What words should be banned outright?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Like I said, I don't make the laws.And I have no wish to make up anyone else's mind on this subject.After all, you're the one who posted THIS thread.You're the one speaking in absolutes.
Sodomy? Beastiality? Incest? Child rape? Selling organs? Selling children? Prostitution? Polygamy? Defecating in public? Spitting? Maybe you can make up our minds on all these subjects for us, too......among many, many others, I'm sure.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Where did you get that from?Child rape is disgusting.It's an act of violence against a human being for sexual pleasure.You have no idea what my views are.But if you can't read what I've written PLAINLy in a post, I guess your intelligence should be called into question.
Oh, and child rape should be fine in your view, as long as the child came out of your body.......


New Member
Where did you get that from?Child rape is disgusting.It's an act of violence against a human being for sexual pleasure.You have no idea what my views are.But if you can't read what I've written PLAINLy in a post, I guess your intelligence should be called into question.

And I don't think any goverment be it federal or state, has the right to tell a person what they can put into or take out of their own body.

Who "owns" children? Would that be their parents? So the parents
can put into or take out of their own body whatever they wish, right? (In your own words)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Wow. You're deliberately misconstruing my meaning.Once a child is born, they have every right to the love, protection, and care of their parents.They are not adults...so they don't have any way of consenting to what is put into their bodies or taken out.Any adult can do whatever they wish to their OWN body.And whatever resides within.Once a person is born, they are an individual.And if the parents are not caring for this child, then there are agencies established to step in.But if an unwanted child is born because a woman has no right to her own reproductive freedom,that's what can happen.
And I don't think any goverment be it federal or state, has the right to tell a person what they can put into or take out of their own body.

Who "owns" children? Would that be their parents? So the parents
can put into or take out of their own body whatever they wish, right? (In your own words)


New Member
The system works; we don't need to be lectured as to what is right and wrong by a panel of 9........because, next time it comes up it could be made universally illegal, whether it's abortion or some other topic you cherish, without regard to your, or my, opinions.


New Member
Or should the citizens of said states be allowed to regulate that behavior?
I hate to jump in here, but I'll vote for the womans right to her own body and her fetus or whatever the gooy mess is after first term abortions. In my humble view, Life starts with the first breath, yeah I know all about the pain the fetus goes through in an abortion, and I'm personally against abortions, but I'm not a pregnant woman with issues. If we start locking women up for abortions, we'll have many more womens deaths from botched abortions by back alley coat hanger butchers. Here's a question for you: How many potential children have you killed with your incessant masturbation,~LOL~.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
So, basically then, if that's the way you feel, you're just arguing for the sake of arguing.Because I agree with that.Except I do believe the system is flawed.Prisons most definitely.
The system works; we don't need to be lectured as to what is right and wrong by a panel of 9........because, next time it comes up it could be made universally illegal, whether it's abortion or some other topic you cherish, without regard to your, or my, opinions.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
LOL, med.But you're right, and you probably were alive in the time before roe.v wade, so you remember.
I hate to jump in here, but I'll vote for the womans right to her own body and her fetus or whatever the gooy mess is after first term abortions. In my humble view, Life starts with the first breath, yeah I know all about the pain the fetus goes through in an abortion, and I'm personally against abortions, but I'm not a pregnant woman with issues. If we start locking women up for abortions, we'll have many more womens deaths from botched abortions by back alley coat hanger butchers. Here's a question for you: How many potential children have you killed with your incessant masturbation,~LOL~.


New Member
So, basically then, if that's the way you feel, you're just arguing for the sake of arguing.Because I agree with that.Except I do believe the system is flawed.Prisons most definitely.
Let me repeat this so we don't blither unnecessarily......if Californians want to legalize abortion, fine....I won't move there if I disagree..If Utah wants to make abortion illegal, fine.....I won't move there if I disagree....are we straight.
Post 41...................


New Member
I hate to jump in here, but I'll vote for the womans right to her own body and her fetus or whatever the gooy mess is after first term abortions. In my humble view, Life starts with the first breath, yeah I know all about the pain the fetus goes through in an abortion, and I'm personally against abortions, but I'm not a pregnant woman with issues. If we start locking women up for abortions, we'll have many more womens deaths from botched abortions by back alley coat hanger butchers. Here's a question for you: How many potential children have you killed with your incessant masturbation,~LOL~.
I'm sure you'd also vote for sodomy with a pregnant women....I'm not impressed.


New Member
I'm willing to turn a blind eye to abortion........but to promote it is unacceptable. Kids not having to tell their parents if they get an abortion.....sex ed that fosters irresponsible behavior...free condoms everywhere you look..it all stems from R. v W. and state sponsored birth control programs.