water only


Well-Known Member
I am a medical marijuana caregiver and patient. Making my own medicine and doing it as natural as possible is a must for me. Harvest is over and the paranoia is gone. So I thought I would show you my water only grow. Maybe others could post their water only farms here also.DSC01283.JPG DSC01278.JPG DSC01294.JPG DSC01291.JPG DSC01290.JPG
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Cow manure was my main source of fertilizer. All of it came from my uncles farm right down the street. I composted it real good before using and was left with a rich earthy smelling soil not stinky at all. I do know some folks that use it a lot fresher without it causing problems other than the odor.
@Dr.Pecker Fabulous thats same nice shit. it appears to be outdoors was it in pots or in the ground. I agrEe with don the magenta LADY is oh so nice looking. What strain is it, have you ran before, and was it the same way with the hairs n such
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Fabulous it appears to be outdoors was it in pots or in the ground. Thats some nice shit and agrre with don the magenta son a bitch os nive looking. What strain is it and have you ran before and was it the same way
six were in the ground, some five gallon buckets and I had a couple 2 gallon pots. The purple haired one is the romulen. I've been running that plant for years. Its the same way every time I don't believe in genetic drift unless you clone a sick plant. Indoors it gets real fat and has a different look to it. she don't finish outside not here anyway.
Looks like you have some mighty fine smoke there dr pecker. King kolas in the corner...

I'm interested in knowing if you have electricity piped to your GH? I had one cheese plant outdoors this season and I was impressed w how well it survived the humidity. faster mold resistant plants r where it's at.
^^ those pics didn't come thru for me, red x's-

Looks like you have some mighty fine smoke there dr pecker. King kolas in the corner...

I'm interested in knowing if you have electricity piped to your GH? I had one cheese plant outdoors this season and I was impressed w how well it survived the humidity. faster mold resistant plants r where it's at.
No electricity. Mold resistant that's exactly what I need. I didn't lose much. I seen it happening and it was chop time. It took me a week total I was up for 36 hours Trimming and drinking coffee smoking hash.:bigjoint: Know of any good mold resistant strains?
Is it no-till soil or some other variation? 2 gallon pots with water only? How has nobody else commented on this. I thought you needed at least 3-5 gallon for organic water only