
New Member
Hi eveyone, So.. I have a friend who has been growing for a couple years now using a simple 4 x 4 grow tent in his loft with 1 sunmaster dual spectrum 600w grow light, at the moment his yield is around 4 ounces from each plant and he has 4 plants using the basic hydroponic method, he's pretty tight when it comes to spending money on further equipment, not that i blame him (if its not broke why fix it?) so i am planing to do my first grow and from researching on the net into different methods I was wondering if i want to keep my grow room completely secret from police and ther FLIR cameras would it be a better option to use a full spectrum LED light which is equivalent to 1000w as they dont let of near as much heat and with having to extract the smell and hot air through ducting through a hole in the roof which maybe a flir camera would see, or can a flir camera see the UV and Infared light that a LED light would give off? Also would i get the same yield or better because there will be no wasted light or heat due to using the blue and red light that a grow needs? Any suggestions please?


I know FLIR from the military, UV and infrared emitters in direct line of sight are light flares under FLIR but only in direct line of sight to the lense, inside a mylar tent it is not an issue. Put the mylar IR blocker from lowes around your tent if your worried.

Instead of venting the air outside, can you vent evenly through your house? it would be much better than an out vent. Any out vent is going to be a thermal signature, no way around and its really hard to disguise it.

HPS or LED i have no idea, I have no experience with leds.

I may be wrong but my understanding is that flir isnt a big deal anymore since the supreme court overruled it and even when it was being used as long as you were under 1000watts in a 3/2 house it wasnt a big concern, just use ir blocker and vent air through house.


Well-Known Member
A good LED can turn decent buds....but they are pricey for the good ones.

Stick your shit in a mylar tent keep it light proof and smell proof it with a good carbon filter and fan.

A good 400 w hid lamp will make a man happy happy happy

All comments and pictures posted by the entity known as packetloss314 are completely fiction and at times outright lies. All content was copied from the internet and all statements are from the mind of a lunatic


Well-Known Member
Hi eveyone, So.. I have a friend who has been growing for a couple years now using a simple 4 x 4 grow tent in his loft with 1 sunmaster dual spectrum 600w grow light, at the moment his yield is around 4 ounces from each plant and he has 4 plants using the basic hydroponic method, he's pretty tight when it comes to spending money on further equipment, not that i blame him (if its not broke why fix it?) so i am planing to do my first grow and from researching on the net into different methods I was wondering if i want to keep my grow room completely secret from police and ther FLIR cameras would it be a better option to use a full spectrum LED light which is equivalent to 1000w as they dont let of near as much heat and with having to extract the smell and hot air through ducting through a hole in the roof which maybe a flir camera would see, or can a flir camera see the UV and Infared light that a LED light would give off? Also would i get the same yield or better because there will be no wasted light or heat due to using the blue and red light that a grow needs? Any suggestions please?
lolol u no how much it takes for them to send a heli up ?? im pretty sure there not gunna send one up to bust ur 4 plant setup ;) they look for big grows ones with more then 10 1000 watt hps lights lol


A guy in the next county over got busted cause a guy in a stolen car drove into his grow room...

A buddy got busted because him and his brother got into a fight IN their grow, neighbors called the cops who had probable and entered because of obvious sounds of altercation....

Biggest reason to get busted...girl/boy friends, spouses, and kids running their mouth.

I had cops walk into my house with a full grow going back in 97. They came because of a 3k electric spike, i had just set up a large aquarium...with sharks, eels, and rays, wild caught. Showed them the aquarium, they looked at it, made a few good comments and left. If my wife had been there I would have went to jail, she is not cool around law enforcement. She wouldn't have told, but she would have gotten us searched due to weird behavior.

You can be busted but its usually some random BS, a failed relationship, or your dealing...train your house mates to deal with law enforcement..."never get busted again" on youtube

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Hi eveyone, So.. I have a friend who has been growing for a couple years now using a simple 4 x 4 grow tent in his loft with 1 sunmaster dual spectrum 600w grow light, at the moment his yield is around 4 ounces from each plant and he has 4 plants using the basic hydroponic method, he's pretty tight when it comes to spending money on further equipment, not that i blame him (if its not broke why fix it?) so i am planing to do my first grow and from researching on the net into different methods I was wondering if i want to keep my grow room completely secret from police and ther FLIR cameras would it be a better option to use a full spectrum LED light which is equivalent to 1000w as they dont let of near as much heat and with having to extract the smell and hot air through ducting through a hole in the roof which maybe a flir camera would see, or can a flir camera see the UV and Infared light that a LED light would give off? Also would i get the same yield or better because there will be no wasted light or heat due to using the blue and red light that a grow needs? Any suggestions please?
I can assure you with 100% certainty that you will not be busted because of FLIR. You have about as much chance of being busted from them subpoenaing your i.p. address from postings on this site and tracking you down that way. In both those cases, a grow your size is not worth their money or their time. Unless you do something to shove your activity in their faces, they will probably leave you alone. But worrying about them seeing that your house is a bit too hot from the sky... I think you would need to be running a bit more intense operation. I mean, your friend hasn't been busted and he's been doing it for years, that should give you an idea that you can follow suit, IMO. Even if you live in the reddest state in the country, I guarantee that in terms of pot grows you are going to be a very little fish in a very big pond, and the law sharks want a more substantial meal.


Well-Known Member
Agreed on getting busted. With that said, I love my LED setup. I didn'twant to fuck with ballasts and bulbs that go out. I didn't want so much juice beign pulled on the outlet also attached to me kids room. And temps are simple, if anything I keep my office where my tent sits warmer thanI would like to keep the tent temp where I want it.

I am no expert and pulling abput 2 zips per plants, 3-4 at a harvest, all under a pull of 160 watts. WhileI knowI could yield more light, it keeps me stocked for my personal use. And if I wanted more, I personally would shell out for another LED.

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
Hi eveyone, So.. I have a friend who has been growing for a couple years now using a simple 4 x 4 grow tent in his loft with 1 sunmaster dual spectrum 600w grow light, at the moment his yield is around 4 ounces from each plant and he has 4 plants using the basic hydroponic method, he's pretty tight when it comes to spending money on further equipment, not that i blame him (if its not broke why fix it?) so i am planing to do my first grow and from researching on the net into different methods I was wondering if i want to keep my grow room completely secret from police and ther FLIR cameras would it be a better option to use a full spectrum LED light which is equivalent to 1000w as they dont let of near as much heat and with having to extract the smell and hot air through ducting through a hole in the roof which maybe a flir camera would see, or can a flir camera see the UV and Infared light that a LED light would give off? Also would i get the same yield or better because there will be no wasted light or heat due to using the blue and red light that a grow needs? Any suggestions please?
If you want to truly match a 1000W HPS, with LED, you have three options.

1. Get four, Area 51 RW-150's
2. Get an Apache Tech AT600
3. Make a DIY light, using COB's

All three options will result in top notch buds, it's just a matter of which direction you want to go in.
Check out the LED subforum, under Indoor Growing, it's full of exactly the kind of info you're looking for.


Well-Known Member
LED does not produce the quality hps does. And the per watt yield isn't that different.
I would like to chime in on your post canna : In greengenes thread 1000w hps vs at600 blue dream grow I believe he had both samples tested and the LED was 3% higher thc than the hps .


Well-Known Member
LED does not produce the quality hps does. And the per watt yield isn't that different.
Quality is better under an led but the hps has much better density of light and therefore yields more . But the led will provide better spectrum and therefore giving better quality . Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that's the general understanding to this point.
LED does not produce the quality hps does. And the per watt yield isn't that different.
What did you notice in the quality between the two different lighting systems?

In your experience when comparing the two when you made this judgment did you grow the same strain under the two different light systems? Did you also cure it the same way? How did you come to this conclusion.
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Well-Known Member
I have never grown HID so I can't compare. I did CFL before LED. I use an Area51 SGS160. You can google it for the specs. Buds are great, they are tighter tha. with the CFL for certain.


Well-Known Member
What did you notice in the quality between the two different lighting systems?

In your experience when comparing the two when you made this judgment did you grow the same strain under the two different light systems? Did you also cure it the same way? How did you come to this conclusion.
Same nine strains under both. Young growth was faster with LED. After that it fell behind fast. Overall growth was 25% less. Stalk was about 15% small. And nodes closer with LED. All dried and cured in same room. All tracked. Got 2 to 2.6 ounces per plant with LED. It was about a little less the 600 watts. 4 years ago so led has got better. But still not the penetration of hps. Hps at 1000 we got 4 to 6 ounces. Bigger denser bud. I used both together and that rocked. But only the few plants the led and hps covered more equally did the best. Did this 3 times.
Same nine strains under both. Young growth was faster with LED. After that it fell behind fast. Overall growth was 25% less. Stalk was about 15% small. And nodes closer with LED. All dried and cured in same room. All tracked. Got 2 to 2.6 ounces per plant with LED. It was about a little less the 600 watts. 4 years ago so led has got better. But still not the penetration of hps. Hps at 1000 we got 4 to 6 ounces. Bigger denser bud. I used both together and that rocked. But only the few plants the led and hps covered more equally did the best. Did this 3 times.
Thanks for the reply,
I would have imagined the PAR being higher than the 1000 watt HPS would have an impact. And of course the actual wattage drawn from the LED should also be considered.

It's got me thinking, the reason LED technology is not taking off as quickly as MH and HPS did. With the HPS light bulbs and MH bulbs you know what you're getting you know its power output unlike with LED technology that it can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. It lacks a true standard.

There should be a new term coined: AWD(Actual wattage drawn) That way they can still advertise the actual LED rating themselves and then advertise the actual power being drawn from the electrical system ie.

600 watt Full spectrum LED grow light AWD = 350W

Would be nice.


New Member
I know FLIR from the military, UV and infrared emitters in direct line of sight are light flares under FLIR but only in direct line of sight to the lense, inside a mylar tent it is not an issue. Put the mylar IR blocker from lowes around your tent if your worried.

Instead of venting the air outside, can you vent evenly through your house? it would be much better than an out vent. Any out vent is going to be a thermal signature, no way around and its really hard to disguise it.

HPS or LED i have no idea, I have no experience with leds.

I may be wrong but my understanding is that flir isnt a big deal anymore since the supreme court overruled it and even when it was being used as long as you were under 1000watts in a 3/2 house it wasnt a big concern, just use ir blocker and vent air through house.
Hi thanks for the advice its good to know that the flir cannot detect it in the house, i already know that 600w isn't much to be worried about i guess I'm just a little more paranoid because of all the stuff i've read, what do you mean by venting through the house i mean it will be based in the loft because i wouldn't want any one that comes to my home to know i'm actually doing it i'm pretty good at actually keeping my mouth shut and not acting suspicious (loose lips sink ships) and as far as my friends house it doesn't smell at all apart from when its been cut down, so i don't have any worries there but with venting through the ducting tube out the roof i don't really know where else to fix the ducting so it goes somewhere less obvious i mean a chimney would be ideal if i can sort something there but I'm a bit stuck because i guess thats the only thing left on my checklist that will give me the confidence that it will go un notticed