best nutrients

Advanced nutrients is really good for hydro. Sensi, big bud, sensizyme are a great start to hydro. There pretty cheap compared to other big line nutrient companies
General Hydroponics.

Veg/clone - MaxiGrow
Bloom- MaxiBloom, or Flora Nova (I think it gives a better taste)

Jacks Professional Hydroponic..
Personally, I have used many different nutes.

From MG powder and fluids, to peters all in ones, pretty much anything I could find when I needed nutes. Some disagree on this but THEY ALL WORK. If used correctly.

However I have found that GH Flora Series to be easy to use and work well.
You can follow there feeding regiment or customize it to for your own use.
You can also use them for the Lucas Formula. 8ml micro per gallon and 16ml Bloom per gallon. Easy and effective.

Oh and there cheap I have found the whole set for around $20 but usually see them from $25-30.

Point is. People spend so much money on nutrients. When they really do not need to. As long as you have to general nutes for what your plant needs. You do not need to spend hundreds on nutes. I have seen grows side by side using nutes that were expensive and nutes that cheap as hell. There wasn't much of a difference. If you can grow you can grow with anything.

GH is by far the best simply because they work well have everything your plants need and they are cheap.
Flora series is fine.. I've gotten close to 1gpw harvest with it.

I just like the maxi line.. its powder, More concentrated. I think its more accurate to get the NPK that you want on a container of unknown volume. I guess its a big deal for me since I like to batch up nutes 30-50 gallons at a time. I have a PPM level I want. I just ease it in there and i'm done.. no messing with measuring cups.

I guess when I started running a larger op, I had to make my solutions simpler..
Most anything at the hydro stote will do you ok as long as you do your part as there is no nute that will make You a better grower
that being said ive had good exp with
the good old gh 3 part in DWC
botanicare made extremely tasty buds grown in coco.
and had a good run with adv nutes

I would base it on what you want to do as some nutes play better in some setups than others.
thanks for the comments guys I have a 15 liter dwc system I got the advanced nuts micro grow bloom do you add them together from the seedling stage like 4 mil micro the 4 mil grow and 4 mil of bloom in week 1 and so on I no I sound a bit thick but can not see what it means on the back so if sum one has used it your info would be excellent cheers guys
Go cheap, advanced nutrients is a bunch of overpriced individual components that other nutrient lines contain in fewer bottles. Pick your choice from flora series, botanicare kind/pureblendpro, foxfarm hydro line, earth juice, dynagro, bcuzz. They will all work! Pick whichever bottle you like most because thats all that youre purchasing. Always remember to either follow the feeding schedule or tone back the feeding schedule a little bit. Never go over the advised feeding schedule unless there is an aggressive growth option
thanks for the comments guys I have a 15 liter dwc system I got the advanced nuts micro grow bloom do you add them together from the seedling stage like 4 mil micro the 4 mil grow and 4 mil of bloom in week 1 and so on I no I sound a bit thick but can not see what it means on the back so if sum one has used it your info would be excellent cheers guys
Generally I like to let my cotlyden yellow before I think of feeding (although I ran many were the cotlyden (ack spelling) was still healthy lol

You can give a very light mix but just remember you cant make the plant grow faster then the conditions will allow.
wgo to adv nutes website for feed charts

im not praising adv nutes but I did have good results I didnt care about price .
but I will say they arent the last nutes I'll ever try
Botanicare PureBlend Grow/Pro
Botanicare CalMag

I used to use it in my outdoor pots, but I have heard nothing but good things from friends that ran indooor flood-drain in coco also.

Cost doesn't always mean better. I would never spend $30 a quart on some nutes... I don't care what the label claims.
Okay, I have a really dumb, basic question.

Marijuana a weed, right? I mean it's not some delicate GMO invention that must be handled with precision or it dies, right? So what is the benefit of nutes? If it is grown in a good, GOOD soil, isn't that just as good? What do nutes add? I mean it is grown in South American jungles! My prize butternut squash do great with average good soil. What's so special about MJ and nutes?
Try it organic buds CANbe just watered but you have to have your soil perfect

As to the nutes comment thunk of it this way
difference is like grandmas food and some junk out of a cafeteria

which would you rather have?

they will both fill your belly

feel me

Also if you gota ask you just dont know lol
no disrespect intended
as mabey you have great soil for squash lol

also no dumb questons just dumb answers:)