always taste like corn.. why?


Well-Known Member
ok riu .I have been growin n smoking 4ever it seems and now the new is to have wax/oil/dabs what ever the hell you wan to call it these days.. I started doing the extractions by Oakley and every time I do a dab it taste like corn.. why the hell is this? my extraction method is almost to the t. but the only difference is i use 91% iso. I deep freeze everything for days before I use any of it. I have tried just letting it air dry in my vegg room for days and still the corn taste.. tried even heating it with the hot plate at 100 degrees until dry.. I have ended up with shatter an oil but it always ends up tasting like corn.. HELP ME PLEASE.......
My buddies wax taste like burnt popcorn everytime. It could be strain and butane related. He uses Vector, a cpl diff strains and a dehydrator. Just a thought....
Only time i've ever got a burnt flavor in my wax is when i decarbed my material in the oven prior to extraction.
Never did that again lol :roll:
An extraction should smell and taste like what it was extracted from. I trust that isn't what the starting material smelled like, or we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Taste sensations are sometimes hard for two people to identify as the same sensation. I sometimes taste the corn in QWET done with white lightning corn squeezings, but not in ISO.

If it has dragged over more than one strain, I suspect the process, which could be residual ISO. You might try vacuum purging at -29.5" Hg and 115F, to observe what happens and if the flavor goes away.

Adding more water to the formula brings in other water soluble variables, which might taste like corn to you, so would stick with 99% ISO, which we can get at our local Safeway.

If you are using the same purging techniques for 91% as Oakley's 99%, you may possibly be leaving some water behind, along with what ever water solubles they dragged along.
An extraction should smell and taste like what it was extracted from. I trust that isn't what the starting material smelled like, or we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Taste sensations are sometimes hard for two people to identify as the same sensation. I sometimes taste the corn in QWET done with white lightning corn squeezings, but not in ISO.

If it has dragged over more than one strain, I suspect the process, which could be residual ISO. You might try vacuum purging at -29.5" Hg and 115F, to observe what happens and if the flavor goes away.

Adding more water to the formula brings in other water soluble variables, which might taste like corn to you, so would stick with 99% ISO, which we can get at our local Safeway.

If you are using the same purging techniques for 91% as Oakley's 99%, you may possibly be leaving some water behind, along with what ever water solubles they dragged along.

starting materials are as follows
frozen bud.from my local dealer/friend/homie..usually fire..
frozen iso 91% from wallyworld..
frozen jars to pour in
frozen filters,lids,and everything that I may need in the end is frozen..
I ad about a 1/2 inch of iso over the levelness of crumbled up bud.
shake/stir for about 30 secs .wait for another 30 sec. then pour thru metal coffee filter then that goes into a double filter on top a mason jar..
I let it drain thru in the freezer
pour into pyrex tray and either air dry or low heat until dry.
most of the time I have a very nice golden or amber shatter but it always taste like corn aftertaste even if I use different brands of iso and buds..
I don't have a vacc. or a way to get one.. I am thinking of doing butane but at $10 a can for stak. vs $2.50 for a big bottle of iso..
I have tried different filters , different bud ,different iso. great non crackling ,popin dabs but CORN.
ok riu .I have been growin n smoking 4ever it seems and now the new is to have wax/oil/dabs what ever the hell you wan to call it these days.. I started doing the extractions by Oakley and every time I do a dab it taste like corn.. why the hell is this? my extraction method is almost to the t. but the only difference is i use 91% iso. I deep freeze everything for days before I use any of it. I have tried just letting it air dry in my vegg room for days and still the corn taste.. tried even heating it with the hot plate at 100 degrees until dry.. I have ended up with shatter an oil but it always ends up tasting like corn.. HELP ME PLEASE.......

I get that with mine to and I do everything the same as well except I also use 91% ISO instead of the 99% and I know what you mean by the corn taste especially after you take a hit and then suck the stale smoke out you can really taste it. I try not to taste it on exhale. I would like to know why as well
ok. for everyone who is tryin to give the right answer I thank you.. BUT I am doing the EXACT method of Oakley but I use 91%. I have used 99% and it was so long ago I don't remember.. I have used my own shine also. at 170 proof (really tasted the corn then). I have tried vector butane but it was very harsh.. will I have the same taste with an iso wash no matter the product I start with..
Seeds can do that.... were all seeds culled? Hemp seed oil.
ok snapped potty meat sandwich .. seriously do you even read before just slam crap on the screen ..I am looking for friendly answer from helpful people.. not from the judgmental bored trolls
I think maybe your soaking your material to long and maybe mixing it to vigorously? I usually do a 15-30(tops) soak that barely includes a light swirl motion.

According to your steps, you mix for 30sec and allow it to remain soaked for another 30 seconds. I would personally cut that last 30 seconds out. Btw Oakley doesn't even soak, he pours on top of the nugs..
I think maybe your soaking your material to long and maybe mixing it to vigorously? I usually do a 15-30(tops) soak that barely includes a light swirl motion.

According to your steps, you mix for 30sec and allow it to remain soaked for another 30 seconds. I would personally cut that last 30 seconds out. Btw Oakley doesn't even soak, he pours on top of the nugs..
very good call on the wash time.. I think I will do a butane wash and another 91 iso wash and let them both cook for awhile longer..i usually scrape when dry or the iso smell is no longer there..then I put it on a piece of parchment paper and put it back on the hot plate and let it soften up and fold it over n over ..burns clean and no crackle on the nail.. does the job just CORN
Why so set on ISO? There are much better solvents to work with that wont strip so much chlorophyll from the product when extracting.
Post some fucking pictures for Christ sakes too. Is it black? How many times have you done this? When heating on parchment, what temps is the oil reaching? Are you using an infrared heat gun?

1.5g ISO SHATTER from 11g's of Trainwreck (Flowers only)20141101_212142.jpg

7 gram run of same Trainwreck (flower only)
20141023_175702.jpg 20141023_175715.jpg

Another 7 gram run of same Trainwreck (flowers only)

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