giving defoliation during flower a try

Well I just figured this thread has tanked anyways lol. And there's the key to all of this, intelligent debate, not rude name calling shit. I love debating the merits and myths about all this. I guess I dont know enough to argue about it though lol. Thank god lol, it can get kind if abusive :o
Well I just figured this thread has tanked anyways lol. And there's the key to all of this, intelligent debate, not rude name calling shit. I love debating the merits and myths about all this. I guess I dont know enough to argue about it though lol. Thank god lol, it can get kind if abusive :o
I agree. I bet that when all these guys wake up itll be round 12 all over again though. These debates on defoliation, nutrients, and additives, they never end. Everyone has to try and push their opinion on everyone else and try to convince them that their the right one. Well if both people think their right and theyre not close enough to each other to beat the other person physically into submission then they wont change each others ideas via the internet. Especially when two very intelligent people are facing off. Im just as guilty as them though. I do like to think i at least argue in favor of open mindedness. Testing to find out what works the best and then going in that direction. Failure is the best teaching tool after all and we all must learn for ourselves to be convinced.
Also seeings how this thread is now about "everything" lol. As I stated earlier I was feeling rich (not quite as rich as Ninja lol) and bought some aqua flakes. The results so far seem great but should I be adding something else while in flower, third week btw. Or should I just let them carry on. I do have "pure flowers" by EZ-GRO. Thats ok Ben I know your thoughts on this lol. Just thought I'd throw this out. Oh and running low pressure sprayers at the moment btw. Thanks for any suggestions.
Also seeings how this thread is now about "everything" lol. As I stated earlier I was feeling rich (not quite as rich as Ninja lol) and bought some aqua flakes. The results so far seem great but should I be adding something else while in flower, third week btw. Or should I just let them carry on. I do have "pure flowers" by EZ-GRO. Thats ok Ben I know your thoughts on this lol. Just thought I'd throw this out. Oh and running low pressure sprayers at the moment btw. Thanks for any suggestions.
Ya, this thread is pooched.....till the next one comes about.
As for the products, idk. Ive never used them before. You running aeroponics?
The trick to staying rich dawg is to hide your money from yourself. If you cant touch it, you cant spend it and it keeps you hungry to make more.
You can't argue with an idiot, witness:

No i never ran dyna gro because i know plenty people whi have tried it friends included and it does not produce the results that are up to my standards of quality and yield. I told u i stand by my statement that dyna gro is crap for cannabis. Might be great for my pansies and marigolds lol

As suspected, you are a noob that is posing as someone who knows what he's doing but clearly does NOT understand nor care about what makes a plant tick.

You really are pushing snake oils and rocket fuels over the top. It is because of this misguided logic that I have NEVER bought cannabis specific products nor will I ever. That also goes for my network of horticultural professionals.

Note to self - "don't feed the trolls".
this is not limited to cannabis, just another marketing ploy
so many tomato specific products
orchid specific products tend to be costly too

Correct, and it's not a problem for me, I don't fall for the marketing ploys. If I pick up a box of fertilizer I only care and read the guaranteed analysis. That's what's so crazy about most cannabis growers....they don't have a clue. They're drawn in by cartoon labels, stupid names, and hype. Like the saying goes and is so true:
"We're all dreamers and con men fulfill those dreams."
Waterdawg to answer your question about flowering with h&g.. Did u buy the bud-xl? I find that starting it at week 2 really makes a big diff than waiting til like week 4 i think they recommend? I find giving it that extra carbs drives plant growth and provides extra "boost" in energy that really makes a difference in the end.. Start off 1/2 strength i think its 20 ml/gal max dose, id start w 10 and go up to max dose weeks 4&5 then last feed and hit w top shooter and booster (do not use together one before other and only for 1 feeding or 1 week if u hand watering w booster than continue the shooter or shooting powder for 2 weeks i usually find cuttin everything but bases off after week 7 on 9 weeks works ideal and reslly brings out the flavors and trichome production.

It is really importwnt when u hit thay top booster if u are in hydro to only add that stuff few days at end of week before u change your res.. It is designed to trigger ripening and tell ur plant that the "season" coming to an end. Then follow w the pk booster for 2-3 weeks depending on variety really makes a huge diff.

Ive also tried using atami bloombastic and substituting the shooter and booster and i find that it produces really dense flowers and aromas in conjuction with the bud-xl and u can use that half strength whole time then ramp it up during week 6-7 & (8) on a sativa or 10+ wk variety. The shits expensive bro not gonna lie but it really makes huge difference on density of flowers u can ask local grow store for samples try it on a few plants they should give u some np u can see for yourself. I swear by it.

H&G is s great product i still like Canna boost better rhan bud-xl but just my opinion. I dont use multi-zen or algen extract when i run h&g but i do recommend the roots excel first 2 weeks of bloom, add some hygrozyme through week 3-4 and happy harvesting

Also using hygrozyme is dope because if doing organics its a natural ph down!! Instead of having to add synthetic ph down using hygrozyme as recommend dosig naturally lowers nutrient ph and works awesome at the same time!

Although they trained you wrong, at least they trained you to crap consistently.... Repeating the nonsense they fed you doesn't make it any less false though, no matter how often you repeat it.

It is designed to trigger ripening and tell ur plant that the "season" coming to an end.
It's "designed" to get money from uneducated growers. There's no season indoor fucktard...

Instead of parroting the nonsense, you might as well post links...

Top booster is just a PK booster with some iron. As every grower with just a little knowledge and experience knows, PK boosters leads to premature yellowing. Partly because of the relatively too low N ratio, partly because P antagonizes Ca and Zn.

It's an expected logical outcome of fucking up.... the season will come to an end :wall:

this is not limited to cannabis, just another marketing ploy
so many tomato specific products
orchid specific products tend to be costly too
Well nearly all consumer products have some marketing ploy going on but it's not that comparable to the scammabis industry. Orchid are very sensitive, and while "bloom boosters" for orchid exists, they are probably only sold to stoners growing orchids :lol: Orchids need very very little amount of nutrient so when they finally sell a bottle they sell a small overpriced bottle. The overpriced tomato specific nurient I've seen seem to be from supposed cannabis-specific nutrient manufacturers.
Oh really so what happens when ur flowers are finishing without a pk booster and you reduce nutrients at the end of bloom? They dont turn yellow? Dude ur misinformed thats the point of a pk booster they ripen and trigger the plant to finish. The only reason u would have yellowing is because u didnt supply them enough of bases, yellowing can also be caused by ph imbalance in rhizosphere and insufficient amounts of calcium and magnesium and iron. Please stop talking no one is speaking to you seriously. I was talking to waterdawg he can come back in a few weeks after he uses it and tell u what happened if he follows directions i gave him.mso please stfu. I asked nicely u dont know what youre talking about at all.

I use pk booster i dont get premature yellowing so how u gonna tell me im wrong bro u dont even use any of the products ur just repeating some bs u read and YOU think its true. Nothing u said is a fact.
How come tour beloved dyna grow has a bloom enhancer? How come gh has a bloom emhancer.. Its not because thats what people want its because that what the plants want during certain point during the flowering stage oh boy u just wont get it thats a sad day for you all u keep listening to these guys. U listen to me im here to help get great results not mediocre ones.

Wayerdawg do a side by side if u dont believe im confident 99.9% that it works and increases yield, thc content and density if u add those at the right time. Guarantee it
Hey so lets say your right that pk booster lead to premature yellowing please explain to me what that has done to w bud production? Im just trying to figure this out please keep me i formed. Because that makes no sense whatsoever. Lets like tellin all these expert that u dont ever wanna flush ur contwiner for last week in bloom because it causes yellowing too.

I dont flush personally running organics doesnt matter but thats a whole nother conversation. But ur statement makes no sense yellowing of leaves is something u want at end of bloom to an extent so ehats your point?
Please stop talking no one is speaking to you seriously.
:lol: I know you posted in your first post you are new to forums but you can't be that retarded...

How about you STFU and GTFO, pretty please :)

Dude ur misinformed thats the point of a pk booster they ripen and trigger the plant to finish
Again, repeating nonsense doesn't make it any more true fucktard. There's no such thing as a bloom booster, bloom enhancer, hardener, shooter, ripener, and all that nonsense. It's just the same shit in different ratios. They sell you what you already have in your base nutes.

was talking to waterdawg he can come back in a few weeks after he uses it and tell u what happened if he follows directions i gave him
What you seem to be missing is the fact that we've seen hundreds examples of various combinations. I've used Top Booster and Bud XL myself...

Let me give you a clue, I will make it obvious, grabbed from the other pile of shit you dropped on these forums:

I don't think a single person here believed that guy, even the advanced nutrients and canna users. Canna and advanced have the same nitrate salts any hydro formula brand has.

He was saying that NPK doesn't matter as much as the amino acids and B vitamins. What a moron! lol That's a great way to lose your credibility real quickly in a forum section 100% based on plant nutrition.

N : P2O5 : K2O and K : Ca : Mg : Fe ratios are what make one mix perform differently than another.

That's how fucking delusional you are. What these forums are for amongst others is to prevent people from taking over advice from scammers like you. I think you'd be better of at grasscity...
Ok ill show u some pics of the scammin nutrients i run and show unharbest weight and quality and youre gonna tell me im a scammer? Lol

Who said npk wasnt important? Insaid npk is important they r some of your macro nutrients i said and i will quote its not they only shit that drives your plants to produce premium flowers. Amino acids, silicate, calcium magnesium all play integral roles in how good your shit will come out

Who fuckin died and made you king of cannabis? Youre dumber than uncle ben and his 1980 recipes that are so outdated half the shit is not even applicable anymore

Here my snake oil in one spot using bloom enhancers and bud ingitor running everything amino, silicstes vitamin B

Heres some close ups only 9 days in most people are barely getting pistils and flower clusters to start tightening i already got buds forming about dime size ppl be lucky b at day 17 having flowers this big you know why? Because of the combination of flowering enhancers i use not just bases of npk


So bloom enhancers are snake oil right?


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Although they trained you wrong, at least they trained you to crap consistently.... Repeating the nonsense they fed you doesn't make it any less false though, no matter how often you repeat it.

It's "designed" to get money from uneducated growers. There's no season indoor fucktard...

Instead of parroting the nonsense, you might as well post links...

Top booster is just a PK booster with some iron. As every grower with just a little knowledge and experience knows, PK boosters leads to premature yellowing. Partly because of the relatively too low N ratio, partly because P antagonizes Ca and Zn.

It's an expected logical outcome of fucking up.... the season will come to an end :wall:

Well nearly all consumer products have some marketing ploy going on but it's not that comparable to the scammabis industry. Orchid are very sensitive, and while "bloom boosters" for orchid exists, they are probably only sold to stoners growing orchids :lol: Orchids need very very little amount of nutrient so when they finally sell a bottle they sell a small overpriced bottle. The overpriced tomato specific nurient I've seen seem to be from supposed cannabis-specific nutrient manufacturers.

i went through an experimental stage once trying to avoid the hydro shops/ hydro specific nutes
trying to make it work from what i can buy at the regular garden stores
some orchid specific foods were nitrate based instead of urea making them semi suitable for hydro
regular garden stores do not stock any kind of hydro/soiless nutes but they do sell perlite lol
Correct, and it's not a problem for me, I don't fall for the marketing ploys. If I pick up a box of fertilizer I only care and read the guaranteed analysis. That's what's so crazy about most cannabis growers....they don't have a clue. They're drawn in by cartoon labels, stupid names, and hype. Like the saying goes and is so true:
"We're all dreamers and con men fulfill those dreams."

some of these bottles of stuff cost a fortune
this stuff cost £105 for 500ml

and they also claim in can increase yield by 50%

this one is £135 for 500g

not sure if its fair to totally blame those making this shit
if there are idiots willing to buy it
pretty much like all the pointless things in the world