Club 600

Evening lads.
Giggs you might wanna try 20/4 thats what i went with when i ran auto's. at the hour it was like: We had enough let us sleep!. Dropping leaves. So i gave them 4 hours to rest. What autos are you running? Looks very small aye? There were some beasts in the party cup auto competition. Believe jimmer was in it.

Im having a lan party this weekend, lol :) Gonna be grande fun! So far we are 11.
Battlefield 1942 Desert combat! Hells yeah ;)
And im gonna fuck everybody up in counter strike. 13 years ago i was in r2e^, 5th best ranked danish counter strike clan. lol. Won lots of hardware at that time.. Haha rapture.

Mystery seedlings are getting bigger. Mutant is no longer mutant. Looks like Goji og but could be dog amongst others. Time will tell..
Shark shock cbd started flowering. Best get the meds soon. Taking a few cuts tomorrow for a side run with dwc.
Unknown clones from outside. Hoping its chokolate heaven as it is the most amazing smelling weed i have never smoken ;)
Lemon Skunk 4th day of drying. I could cry about the yield but the smell is just too good.
My m8 have borrowed out the ice bags. Sux big time! My freezer is full with buds from outside harvest and two grocery bags of lemon trim and popcorn. Im about to go ebay 3x5gallon bags,25,90,220. 16pounds+ damn delivery 10 pounds.. Would be nice to have some killer for the lan, and be certain they play like shit and ill be king of ownage! ;)
Evening lads.
Giggs you might wanna try 20/4 thats what i went with when i ran auto's. at the hour it was like: We had enough let us sleep!. Dropping leaves. So i gave them 4 hours to rest. What autos are you running? Looks very small aye? There were some beasts in the party cup auto competition. Believe jimmer was in it.

Im having a lan party this weekend, lol :) Gonna be grande fun! So far we are 11.
Battlefield 1942 Desert combat! Hells yeah ;)
And im gonna fuck everybody up in counter strike. 13 years ago i was in r2e^, 5th best ranked danish counter strike clan. lol. Won lots of hardware at that time.. Haha rapture.

Mystery seedlings are getting bigger. Mutant is no longer mutant. Looks like Goji og but could be dog amongst others. Time will tell..
View attachment 3282495
Shark shock cbd started flowering. Best get the meds soon. Taking a few cuts tomorrow for a side run with dwc.
View attachment 3282496
Unknown clones from outside. Hoping its chokolate heaven as it is the most amazing smelling weed i have never smoken ;)
View attachment 3282497
Lemon Skunk 4th day of drying. I could cry about the yield but the smell is just too good.
View attachment 3282498
My m8 have borrowed out the ice bags. Sux big time! My freezer is full with buds from outside harvest and two grocery bags of lemon trim and popcorn. Im about to go ebay 3x5gallon bags,25,90,220. 16pounds+ damn delivery 10 pounds.. Would be nice to have some killer for the lan, and be certain they play like shit and ill be king of ownage! ;)
Very nice ^^^^^^^ The lemon skunk looks delicious

And I agree with 20/4 for auto's. 24 don't give the roots their time and 18 leaves them a little on the fluffy side. IMO And yes I was in the party cup grow, and had the biggest yield. They also seem to like m/h over hps.IMO
Well, I lost 6-1/2 plants to some fluffy brown mold :-(

But the other 10-1/2 seem clear, so they have been chopped and are hanging with the oscillating fan on high and heat turned up a notch.

And so ends my first outdoor grow!
If only the weather had held for 2 more weeks...
Oh, well: it could have been much worse.

Molded, to various degrees...


Hard to get a shot with them all in view so here are the saved ones (and will be going in tonight to clip off the big leaves.

Very nice ^^^^^^^ The lemon skunk looks delicious

And I agree with 20/4 for auto's. 24 don't give the roots their time and 18 leaves them a little on the fluffy side. IMO And yes I was in the party cup grow, and had the biggest yield. They also seem to like m/h over hps.IMO
I do 20/4 when l do auto's also but his seem a little short on the green.
Well, I lost 6-1/2 plants to some fluffy brown mold :-(

But the other 10-1/2 seem clear, so they have been chopped and are hanging with the oscillating fan on high and heat turned up a notch.

And so ends my first outdoor grow!
If only the weather had held for 2 more weeks...
Oh, well: it could have been much worse.

Molded, to various degrees...

View attachment 3282552

Hard to get a shot with them all in view so here are the saved ones (and will be going in tonight to clip off the big leaves.

View attachment 3282553
View attachment 3282554
Well you can freeze them up and make hash.
Doobs. You can prevent mold in the drying product but you will have to dry quick. This is what I would do.

-Wet trim. This way you get rid of alot of moisture quickly.

-fan directly on buds in at least 70dg room with 30% humidity or LESS.

-Get them down to the point you would normally jar and go just a tad longer.

If you dry quickly to get rid of the moisture you will beat the development of mold. The trick is to not overdry when drying quick as that is what will ruin it. Just bring it down to ideal RH as quick as possible and jar as soon as ready. I have done this for other problems and still had great smoke. Like I said.. Overdrying is the danger here. But it does prevent further mold.

Sorry about your loss.
Shit? Wuut? Sell it then ;) Sry to hear about the mold Doobs. If i could find the nut sack id kick it hard! All my "outsidders" are in the freezer. Think they had 2 weeks left. Hope i get gigglehashis out of it :)
Gj jimmer ;) How much could a party auto yield?
MH over hps that is worth a thought and wonder. But im getting ready for bed :)
Yum yum i like "new school hash" :)
Night night.
I've tried 24/0,20/4,16/8 all of them and they are responding the best at 18/6.

They are low Ryder 2 supposedly but who knows they came from a friend. Worst case they will go into the veg room when I flip everything if they aren't done by then.

I just don't care for autos, I'd much rather run regs and pheno hunt, but that's just me...
I've tried 24/0,20/4,16/8 all of them and they are responding the best at 18/6.

They are low Ryder 2 supposedly but who knows they came from a friend. Worst case they will go into the veg room when I flip everything if they aren't done by then.

I just don't care for autos, I'd much rather run regs and pheno hunt, but that's just me...
I'm not a fan either but there is a few my son has me grow.
Thanks guys :-)
I knew I was pushing it into the red when the weather turned to kaka.
Ironically, if I had chopped when the weather turned I would have had about the same yield as I did by waiting and losing 6 plants.
But the ones that made it are decent looking, and should last the winter.
Will be doing some serious planning for a real greenhouse for next year.
And an early start will help avoid the rainy season.
Learned a lot on this grow, and next year will be in the groove & running shmoove :cool:
Thanks guys :-)
I knew I was pushing it into the red when the weather turned to kaka.
Ironically, if I had chopped when the weather turned I would have had about the same yield as I did by waiting and losing 6 plants.
But the ones that made it are decent looking, and should last the winter.
Will be doing some serious planning for a real greenhouse for next year.
And an early start will help avoid the rainy season.
Learned a lot on this grow, and next year will be in the groove & running shmoove :cool:[/QU
Sorry your luck ran out Doob.
Doobs. You can prevent mold in the drying product but you will have to dry quick. This is what I would do.

-Wet trim. This way you get rid of alot of moisture quickly.

-fan directly on buds in at least 70dg room with 30% humidity or LESS.

-Get them down to the point you would normally jar and go just a tad longer.

If you dry quickly to get rid of the moisture you will beat the development of mold. The trick is to not overdry when drying quick as that is what will ruin it. Just bring it down to ideal RH as quick as possible and jar as soon as ready. I have done this for other problems and still had great smoke. Like I said.. Overdrying is the danger here. But it does prevent further mold.

Sorry about your loss.

Great advice.

Fresh air is the enemy of mold.

"Hoping its chokolate heaven as it is the most amazing smelling weed i have never smoken"

...smoken...heh heh. I looked it up:

verb. (smoe'ken) slightly more formal tense of the past participle of smoke, (smoked).

when smoking with a group of friends, smoking etiquette requires that all members of the group smoke before going on to do various other activities/commence with high conversation. to ensure that this does not happen, it is always polite to ask if everyone has smoken, lest anyone be left out feelin sad as shit
stoner 1: "fuck I'm so high."
stoner 2: "word me too"
would-be stoner 3: "...."
stoner 1: "oh shit dude has she smoken yet???"
Shit? Wuut? Sell it then ;) Sry to hear about the mold Doobs. If i could find the nut sack id kick it hard! All my "outsidders" are in the freezer. Think they had 2 weeks left. Hope i get gigglehashis out of it :)
Gj jimmer ;) How much could a party auto yield?
MH over hps that is worth a thought and wonder. But im getting ready for bed :)
Yum yum i like "new school hash" :)
Night night.
I got something around 15-17 grams, the average was about 12. I honestly think I could get a zip now though with the right one. I have a freebie Auto big gun, lets see what it does in a solo cup.

As far as the mh over hps for auto's, I think it's the ruderalis in it that likes the blue's. I'm probably wrong, but I did run the same strain side by side when I did the solo cup comp. I could start so many then choose, so I went both ways at first, and the hps one even got moved under the mh the last 2 weeks.
... "Hoping its chokolate heaven as it is the most amazing smelling weed i have never smoken"

...smoken...heh heh. I looked it up:

verb. (smoe'ken) slightly more formal tense of the past participle of smoke, (smoked).

when smoking with a group of friends, smoking etiquette requires that all members of the group smoke before going on to do various other activities/commence with high conversation. to ensure that this does not happen, it is always polite to ask if everyone has smoken, lest anyone be left out feelin sad as shit
stoner 1: "fuck I'm so high."
stoner 2: "word me too"
would-be stoner 3: "...."
stoner 1: "oh shit dude has she smoken yet???"

smoken must be the diminutive of smokeneny.

As in:
"oh shit dude has she smoken yet??"
"Naw brah she hasn't smokeneny yet."