, Professor of Oceanic Geoscience at the University of the South Pacific, has studied these structures extensively and notes that the structures below the water continue in the Sanninudai slate cliffs above, which have "been fashioned solely by natural processes," and concludes in regard to the underwater structures that "there seems no reason to suppose that they are artificial."[13]

Other examples of natural formations with flat faces and sharp, straight edges are the basalt columns of the Giant's Causeway and the natural staircase formation on Old Rag Mountain.[14]
i proved the human culture is older then 6000 year like the main stream saids

unless u think someone did all that and dropped them all over the world for a hoax or to mess with something
your explanation is what is crazy the amount of time and equipment to do something like that would be in the 100s of millions

then u have to get the plant life and everything to grow into it so it looks old enough intime because that was tested coral grows at a set rate so they had to make all those years show up in a short time matching it to the area type

your thing holds no water .............the idea of it getting covered by raising sea lvl is easier to swallow since we have records of sea lvls raising over time

the work would have had to been done before 1987 sea records of ships anchored for extended periods of time in the area (they would need years)
This thread made it all the way to page # 100.


This has got to be the longest thread in the S,S,&P section of RIU.

Thanks to GhostDriver quoting himself hundreds of times, lol.

Tesla ...............look at the number of patents accredited to him ............request the ones that are not listed but the numbers for the file info (no names or project titles) ......this is the total well the best numbers i can get in 45 secs .............this is a link to let u access the ones public

Thanks for the links. What did FOIA write to you when you requested this info?

as for his death ray if u look at the body of his work and the seer fact that they arrested a man in 2013 for trying to build it .........the design is out there just suppressed do to fact it changes everything ...........if they built his energy system so it could be drawl from the air itself cars would not be on gas a whole section of billionaires are gone ........and he was in the days of the robber barons and Pinkertons

I'd prefer for you to provide links when making more extraordinary claims such as this one, as opposed to links to Tesla patents. This is the only article I found that is close to your claim -
The man was arrested because he planned on killing Jews with it, not because it was based on Tesla's idea...

as for thinking little brother said it best ........i think outside the box down the hall turn left and go tho 3 doors

i will never think like ppl here and i never want too pretending i do and faking it is killing me the amount of stress it put on me in public where i have to think about every thing i do

Out of the box thinking can be fun, but it is rarely the best method to discover the truths about reality. The exceptions are geniuses well versed in the traditional beliefs of their fields before they begin overturning accepted methods, or looking for solutions in unexpected places. I don't think anyone on these boards fit that description...

.............i hate life on this planet simple things to me are complex ideas to others

This annoys me, too, on a daily basis. I assume you are being hyperbolic when you say you hate life, but if that's true you're probably doing something wrong...

as for the proof there will never be any until something mass happens and no way to hide it change it or bribe it............something like several huge alien ships come out of the clouds all over the planet ..........or a massive earth quake shifts ground and expose something that can not been hidden anymore

If there is no proof one cannot expect reasonable people to believe. With modern technology and the internet, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to hide almost any significant finding. The President and the head of CIA can't even keep getting their dicks sucked a secret when there's only a handful of people involved, so it's difficult to believe hundreds of people pulling it off. Three can keep a secret if two are dead...

the whole history is controlled by some group out there .............the fact that no one ever talk about in classroom

This is not a fact, it is your belief not based on evidence...

..... is evolution the amount of time it takes to do this is massive meaning any creature that undergone this would have a massive timeline where they could fallow the history ..........all of human is 6000 years the sum of this whole planet culture is based on a 6000 year period ...........that is massive short in natural terms

Well, written history is more like 10k years counting the Mesopotamian and Chinese cultures. It is a very short period, though...

anytime anyone tries to prove this otherwise they are broken and all the work they done called junk ...............truth does not matter it is all about control do what we want ........make life so complex that u do not have time to look around and think about what is going on the rat race

This is simply not true. If one's work is derived by the scientific method including peer review, their work is not called junk. It is only the work of the ones attempting to bypass the rigors of this method that is considered junk science, and there is plenty of this out there. Most do choose to keep their heads in the sand, but it is a choice...

my whole life i have been reading everything i mean folklore from china when i was 7 because i did most of the classically world (europe and upper africa ) by the time i was 6 ..............i can see a pattern others do not see from this i never got in the rat race i was lucky by some great universe gift not to need too i always had what i needed and had no greed for wanting more so i die with the most toys and win game

You're lucky. I was in the rat race until about 3 years ago when I started to grow for a living full-time. Life is much, much sweeter now...

so this is what i do learn ...........growing weed is fun because it is something to solve and the money it makes allows me to give it away and help ppl i care about be happier

Amen, brother...
Thanks for the links. What did FOIA write to you when you requested this info?

I'd prefer for you to provide links when making more extraordinary claims such as this one, as opposed to links to Tesla patents. This is the only article I found that is close to your claim -
The man was arrested because he planned on killing Jews with it, not because it was based on Tesla's idea...

Out of the box thinking can be fun, but it is rarely the best method to discover the truths about reality. The exceptions are geniuses well versed in the traditional beliefs of their fields before they begin overturning accepted methods, or looking for solutions in unexpected places. I don't think anyone on these boards fit that description...

This annoys me, too, on a daily basis. I assume you are being hyperbolic when you say you hate life, but if that's true you're probably doing something wrong...

If there is no proof one cannot expect reasonable people to believe. With modern technology and the internet, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to hide almost any significant finding. The President and the head of CIA can't even keep getting their dicks sucked a secret when there's only a handful of people involved, so it's difficult to believe hundreds of people pulling it off. Three can keep a secret if two are dead...

This is not a fact, it is your belief not based on evidence...

Well, written history is more like 10k years counting the Mesopotamian and Chinese cultures. It is a very short period, though...

This is simply not true. If one's work is derived by the scientific method including peer review, their work is not called junk. It is only the work of the ones attempting to bypass the rigors of this method that is considered junk science, and there is plenty of this out there. Most do choose to keep their heads in the sand, but it is a choice...

You're lucky. I was in the rat race until about 3 years ago when I started to grow for a living full-time. Life is much, much sweeter now...

Amen, brother...

i did not even get a response back from them ...........after the 3rd one i just stopped trying .........been combing the net since for anything about it

ok think about this so he hates and wants to kill something .............unless there was a real chance for death what is the point in anything if the death ray was something that could not be why would they use the money time and effort to find him lock him and up do the trial ..........u can hate and want to kill anything u want and build anything u want but if it is something that might just annoy the local dogs the guy is harmless ..........not like he was building a bio weapon or a bomb that everyone accepts it can harm them ............if i point something at u and call it a death ray u will laugh and keep going on with your day the only logical thing to think is it is possible and that guy knew enough to really do something

my iq was test 139 i was 1 point away from getting a grant to work on anything i want and to have as many kiddies as i could with what ever smart ladies wanted to have them with came down to a choice my parents made for me i was offered a free education but it would of ment my family driving me over 90 miles one way every day to get to school from where i lived my mother was pregnant with my little brother and having a hard time of it (stuck in bed for the last 5 months by doctors orders) i went to public school in all honors classes except english

so far u are the one that has shown the most promise to have any logical debate with so i am making a rough guess u are about 120 or higher .......the avg person is 80-100

no i truly hate living ............if i could i end it all just to stop the pain and disappointment ..........but i am a man of my word so that is not a option for me until it all done one way or the other

no it is the truth all points in time someone had control of what info gets let out to the public for years it was the royal families and the church
if u do a genetic tree of the royal families of europe u will find a very small number of a genetic blood line (this was years ago 1998 13 to 20 families turn blue bloods) when barry santos got elected prez the frist time this little girl did the genetic tree of him and all the prezs since the start of USA and it was found that 8 families (genetic ties) have always been in charge .......and as we seen with Snowden USA does not like info to get out (whistle blowers on illegal actives are protected under the law but every one that has done it on barry's watch has been hung out to dry)

proof is like court system ..............i can hire one person with all kinds of credit be hide there name to say what ever i need them to say to win ...then the other side will hire anyone to say the other thing ...............the proof is left up to the person to decide because they have 2 different facts .............the only way to find the truth is to look at everything ..............they pull it off every day by labeling the person telling something other then what they say are crazy ......the other factor is greed honest fact u pay anyone enough cash they shut up and say what ever u want ..........or u do the other trick u say anything your whole family is dead

if u look at the ppl saying some crazy things they seem to die in odd ways ............they are repeating something that should not be repeated according to who ever is making up the rules ...............astronauts they seen shit in space but they are not allowed to report but since alof ot them are dying off they are talking about what they seen (these are the top men of the day saying stuff)

as for the history of the world it is much much older then that but they claim it is only folktales and stories made up by primitive ppl to explain a fear ...........if u look around almost every culture has a noah flood story (cultures that had no contact with each other in any way) hell the greek old gods saids 2 race of men came before us gold and silver........we are the race made from Dirt/Mud ..............mayans the earth has been cleared 5 times of humans we are the 6th (but since most of their culture was lost with the book burnings we only have stories) .........the stories are in every culture fact fade to stories ...stories fade to myth and ledges ......then they fall out of the mind completely

i praise the ones that try ...........if i can help them in way i would because they are the ones i want to see win this whole planet ..........they only want to understand and make things better for all .........they should be protected and helped

but the world we live is not the way it should be it is not fair ............u have the money u make the rules ....the truth does not count for anything

yep i know i am the luckiest son of the bitch on the planet .........i think that is why i hate life so much and i also know i will make to the end of this crazy ride we are all on right now ............never give power to the ones that want it of crave it they will always abuse it .......u give it to the ones that do not want because they fear what it does to ppl they are the ones u can trust .................the only logically thing i have come up with i got something to do in this universe that it wants me around to do ( the amount of drugs i have taken the sheer crazy acts i have done the laws of probability i should of died or at least been fucked to the point of needing a doctor for something other then broken collar bone and arm and thousands of stitches over the years) in return i am me i treat everyone the same and try to help in what ever way i can reward in the end is a better life or death but of those are ok with me
i proved the human culture is older then 6000 year like the main stream saids

unless u think someone did all that and dropped them all over the world for a hoax or to mess with something
What you consider proof and what scientists consider proof is very different.
i did not even get a response back from them ...........after the 3rd one i just stopped trying .........been combing the net since for anything about it

ok think about this so he hates and wants to kill something .............unless there was a real chance for death what is the point in anything if the death ray was something that could not be why would they use the money time and effort to find him lock him and up do the trial ..........u can hate and want to kill anything u want and build anything u want but if it is something that might just annoy the local dogs the guy is harmless ..........not like he was building a bio weapon or a bomb that everyone accepts it can harm them ............if i point something at u and call it a death ray u will laugh and keep going on with your day the only logical thing to think is it is possible and that guy knew enough to really do something

my iq was test 139 i was 1 point away from getting a grant to work on anything i want and to have as many kiddies as i could with what ever smart ladies wanted to have them with came down to a choice my parents made for me i was offered a free education but it would of ment my family driving me over 90 miles one way every day to get to school from where i lived my mother was pregnant with my little brother and having a hard time of it (stuck in bed for the last 5 months by doctors orders) i went to public school in all honors classes except english

so far u are the one that has shown the most promise to have any logical debate with so i am making a rough guess u are about 120 or higher .......the avg person is 80-100

no i truly hate living ............if i could i end it all just to stop the pain and disappointment ..........but i am a man of my word so that is not a option for me until it all done one way or the other

no it is the truth all points in time someone had control of what info gets let out to the public for years it was the royal families and the church
if u do a genetic tree of the royal families of europe u will find a very small number of a genetic blood line (this was years ago 1998 13 to 20 families turn blue bloods) when barry santos got elected prez the frist time this little girl did the genetic tree of him and all the prezs since the start of USA and it was found that 8 families (genetic ties) have always been in charge .......and as we seen with Snowden USA does not like info to get out (whistle blowers on illegal actives are protected under the law but every one that has done it on barry's watch has been hung out to dry)

proof is like court system ..............i can hire one person with all kinds of credit be hide there name to say what ever i need them to say to win ...then the other side will hire anyone to say the other thing ...............the proof is left up to the person to decide because they have 2 different facts .............the only way to find the truth is to look at everything ..............they pull it off every day by labeling the person telling something other then what they say are crazy ......the other factor is greed honest fact u pay anyone enough cash they shut up and say what ever u want ..........or u do the other trick u say anything your whole family is dead

if u look at the ppl saying some crazy things they seem to die in odd ways ............they are repeating something that should not be repeated according to who ever is making up the rules ...............astronauts they seen shit in space but they are not allowed to report but since alof ot them are dying off they are talking about what they seen (these are the top men of the day saying stuff)

as for the history of the world it is much much older then that but they claim it is only folktales and stories made up by primitive ppl to explain a fear ...........if u look around almost every culture has a noah flood story (cultures that had no contact with each other in any way) hell the greek old gods saids 2 race of men came before us gold and silver........we are the race made from Dirt/Mud ..............mayans the earth has been cleared 5 times of humans we are the 6th (but since most of their culture was lost with the book burnings we only have stories) .........the stories are in every culture fact fade to stories ...stories fade to myth and ledges ......then they fall out of the mind completely

i praise the ones that try ...........if i can help them in way i would because they are the ones i want to see win this whole planet ..........they only want to understand and make things better for all .........they should be protected and helped

but the world we live is not the way it should be it is not fair ............u have the money u make the rules ....the truth does not count for anything

yep i know i am the luckiest son of the bitch on the planet .........i think that is why i hate life so much and i also know i will make to the end of this crazy ride we are all on right now ............never give power to the ones that want it of crave it they will always abuse it .......u give it to the ones that do not want because they fear what it does to ppl they are the ones u can trust .................the only logically thing i have come up with i got something to do in this universe that it wants me around to do ( the amount of drugs i have taken the sheer crazy acts i have done the laws of probability i should of died or at least been fucked to the point of needing a doctor for something other then broken collar bone and arm and thousands of stitches over the years) in return i am me i treat everyone the same and try to help in what ever way i can reward in the end is a better life or death but of those are ok with me
You have 139 IQ "but u writ like dis", can't complete a proper sentence, and fall prey to myriad logical fallacies......


Not only are you credulous, you're a narcissist too.
What you consider proof and what scientists consider proof is very different.

You have 139 IQ "but u writ like dis", can't complete a proper sentence, and fall prey to myriad logical fallacies......


Not only are you credulous, you're a narcissist too.

now u are insulting me because u lost the debate.....called dyslexic......check it out learn something

and no narcissist too..............sorry i hate myself i have a low self esteem me what ever name u want it has no effect for the simple reason i think worst of myself then anyone on this planet so nothing i never thought of or heard before

credulous if using my mind to think about something other then what spoon feed .................i proved humans are older then that they teach u in school and u toss it out because u do not want to accept it so at least i am not a closed minded fool ( do not know what happen to u nor do i care i just know a 8 year old child thinks for them self more then u )

please keep showing your true colors for all ppl to see ............later on at least they were warned u are a jackass........just another broken human only partly your fault ( your teachers your family and ur fault)
Last edited:
now u are insulting me because u lost the debate.....called dyslexic......check it out learn something

and no narcissist too..............sorry i hate myself i have a low self esteem me what ever name u want it has no effect for the simple reason i think worst of myself then anyone on this planet so nothing i never thought of or heard before

credulous if using my mind to think about something other then what spoon feed .................i proved humans are older then that they teach u in school and u toss it out because u do not want to accept it so at least i am not a closed minded fool ( do not know what happen to u nor do i care i just know a 8 year old child thinks for them self more then u )

please keep showing your true colors for all ppl to see ............later on at least they were warned u are a jackass........just another broken human only partly your fault ( your teachers your family and ur fault)
Lost the debate? You posted a picture of a lab report that could have come from anywhere, with no verification whatsoever, and when questioned about the validity of the claims or HOW you even think the claims you're making could be justified, you just say "look it up". Obviously you haven't, and you have a child like understanding of science and the scientific method. This is demonstrated by your incoherent responses riddled with fallacies and poor understanding of what we're discussing.

Your inability to see the logical fallacies you're making says more than you ever could about your critical thinking skills (or lack thereof).

TD posted this earlier; PLEASE familiarize yourself with it.

You say you have low self-esteem, but you consider yourself a borderline genius (with the ability to guess other peoples IQ's no less), and with this innate ability to 'see the world as it really is'. You also think you can diagnose medical conditions (incorrectly) as well as tell other people their families and teachers are stupid.

You don't even know what dyslexic means. lol
credulous if using my mind to think about something other then what spoon feed .................

Credulous because you don't require verification before you form your beliefs. You see something on the internet and assume it to be true, instead of attempting to falsify it. (Pro tip; that's what scientists do. They attempt to falsify their claims. That's how we get REAL scientific progress.)

I believe things that have a good reason to believe them. You still never answered my question from many posts back; who verified the lab test you posted, and who did the peer-review? (None of that even really matters, because we're talking about a leaf.... not something even remotely effective at demonstrating that humans built a pyramid at that location.

i proved humans are older then that they teach u in school and u toss it out because u do not want to accept it so at least i am not a closed minded fool ( do not know what happen to u nor do i care i just know a 8 year old child thinks for them self more then u )
You didn't prove JACK SHIT. A fossilized leaf is not proof that humans were around when it was fossilized. If they found a tool used for carving stone, that'd be another story. Nowehre in your ramblings have you come even remotely close to offering ANYTHING that could be considered PROOF, that complex human society has existed for 25,000+ years.

Go back to school and learn what PROOF means.

please keep showing your true colors for all ppl to see ............later on at least they were warned u are a jackass........just another broken human only partly your fault ( your teachers your family and ur fault)

Been showing my true colours for years on this site. You're just a bump in the road.
Other Witnesses Testimonies about GOD THE ALMIGHTY, BEGOTTEN SON LORD JESUS CHRIST And Heaven.

These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

Revelation 17:14King James Version (KJV)
yah yah i know be good i am trying my best here

but sheer fact not to even have a grain of movement with enough been show new thought just repeating the same old thing same old lines not looking at the new work out there not asking ?s just accepting what told ....u know it is not right not the way ment to play out

we both know 7/8 of the planet is dead the lambs are the ones that stay true the rest have been twisted to much their own actions are proof of it ( they might of been taught wrong but at some point they should think for self free will after all they are just giving it up)

yes i am leaving it alone i know no chance .............

i did not even get a response back from them ...........after the 3rd one i just stopped trying .........been combing the net since for anything about it

If you're referring to the 'death ray', check out the Tesla wiki entry for links referring to it. Tesla himself said that he had never wrote down the plans for it, so I don't understand why you think one could obtain them. He also mentioned the conceptual weapon to many governments, so even if he did commit the plans to paper, it could be considered an item of national security...

ok think about this so he hates and wants to kill something .............unless there was a real chance for death what is the point in anything if the death ray was something that could not be why would they use the money time and effort to find him lock him and up do the trial ..........u can hate and want to kill anything u want and build anything u want but if it is something that might just annoy the local dogs the guy is harmless ..........not like he was building a bio weapon or a bomb that everyone accepts it can harm them ............if i point something at u and call it a death ray u will laugh and keep going on with your day the only logical thing to think is it is possible and that guy knew enough to really do something

That is not how his capture went down. The FBI heard of his plans to kill Jews with a hyped up x-ray machine, then set up a sting operation to sell him an x-ray machine and arrested him when the sting was complete. He was going to put the ray on Jews while asleep, as it would take a while for the machine to administer a lethal dosage of radiation. You have inaccurate facts regarding this story...

my iq was test 139 i was 1 point away from getting a grant to work on anything i want and to have as many kiddies as i could with what ever smart ladies wanted to have them with came down to a choice my parents made for me i was offered a free education but it would of ment my family driving me over 90 miles one way every day to get to school from where i lived my mother was pregnant with my little brother and having a hard time of it (stuck in bed for the last 5 months by doctors orders) i went to public school in all honors classes except english

I was tested at 151, but I do not put much stock in IQ tests. Former friends have been Mensa members, and they were fairly ineffective at running their lives. They were also very prone to logical fallacies. I've never heard of a grant bestowed simply for having a certain IQ, you'd have to post links to that info. I'm glad you included the 'except English' part ;)

so far u are the one that has shown the most promise to have any logical debate with so i am making a rough guess u are about 120 or higher .......the avg person is 80-100

As I stated, I don't feel these numbers mean much. BB or Ceepea is at least as intelligent as I am, I've never seen the guy lose a debate. I think the reason for that as he doesn't seem to have much of an ego: he doesn't care about any one idea, he just searches for accurate data and forms his beliefs accordingly.

Science doesn't care about the result, it just goes where the data leads and form its principles on a preponderance of the evidence. Most people do this process in reverse: they find a neet-o idea that they like, and then attempt to find any data to support it. This is backward...

no i truly hate living ............if i could i end it all just to stop the pain and disappointment ..........but i am a man of my word so that is not a option for me until it all done one way or the other

IMO, life is such an amazing gift. We are astronomically fortunate to born, as the odds are trillions to one against this occurring. I firmly believe if one is consistently miserable (barring a chemical or psychiatric disorder), one is is not living correctly...

no it is the truth all points in time someone had control of what info gets let out to the public for years it was the royal families and the church

if u do a genetic tree of the royal families of europe u will find a very small number of a genetic blood line (this was years ago 1998 13 to 20 families turn blue bloods) when barry santos got elected prez the frist time this little girl did the genetic tree of him and all the prezs since the start of USA and it was found that 8 families (genetic ties) have always been in charge .......and as we seen with Snowden USA does not like info to get out (whistle blowers on illegal actives are protected under the law but every one that has done it on barry's watch has been hung out to dry)

Not sure what this has to do with anything we were discussing...

proof is like court system ..............i can hire one person with all kinds of credit be hide there name to say what ever i need them to say to win ...then the other side will hire anyone to say the other thing ...............the proof is left up to the person to decide because they have 2 different facts .............the only way to find the truth is to look at everything ..............they pull it off every day by labeling the person telling something other then what they say are crazy ......the other factor is greed honest fact u pay anyone enough cash they shut up and say what ever u want ..........or u do the other trick u say anything your whole family is dead

What you state here is true with the legal system, but scientific proof is another matter entirely. Proof in science means that anyone with proper knowledge and equipment can run the same experiment and get exactly the same results. There is no faking this. When someone's findings cannot be repeated by others is when you know it's junk science. The scientific method works so well in large part because it is the only methodology that meticulously arrives at a conclusion, then tries its damnedest to prove that conclusion false. Scientists do this largely because if they don't, and submit their work for peer-review, they will be ripped a new asshole and be discredited once others find the flaws in their work. Hell, some scientists made their careers on discrediting other scientists' sloppy conclusions, so it behooves scientists to attempt to do this first to their own work. Can you imagine working for years to give birth to a beautiful hypothesis, only to try your best to knock it all down immediately afterward? Crazy... and powerful...
Sorry, this response was too long so I had to cut it into two parts. Here's part two -

if u look at the ppl saying some crazy things they seem to die in odd ways ............they are repeating something that should not be repeated according to who ever is making up the rules ...............astronauts they seen shit in space but they are not allowed to report but since alof ot them are dying off they are talking about what they seen (these are the top men of the day saying stuff)

Need links to credible sources here...

as for the history of the world it is much much older then that but they claim it is only folktales and stories made up by primitive ppl to explain a fear ...........if u look around almost every culture has a noah flood story (cultures that had no contact with each other in any way) hell the greek old gods saids 2 race of men came before us gold and silver........we are the race made from Dirt/Mud ..............mayans the earth has been cleared 5 times of humans we are the 6th (but since most of their culture was lost with the book burnings we only have stories) .........the stories are in every culture fact fade to stories ...stories fade to myth and ledges ......then they fall out of the mind completely

This is your belief, there is no indication of this being true in reality...

i praise the ones that try ...........if i can help them in way i would because they are the ones i want to see win this whole planet ..........they only want to understand and make things better for all .........they should be protected and helped

Try what? To improve humanity? That is what science has done. Every major value that we all use everyday is a result of the scientific method, and the technology born from its discoveries. I find it strange that so many people disparage science while simultaneously reaping constant benefits from it. It's biting the hands that feed you...

but the world we live is not the way it should be it is not fair ............u have the money u make the rules ....the truth does not count for anything

No one promised life was going to be fair. It's fair in the respect that others try to take from everyone, and everyone dies. The truth regarding reality counts for everything, for only things that are true can be built upon. Again, scientific truths build upon each other and rapidly enhance and lead to the progress of the human race...

yep i know i am the luckiest son of the bitch on the planet .........i think that is why i hate life so much and i also know i will make to the end of this crazy ride we are all on right now ............never give power to the ones that want it of crave it they will always abuse it .......u give it to the ones that do not want because they fear what it does to ppl they are the ones u can trust .................the only logically thing i have come up with i got something to do in this universe that it wants me around to do ( the amount of drugs i have taken the sheer crazy acts i have done the laws of probability i should of died or at least been fucked to the point of needing a doctor for something other then broken collar bone and arm and thousands of stitches over the years) in return i am me i treat everyone the same and try to help in what ever way i can reward in the end is a better life or death but of those are ok with me

Sorry to hear that you are so unhappy. Perhaps learning giving up some erroneous beliefs and changing your perspective will assist you in living a happier, more fulfilling life...
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"Your Sin son's of Men have not been forgotten repent for Judgment is at hand" - GOD LORD JESUS CHRIST possessed me to type that.

The Old World was destroyed when it got like this with killing of the innocent children and the Nephilim eating the Son's and Daughters of Men and running the World. I know you Son's of the fallen are reading.. Yea, better for thy to hide under the rocks now for THE LORD cometh and who may stand against HIM?

If you're wondering how I'm still alive it's because of GOD JESUS CHRIST, THE ALLMIGHTY GOD. HE told me this in a dream.

as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.
25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.
28 And I will give him the morning star.
29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches

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I just read the first post when I started this thread and just wanted to edit something, the very last sentence.
"People go to heaven or hell when they die, immediately after they die and we can not communicate from earth to anyone in hell or heaven except, Lord JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ALMIGHTY who is in Heaven."

1 John 5:7King James Version (KJV)
7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
John 1:14King James Version (KJV)
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.