Some are more equal than others...

American history says you're wrong. Reaganomics doesn't work, todays economic climate is proof of that. It creates and increases economic inequality. Keynesian economics creates growth and prosperity as evident by the 1940's-1960's.

I have hard evidence to back up my point, you have hot air and pissy pants to back up yours.
The central bank has used Keynesian economics since the 40's. Its not like we aren't using it today, WTF do you think QE 1, QE2, QE3 , Operation twist and QE 4 are?? Reganomics? LOL.
I think there are way more service jobs now than at any point in Reagan's tenure. And by such a wide margin that it pretty much makes Obama look like the service economy KING of the world.
nope, it's all still reagan's fault.

it's all still boo00o00o00sh's fault too.

Toby has perfected his Texas Sharpshooter technique to the point where he can point out how every economic downturn in history can be laid squarely at the feet of whatever republican he is targeting tonight.
the great depression? not caused by (as Nobel Prize Winning PHD Milton Freidman Asserts) the federal reserve, currency manipulation and amateurish attempts to rig the free market and turn it into a giant govt controlled casino, but rather, it was caused by Ronald Reagan and his time travelling economic hit squad of racist bigoted homophobes...


pictured here, plotting to make Toby work for minimum wage and live with his mother, and keep him out of the armed services despite his 91 score on the asvab...
looks like a score of 91 to me.

how does it feel being wrong in all your attempts to say i'm wrong?

you cant even wrap your head around your own shit.
You brushed it off like I was making it up to make myself sound intelligent

Or did you think nobody would notice that?

Also, still don't live with my mom, and you still don't understand economics
You brushed it off like I was making it up to make myself sound intelligent

Or did you think nobody would notice that?

Also, still don't live with my mom, and you still don't understand economics
so wait, i wasnt wrong, but you implied i was wrong, and smugly declared victory, but now imply that it was some hidden subtext that was wrong...

Reagan took office in '81, about the same time your hair started turning gray, both supreme court decisions took place in the 70's, so how am I blaming Reagan?

Do you think trickle down economics works?
Reagan took office in '81, about the same time your hair started turning gray, both supreme court decisions took place in the 70's, so how am I blaming Reagan?

Do you think trickle down economics works?
if you arent blaming reagan, then why do you keep bringin him up?

and yes, Supply Side Economics works.

"keynesian multipliers" dont work, and if you think they do then you too are an idot.
if you arent blaming reagan, then why do you keep bringin him up?

and yes, Supply Side Economics works.

"keynesian multipliers" dont work, and if you think they do then you too are an idot.
I place blame on the cases I referenced earlier in the thread, and you still haven't explained the dramatic increase in the 1980's

When you let wealthy people buy politicians you get increased economic inequality and results like 90%+ approval ratings dropping to 58% in 6 months

Trickle down is a failed economic policy, go listen to the TED talk by Nick Hanauer

I place blame on the cases I referenced earlier in the thread, and you still haven't explained the dramatic increase in the 1980's

When you let wealthy people buy politicians you get increased economic inequality and results like 90%+ approval ratings dropping to 58% in 6 months

Trickle down is a failed economic policy, go listen to the TED talk by Nick Hanauer

as previously stated "Ted Talks" arent proof of anything.

david icke makes a lotta videos of his crazy theories too.

does that mean 7 foot lizard aliens are running the world?

as previously stated "Ted Talks" arent proof of anything.

I didn't say it was proof. He's a billionaire, he explains why it doesn't work, because oligarchs don't spend money on things they don't need/want like trickle down assumes. They keep it out of the economy, which is why Pickettys suggested solutions would work
You were wrong, you thought I bluffing

Why would he think you're bluffing? I scored 93 in 1986 and I was embarrassed that I got beat by my best friend at 94. If there has ever been an easier test administered to me, I don't remember it.

I've been out for a couple decades, what form did you photograph? I think I still have all my shit in a folder in the attic. Just in case someone bleats "citation".

P.S. I knew I was smarter than you.
I didn't say it was proof. He's a billionaire, he explains why it doesn't work, because oligarchs don't spend money on things they don't need/want like trickle down assumes. They keep it out of the economy, which is why Pickettys suggested solutions would work
it DOES work because billionaires INVEST their money, and investment is how non-billionaires get the capital to start their own businesses, which hire other non-billionaires to produce goods and perform services.

clearly you dont know how economics works.

of course under keynesian economic schemes, billionaires have to hde their assets to avoid the usury taxation, hence frenchy's proposed GLOBAL WEALTH TAX

thats right, you thought i forgot about frenchy proposing a GLOBAL tax on standing wealth.

or maybe you didnt understands what frenchy was talking about.

if i put 2 mill in a bank, the bank lends that money to others for interest, and those borrowers use that money to buy shit like a house or car (which results in more houses and cars being built) or start a business which employs people.

currently i would be taxed on my interest from the 2 million, but not on the 2 million itself, cuz it isnt "income" or "capital gains"

frenchy wants to tax me on my 2 mill in the bank, so every year it gets smaller and smaller, thus i could not put my money in a bank, making it availablke to lenders, i would instead have to stash it in some fungible form (cash, gold, diamonds, etc) and bury it in my yard.

likewise, if i built a factory, hired workers and produced widgets, i would not be taxed on my capital, the factory, or my savings, but only on my PROFITS, which is the net increase in my funds after ALL expenses, including taxation.
frenchy's plan would require me to pay the govt every year a % of the value of my factory, my savings, my house, my car, and in fact every asset i owned, thus eventually my assets would become the Govt's assets since nobody can make a 40% return on everything they own year after year.

frenchy doesnt understand how economics works either, since basically robbing people with capital doesnt encourage investment or economic growth, it only promotes consumption (spend it all before the tax man takes it) or money concealment schemes.
You think Krugman, a nobel prize winning economist, doesn't know how to balance a checkbook

Nothing more needs to be said, your sheer stupidity speaks for itself
Have you ever met someone who had so much raw intelligence they were somewhere between crazy and stupid?

I've met a few.

There are some people who are so smart they are effectively retarded.

Krugman might be this way. He could balance a check book, but he has such horsepower in his skill that he gets lost in theory, so advanced it is asinine.
you posted the retarded videos yourself where frenchy lays out the accurate and valid historical data, then goes off the rails arguing for a Maximum Allowed Income (90% tax rate for every dollar over X), argues that super high taxes are a net benefit for economies, and that forcible redistribution of wealth is a good idea.

then Kruggo argues that, among other things, Legal Tender Laws dont actually do anything (fucking retarded) and may in fact be imaginary (lulz), and that everybody should spend more money they dont have, on shit they cant afford to increase "consumption" levels for the good of the economy, etc.

both he and kruggo subscribe to the Keynesian Model (no relation) which declares that govt taxation and spending on ANY project, no matter how pointless somehow makes money and increases a nation's prosperity
both declare emphatically (as you do) that "big economies is speshul" and thus the regular rules dont apply
neither one could possibly believe that debt spending results in prosperity in their own finances, but insist we do that very thing nationally cuz... ummm.... Chewbacca and the Ewoks...
both therefore are either idiots or con men.

now you want me to create a doctoral thesis on economics explaining why your own arguments are wrong, so you can scream TLDR and then insist youre right anyway.

pound sand
Remember when these people made fun of W.Bush after the 9/11 down turn when he told American people to go shopping?

Now turns out that the magic bullet is aggregate demand, which is created by people shopping.
i did, but none of what you said was in there.

please point me to a timestamp.

ok, let's look it up then and see if you are remembering things correctly.

well whadya know? you are remembering it exactly backwards.

you claimed that NO ONE in california gets BLS price on anything.

then i pointed out that safeway vallejo sells them for $1.88 a dozen, less than the BLS of $2.112 a dozen.

then you said PROVE IT!

and then i did. hence why i have a screenshot of safeway eggs in my photobucket, you fucking dolt.


do you lie on purpose, or are you really this stupid?
You are a real simpleton, aren't you?

It is widely known that California has higher than average prices, many of the nation's most expensive cities to live in are in California.

So you found one product, at one point in time that was below the national average.

And you think this proves anything?
no, obama did not make that claim in his bio, the guy who penned that book did.

So now you acknowledge that this biography, which claimed Kenyan birth, does indeed exist.

at least you're making progress.

Tell me, do you think a person writes a biography about someone without a thorough interview, and includes random facts that are just made up?