Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

that plant looks just fine to me, just make sure to spray the exposed roots with water and sprinkle the rootball with a good layer of mychorizae before sticking in there.
depending on how long you are vegging you may want to go to a 2 gallon first, either way will be fine though

Thank you greasemonkeyman, ill keep in mind to spray the roots & will take a look as to where i can find some mychorizae, at the moment i only have the 4 gallon pots which have been cooking for about 5 weeks with watering & lacto b. diluted waterings, base mix 1/3 peat 1/3 perlite 1/3 EWC & a few cups of crushed alfalfa. Respect :peace:
Thank you greasemonkeyman, ill keep in mind to spray the roots & will take a look as to where i can find some mychorizae, at the moment i only have the 4 gallon pots which have been cooking for about 5 weeks with watering & lacto b. diluted waterings, base mix 1/3 peat 1/3 perlite 1/3 EWC & a few cups of crushed alfalfa. Respect :peace:
You are very welcome, let me know if you need any other help, and if I may humbly suggest the bag of myco from extreme, let me see if I can find you a picture... it's fairly inexpensive, isn't loaded with trichos and it has the "right" type of myco, good stuff. and it's not too much $$.
mychorrizae is a MUST have... for me anyways.----------the myco is from a company called "xtreme"---
aloe, mychorrizae, quality EWC, quality molasses, comfrey, dandelions.. must haves
oh and rabbit poo, best shit ever. Alpaca is damn good too.
be careful with the alfalfa, that's some potent stuff
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totally, I kinda felt a lil bad when I stopped growing that strain, IIRC I think it was a diesel relative, the bag I got was a diesel hybrid, so I assume the seeds were at least a quarter diesel. I thought it was really cool though... Now that I remember it, that snail (or his buddies) ate like 8 of my seedlings, I never had any issues with snails, but overnight they chomped everything down, from then on, I always make a nice little water-softener-rock-salt circle around em...
the anti-snail seance, soliiiid
You are very welcome, let me know if you need any other help, and if I may humbly suggest the bag of myco from extreme, let me see if I can find you a picture... it's fairly inexpensive, isn't loaded with trichos and it has the "right" type of myco, good stuff. and it's not too much $$.
mychorrizae is a MUST have... for me anyways.----------the myco is from a company called "xtreme"---
aloe, mychorrizae, quality EWC, quality molasses, comfrey, dandelions.. must haves
oh and rabbit poo, best shit ever. Alpaca is damn good too.
be careful with the alfalfa, that's some potent stuff

Respect bud i will do, i dont live on that side of the world but i found a place called Mycoroot who sells products over here which should be my best bet, i have a big aloe bush growing in my garden but proper just better to buy a bottle ? dandelions are growing in the abandoned house next door i could just pick most of them and let the rest reseed, quality ewc & molasses i have but comfrey unfortunately not, hopefully the cup of alfalfa per 4 gallon wasnt too potent, cant find any rabbit poo around here at the moment though bro, thank you :leaf::peace:
Respect bud i will do, i dont live on that side of the world but i found a place called Mycoroot who sells products over here which should be my best bet, i have a big aloe bush growing in my garden but proper just better to buy a bottle ? dandelions are growing in the abandoned house next door i could just pick most of them and let the rest reseed, quality ewc & molasses i have but comfrey unfortunately not, hopefully the cup of alfalfa per 4 gallon wasnt too potent, cant find any rabbit poo around here at the moment though bro, thank you :leaf::peace:

Hey bro, I'm the same hemisphere as you. Hard to find stuff sometimes, yeah?

Fuck buying aloe in a bottle mate, use the real stuff you lucky bastard. That's awesome.

Comfrey should be available somewhere. Any organic seed stores or hippy-permaculture-heirloom-plant gardening places - this is the sort of shit they should carry. Check your local internet trading site you saffers use - there might be folks selling home grown comfrey roots for a dollar or two. ???????

I joined twitter and there are a bunch of organic gardening types local to me who will put offers out for random stuff like this - had someone offer english nettle this evening.

I can't find myco here either, so I'm gonna import some. It's light and cheap, so shipping wont be that much of a killer.

Don't stress about the right type of manure - whatever you can get locally will be perfect for ya. Cow or horse or buffalo or giraffe or whatever. Compost it first, you'll be sweet. (the advantage with rabbit is it's supposed to be super gentle - probably means the rabbit isn't processing the food as much as a ruminant does, meaning it's less available)
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Hey bro, I'm the same hemisphere as you. Hard to find stuff sometimes, yeah?

Fuck buying aloe in a bottle mate, use the real stuff you lucky bastard. That's awesome.

Comfrey should be available somewhere. Any organic seed stores or hippy-permaculture-heirloom-plant gardening places - this is the sort of shit they should carry. Check your local internet trading site you saffers use - there might be folks selling home grown comfrey roots for a dollar or two. ???????

I joined twitter and there are a bunch of organic gardening types local to me who will put offers out for random stuff like this - had someone offer english nettle this evening.

I can't find myco here either, so I'm gonna import some. It's light and cheap, so shipping wont be that much of a killer.

Don't stress about the right type of manure - whatever you can get locally will be perfect for ya. Cow or horse or buffalo or giraffe or whatever. Compost it first, you'll be sweet. (the advantage with rabbit is it's supposed to be super gentle - probably means the rabbit isn't processing the food as much as a ruminant does, meaning it's less available)

Hey man : ) Yeah sometimes its quite a struggle, i have found a place that is selling mycoroot although the shop attendant wasnt exactly sharp with these products she said it was sort of greyish brownish granules, should this be good ?

I should take a look at how to extract the aloe i dont think it should be too hard though and will make some really pure local aloe right there.

I havent seen comfrey anywhere but i should make some calls and find out for sure, will definitely help in the vegetable garden too no doubt at all.

As for the manure ive just used EWC in all my pots i would definitely take a look at some rabbit manure the next time i make a grow, really keen on trying a few different ones : ) ill be quite mobile for a while though after this grow but ill keep all the equipment safe as can be !

Thanks for the heads up man, hope you having a good weekend, Peace!:peace:
Thank you greasemonkeyman, ill keep in mind to spray the roots & will take a look as to where i can find some mychorizae, at the moment i only have the 4 gallon pots which have been cooking for about 5 weeks with watering & lacto b. diluted waterings, base mix 1/3 peat 1/3 perlite 1/3 EWC & a few cups of crushed alfalfa. Respect :peace:[/Q
Hey bro, I'm the same hemisphere as you. Hard to find stuff sometimes, yeah?

Fuck buying aloe in a bottle mate, use the real stuff you lucky bastard. That's awesome.

Comfrey should be available somewhere. Any organic seed stores or hippy-permaculture-heirloom-plant gardening places - this is the sort of shit they should carry. Check your local internet trading site you saffers use - there might be folks selling home grown comfrey roots for a dollar or two. ???????

I joined twitter and there are a bunch of organic gardening types local to me who will put offers out for random stuff like this - had someone offer english nettle this evening.

I can't find myco here either, so I'm gonna import some. It's light and cheap, so shipping wont be that much of a killer.

Don't stress about the right type of manure - whatever you can get locally will be perfect for ya. Cow or horse or buffalo or giraffe or whatever. Compost it first, you'll be sweet. (the advantage with rabbit is it's supposed to be super gentle - probably means the rabbit isn't processing the food as much as a ruminant does, meaning it's less available)
a wise old grower once told me, for manures, you want pebbles, so I imagine maybe the deer-related animals out there?
side note, how bad-ass would it to be to grow with giraffe turds.... just seems cool.
Rabbits are actually preferred because it has higher amounts of all the nutrients, AND it can be given to them without composting.
Good shit.
I do think you may have it backwards, the rabbit digests better than the other animals, that's why it doesn't need to be composted, alpaca, der, and so on, the "pebbley" turds... the "ploppy" ones are made with animals that have less stomachs... (I am not a scientist, so I could be full of shit)..... pun-intended
Hey man : ) Yeah sometimes its quite a struggle, i have found a place that is selling mycoroot although the shop attendant wasnt exactly sharp with these products she said it was sort of greyish brownish granules, should this be good ?

I should take a look at how to extract the aloe i dont think it should be too hard though and will make some really pure local aloe right there.

I havent seen comfrey anywhere but i should make some calls and find out for sure, will definitely help in the vegetable garden too no doubt at all.

As for the manure ive just used EWC in all my pots i would definitely take a look at some rabbit manure the next time i make a grow, really keen on trying a few different ones : ) ill be quite mobile for a while though after this grow but ill keep all the equipment safe as can be !

Thanks for the heads up man, hope you having a good weekend, Peace!:peace:

If you do find comfrey, be sure to get the bocking 14 cultivar. It's a sterile version. If you go with a non-sterile version you could end up with WAY more comfrey in your yard than what you bargained for! :-)
a wise old grower once told me, for manures, you want pebbles, so I imagine maybe the deer-related animals out there?
side note, how bad-ass would it to be to grow with giraffe turds.... just seems cool.
Rabbits are actually preferred because it has higher amounts of all the nutrients, AND it can be given to them without composting.
Good shit.
I do think you may have it backwards, the rabbit digests better than the other animals, that's why it doesn't need to be composted, alpaca, der, and so on, the "pebbley" turds... the "ploppy" ones are made with animals that have less stomachs... (I am not a scientist, so I could be full of shit)..... pun-intended

Lol Giraffe turds hahahaha that would be very interesting, i see what you mean by pebbly turds, they do indeed seem very nutritious for plants, they are like intensely compressed balls of the most finely picked grasses with the other good bacteria's and so forth, that will definitely be on my list next ! Im sure that poop will do wonders !
If you do find comfrey, be sure to get the bocking 14 cultivar. It's a sterile version. If you go with a non-sterile version you could end up with WAY more comfrey in your yard than what you bargained for! :-)
interesting, course I have mine in a pot, but would that be technically a GMO?
Kinda sad.. a sterile plant?
meh, I'm too much of a damn hippie-tree-hugger
the wierdest thing I ever encountered with cannabis is one time I had some seeds (again bagseed, predates seedbanks..) anyways I was sprouting outside, and a snail got to the seedling, ate half of the first true set of leaves (the first after the cot.) anyways half of the middle finger (of the leaf) was eaten, but then EVERY leaf after that grew the middle finger leaf with only half of the leaf, intact, the other half of it was all shriveled, looked EXACTLY like the snail damage, somehow the plant "remembered" the damage and grew ever middle finger like that. In fact it even cloned like that, it was some good herb too, I called it... yeah you guessed it... the snail.
Pretty weird though. This was back in 2005 or so
I've also seen plants grow an opposing middle finger before, so like it has the normal 5,7,9,11, fingered plants but then growing opposed to the other fingers is one that grows towards the stem.
You are very correct! Plants do remember! I believe it was the Darwins that did an experiment pricking the cotyledons on one side of the plant. The plant grow more vigorously on the opposite side of the pricking thinking it was a pest attack. The did the same experiment, pricked one cotyledon, and then cut both cotyledons off. The plant remembered which one had been pricked, and grew accordingly.

I think plants are just fascinating!

Ideally you want the plant outside right in the ground.
yeah, I know planting dynamic accumulators in potted soil seems a lil silly... but I use them for compost teas, that and the soil in the pots is an organic re-used soil as well so it couldn't hurt. I'm just experimenting with the whole thing, may or may not be used for the future, we will see, at this point i'm trying NOT to get ultra complicated on it. I do have a tendency to do that though
You are very correct! Plants do remember! I believe it was the Darwins that did an experiment pricking the cotyledons on one side of the plant. The plant grow more vigorously on the opposite side of the pricking thinking it was a pest attack. The did the same experiment, pricked one cotyledon, and then cut both cotyledons off. The plant remembered which one had been pricked, and grew accordingly.

I think plants are just fascinating!

That plant was just cool, I still feel a lil guilty about choosing not to grow it further. Good smoke too, just never grew that tall, and it screwed up my canopy when it was inside, next to it's more sativa brethren
Transplanted all of the LA Con clones into the used soil. One of the pots was covered in clover so I inverted it and now all of the clover is at the bottom.


From Belgian Cannabis Social Club ‘TUP's Dutch Passion Frisian Dew grow journal in Feb.

"Then, we’ll pour in a single layer of organic soil, added with another 2 layers of organic soil, lime, bat guano, mycorrhizae and perlite. Finally the top layer will be added. In this top layer, clover will be planted as a cover crop. Her nitrogen-fixing properties will provide the plants with nitrogen from the air that is made available for up-take through the roots of the Cannabis plant. Clover roots will form symbiotic relationships with Cannabis roots. When you harvest, you simply till the top layer of the soil and mix it in under a new layer of fresh organic soil. The clover will break down and will serve as nutrient for the next plants (‘green manure’). Another nice touch of this cover crop is that it will prevent soil dust from spreading in the air on a hot day and prevent the soil from drying out.”
Could i ask what form of mycorrhizae you guys use ? I phoned this one store & they say its brownish greyish granules, will this be cool to pop in the holes ? i would really like to transplant tomorrow these baby's are getting root bound ! Peace :leaf::peace::leaf:
Powder form of Mycorrhizae and Fungi products

BioAg VAM 300 grams Endomycorrhizal Plant Root & Soil Inoculant $31.95
Beneficial Fungi 1 tsp per plant

ZHO Root Inoculant 1-Pound $69.42
Apply 1/4 teaspoon of zho twice during your grow cycle.
endomychorrizal and trichoderma fungi that naturally build a microbial system in and around plant roots.
ZHO contains special amino acids designed to intensify the rhizoidal activity that ZHO ignites.

Subculture M 200 Grams - - Mycorrhizal Root Inoculant $27.02
endo and ecto mycorrhizal fungi

SubCulture B 200g $36.75
fifty-two soil microorganism
blend of Bacilius, Streptomycetes, Actinoycetes, Psuedomonas and Trichoderma. SubCulture-B is a probiotic inoculum of beneficial microorganisms. blend of bacteria and trichoderma fungi.

Great White Premium Mycorrhizae 4 oz $32.23
Combination of mycorrhizae, bacteria, trichoderma

Endo Mycorrhizae (2 lb. package) $37.00
Mycorrhizal fungi
100,000 propagules/lb. - 4 species endo mycorrhizae
Glomus intraradicees, G Mosseae, G Aggregatun,G Etunicatum.

RTI Xtreme Gardening RT4402 Mykos, 2.2-Pound Bag $26.99
beneficial fungi that connects many of the eneficial microbes in the soil to host plants
1 strain mycorrhizae

Oregonism XL 1lb $44.01
endo/ecto-mycorrhizae, beneficial bacteria, and Trichoderma

Gnarly Roots 2oz Mycorrhizae Fungi $12.18
9 Premium Endo and Ecto Mycorrhizae
Endo's Glomus intraradices, G. mosseae, G. aggregatum, G. etunicatum: 10,000 prop./lb. each Ecto's Rhizopogon villosullus, R. luteolus, R. amylopogon, R.fulvigleba (2.5 million prop./lb. each), Pisolithus tinctorius (200 million prop./lb.)

Myke 1949312 Annual and Perennial Mycorrhiza Growth Supplement, 1/2-Quart $7.49
two main types of mycorrhizae: Endomycorrhizae associate with 80% of plants. Most deciduous trees and herbaceous plants Ectomycorrhizae associate with 5 to 7% of plants.

Nature's Solution Mycorrhizae (8 Oz) $18.95
6 Endomycorrhizae Species, 5 Ectomycorrhizae Species
endomycorrhizae: Glomus intraradices, G. mosseae, G. dussii, G. clarum, G. deserticola, G. microaggregatum, and also 5 ectomycorrhizae: Psolithus tinctorius, Rhizopogon villosullus, R. luteolus, R. amylopogon, R. fulvigleba.
1 Tablespoon per 10 Gallons of water or tea.
yeah, I know planting dynamic accumulators in potted soil seems a lil silly... but I use them for compost teas, that and the soil in the pots is an organic re-used soil as well so it couldn't hurt. I'm just experimenting with the whole thing, may or may not be used for the future, we will see, at this point i'm trying NOT to get ultra complicated on it. I do have a tendency to do that though
its a mechanic thinh i over due everything