Who uses wiki as a reference? Pick up a book or find yourself first so you wont have to depend on half truth print.

The book of enoch is a good start from the back end.

Are you going refute the comic particles on the brain and eyeballs just stick your head in the bible? Do you hve anything useful to say,

And Cro? I not playing. This is the science section, not baby poo-poo play.
I'm glad there isn't a post limit. Dude you have 16000 posts and only 2000 likes. Nobody likes you except your other usernames. Crotchety old man.

Do you really think I am trying to popular here? I am being truthful and topical, and you don't like that. Do you really think I have other user names. That is so punk.

Why don't you insult my avatar next?

Squirrel Discovered In Curiosity Rover Photo, Mars, Dec 2012.
Do you really think I am trying to popular here? I am being truthful and topical, and you don't like that. Do you really think I have other user names. That is so punk.

Why don't you insult my avatar next?
Obviously your not trying to be popular. You certainly aren't helping my thread.
@ Dr. Pecker, I was raised just a few miles off the back gates of an Army airfield. When I was a teenager I witnessed a triangular flying object. There was no propulsion visible or sound. It came out of no where and hovered and then was gone in the blink of an eye.

I was a structural mechanic in the Air Force. I had a secret security clearance. I spent many hours learning what aircraft looked like, not just American. Also there were times they would lock the flight line down and we were not allowed to see what landed.

Like I said before, with what I was allowed to see, What the f**k was I not allowed to see.

There are reports of B2 like aircraft seen in the 30's.

Just a couple years ago I saw an orb that seemed stationary in the air. I counted over 20 aircraft converging on this orb.
This was less than 100 miles from the triangle incident.
Now that works for me, white. I grew up on the AFBs. I know there is tech we aren't allowed to see.

The so called Aliens are us, most likely, perhaps from the far future, or another timeline, where we are Gray and bulbous brained.

Or perhaps those are just ruse costumes so the military can perform proscribed experiments.

Do you really think I am trying to popular here? I am being truthful and topical, and you don't like that. Do you really think I have other user names. That is so punk.

Why don't you insult my avatar next?
Now that you mention it your avitar does suck
Now that works for me, white. I grew up on the AFBs. I know there is tech we aren't allowed to see.

The so called Aliens are us, most likely, perhaps from the far future, or another timeline, where we are Gray and bulbous brained.

Or perhaps those are just ruse costumes so the military can perform proscribed experiments.


I have seen some amazing things, which I can not speak off. I'm sure it's still classified.

The stuff we were not allowed to see, armed SP's would lock our hangers down. The SP's (security police) were in the hangers with us.

The airframe I worked on had entry control points with armed guards.

So it really does make me wonder.

If you look at the time from inception to declassification I'm sure there are things in the air that are experimental.

Where did this tech come from?
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I am a christian, and a believer in science. You can believe in both.

Remember, even the bible says the "heavens", plural. Why do you need more than one heaven? Possible more planets with life.

As a christian, why would you believe god put life only on this planet? This one is not doing so good. Maybe on another planet the forbidden fruit was not eaten.

As a scientist, why would you think that life only exist on this planet? I mean if all of these seemingly impossible random events took place to create life here, why not somewhere else?

The bible talks of chariots in the sky.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.Now the earth was formless darkness was over the surface of the deep,and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. gen 1
The appearance of the wheels and their workings was like the color of beryl, and all four had the same likeness. The appearance of their workings was, as it were, A WHEEL IN THE MIDDLE OF A WHEEL. " (Ezekiel 1:15 - 16)

And when I looked, there were four wheels by the cherubim, one wheel by one cherub and another wheel by each other cherub . . . (Ezekiel 10:9)
The lotus. A chariot of fire. If you listen to music and you're still on the fence about ones miserable life/existance, your perception sucks and you need to learn to pay attention to what it is you're really hearing.