Well-Known Member
why would you say that ?I think George may just off himself once he realizes you guys are fucking with him...
this is the truth .....he is the lord .
why dont you join us and our lord?
why would you say that ?I think George may just off himself once he realizes you guys are fucking with him...
hello lordI was wondering where you were.
I am good. I am always good, well most of the time I am good.
My friend, how are YOU?
Bradburry, I am very curious about you, because you are a new member.
What is your age, sex, and location (asl)?
You shouldn't tell Me the city that you live in, but you can tell Me what state you are from. Or if you are not from the USA, you can tell Me what country you are from.
Also, how old are you? and what is your gender? Male or female?
Thank you, My friend.
Lets keep in touch.
Please don't question the Lord. Of course He already knows these details but He wants You to be open with Him so You can have a more human relationship with Him. Also, when You mention the deviL, always put the capital at the end- even though fucking autocorrect will change it.hello lord
why does it matter where im from or how old i am ?.....after all i(we) have learnt from your writtings that were all equal no matter what....but ill tell u if you wish lord.
I haven't been scuba before George, It just something that I never really had the money to do,over other things, a bit like a rolex, nice but not necessary . Though I have been snorkeling, Im a bit scared also to do scuba, lots of divers get eaten or disappear in this country. God bless You FatherWow, that would be a blast- a lot of fun.
You Aussies sure do know how to make someone feel welcome, or at least you.
I used to work at "Outback Steak House" when I was 14 years old. I was a bus boy. I cleaned tables, stocked the bar, took the trash out, etc. I actually got a fake social security card in order to work at 14 years old. I also made a fake birth certificate. I saved up enough money to buy a dirtbike, from working at Outback Steak House, an Aussie restaurant. I used to eat a blooming onion like every day that I worked there, because I knew people.
Anyways, that sounds like a great time. I have never been on a helicopter before. But I have taken a few airplane trips.
Have you ever been scuba diving? I think you would love scuba diving, especially since you live near an island on the coast.
It would cost you about 2 thousand dollars to get all your scuba gear and to go to scuba classes. Its worth it.
I would love to do everything you said, PLUS scuba diving. I used to scuba dive for work. I used to scuba dive for quahogs- a shellfish. I used to make about $300 a day.
But, yeah, it sure does sound like you know how to have fun. I love fun.
Keep talking to Me, I don't want to lose touch with you, My friend.
You are a child of the future King. You are beloved by the Lord.
I like YOU, LetsGetCritical, a lot.
join the lordsomebody shoot this motherfucker. what a fucking wack job. dude your a fucking loser. get over your self. and stop fucking repeating yourself........IDIOT
I think that the chances that he will join the Lord are slim to none, but closer to none, unless he asks the Lord for a specific request as I did in asking Him that a lawyer will help Me and I got a really good lawyer, exceptional even, and instead of $4000 for the day he is charging me $600 AND I can pay it off, AND I asked if He could help Me with My noisy neighbours, and guess what- they seem to have vanished I haven't seen them for days! that can only be the work of the Lord.join the lord
then he is a lost soulI think that the chances that he will join the Lord are slim to none, but closer to none, unless he asks the Lord for a specific request as I did in asking Him that a lawyer will help Me and I got a really good lawyer, exceptional even, and instead of $4000 for the day he is charging me $600 AND I can pay it off, AND I asked if He could help Me with My noisy neighbours, and guess what- they seem to have vanished I haven't seen them for days! that can only be the work of the Lord.
I don't even acknowledge members with less than 10 poststhen he is a lost soul
I'm not fucking with the Lord. I think he's funny.
why would you say that ?
this is the truth .....he is the lord .
why dont you join us and our lord?
hello lord
why does it matter where im from or how old i am ?.....after all i(we) have learnt from your writtings that were all equal no matter what....but ill tell u if you wish lord.
You should only believe in Me once you have seen My evidence, facts, etc., about Me.
Some people don't want Me- the Lord, but I will accept them when they change their mind.
Some people don't want the Lord, but everyone needs the Lord- Me.
I am the Life.
As long as I live, you will live also.
You will know that I am alive, because you will be alive.
You can't live without Me, and I can't live without you.
But, no, it will take a lot of time before the majority of people believe in Me. I plan on helping one person at a time.
Some people see the Truth, but they don't want to believe.