My dr finally agreed


Well-Known Member
I have read that HC claims that their are 30 000 people wither growing for themselves or other people too but i think that number is inflated.
Either way i bet its only a tiny fraction of total growers so maybe its better to not even bother telling them anything anymore.
I plan to move out to the middle of no where ontario soon enough anyway.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Hey torontoke
If there is one thing to be learned form this catastrophe they call the mmpr it's this.
Patient and caregivers must take matters into their own hands . If you want good meds you need to get them the best way you can. Yes even the BM.
Some folks have been dicked around so bad they have NO meds at all. So do what you need to do and the $100 bucks isn't so bad for the peace of mind.
In the end you don't need anyone telling you what to do about your health but you.
Grab where and when you can.
Cheat the man and take care of your self first !

It would seem a lot of these folks who able to sign have jump on the " money for me " bandwagon. They have come to realize they can charge what they like because people are desperate to get legal.
Another abuse of sick folks and other who like the bud.
I mean what's wrong with liking the bud ???


Well-Known Member
Thats why the $100 is a big deal to me.
Yes i am on a very very limited budget but i know deep down this would simply be the first 100.
I feel sick to my stomach when i think off all these people wanting 100's of dollars to fill out forms and such when in the end all it does is allow u to buy shitty brickweed for twice what its worth. All for the sake of me tryin to do the legal thing.
Fuk them.

I may go to the next appointment just to call out the dr. I might even give him the mutumbo finger wag and say "shame on u"


Well-Known Member
With all my doctors notes and expired ATP.PUPL, should i spend the 100 and get the MMPR documentation? i wouldnt purchase...yet again police apparently dont recognize the MMPR document.


Well-Known Member
I know thats what ive read on here.
People still get fukt so why bother.
Maybe come feb or when ever the court cases settle

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Well for sure the $100 is needed by you most. It would buy you a lot of different
Can't blame ya as like said a crayoned drawing of Stuphen Harptler on a piece of paper apparently works about as good as the mmpr paper with the fuzz.....true...I guess....seems wrong though.
Here he is now....121.jpg


Well-Known Member
Grow for yourself don't sell and don't tell anyone. Best way to remedy the situation the system is broken, don't use it. You get busted prove to them you are within the old systems rules, which wasn't perfect but was way closer to fair, and you don't sell and that you will continue to abide by it's rules. It's straight up unfair for some folks to be able to grow because they were grandfathered in and any new patients need to buy from garbage men.

If you support the system it's going to stay in place. This is a huge problem in Canada perfect example 3 year phone terms, if folks stopped signing em the government wouldn't have had to step in and make it illegal but Canadians are too stupid to think with their wallets, it's not part of us, it's "Oh well I guess I gotta pay" there's no thought of doing without. If you don't agree with something don't throw money at it lol it just makes it stronger nothing is going to change with folks current attitudes towards everything.

We need to vote this time around, obviously a lot of us never thinking others would fix our Harper problems for us... well in reality the fuck tards getting rich off the cons oil agenda voted and we never and they won. Can't let that happen again. The government should not determine who receives a medicine, a doctor should, we should not need to be put on a gestapo watch list for cannabis use. Our system should not be so broken that doctors are able to exploit people for cash to sign a Cannabis document, that's not what the current or old systems point was.


Well-Known Member
Grow for yourself don't sell and don't tell anyone. Best way to remedy the situation the system is broken, don't use it. You get busted prove to them you are within the old systems rules, which wasn't perfect but was way closer to fair, and you don't sell and that you will continue to abide by it's rules. It's straight up unfair for some folks to be able to grow because they were grandfathered in and any new patients need to buy from garbage men.

If you support the system it's going to stay in place. This is a huge problem in Canada perfect example 3 year phone terms, if folks stopped signing em the government wouldn't have had to step in and make it illegal but Canadians are too stupid to think with their wallets, it's not part of us, it's "Oh well I guess I gotta pay" there's no thought of doing without. If you don't agree with something don't throw money at it lol it just makes it stronger nothing is going to change with folks current attitudes towards everything.

We need to vote this time around, obviously a lot of us never thinking others would fix our Harper problems for us... well in reality the fuck tards getting rich off the cons oil agenda voted and we never and they won. Can't let that happen again. The government should not determine who receives a medicine, a doctor should, we should not need to be put on a gestapo watch list for cannabis use. Our system should not be so broken that doctors are able to exploit people for cash to sign a Cannabis document, that's not what the current or old systems point was.
Amen to that. I said this very thing a while ago...if you support if you perpetuate it.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh ya
Ive been growing my own for a longg time now.
I was hoping that things have progressed farenough that i could do it without having to live looking over my shoulder.
Not wanting to fuel the fire is my main reason i dont want to have to spend even a 100$.
Plus thats 100 a year minimum because u have to renew every year.
Funny thinh is i dont even have to go into my drs to get my perc script renewed every month.and im allowed to drive on those lol all 8 a day.

The mj situation is ridiculous and im more pessimistic than most because i doubt it will ever change. Least not in my lifetime.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh ya
Ive been growing my own for a longg time now.
I was hoping that things have progressed farenough that i could do it without having to live looking over my shoulder.
Not wanting to fuel the fire is my main reason i dont want to have to spend even a 100$.
Plus thats 100 a year minimum because u have to renew every year.
Funny thinh is i dont even have to go into my drs to get my perc script renewed every month.and im allowed to drive on those lol all 8 a day.

The mj situation is ridiculous and im more pessimistic than most because i doubt it will ever change. Least not in my lifetime.
If you're just looking to cover your ass, pay the $100, get one shitty little order so you have a container and fuck the fuckin need this, I believe in my heart and soul that the tide is turning, even mainstream media is starting to see that it ain't all the gov cracked it up to be. At the very least we'll have a change in government in a year, the SC challenge will be done and all will be right in the world again. Hey, the Leafs may make it to the playoffs!


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about doing the same thing honestly. I just don't want to be on the "watch-list" if the conservatives happen to get re-elected.


Well-Known Member
'you patients'? Huh? If you were to have read the post above I corrected that number. A dppl is also covered under the right to grow, and I have said I don't know that number. Can you reference the 10-15k you quoted, or did you just pull that number out of your ass?
lol I posted the same time youy did and didn't care to fix it, yup I pulled that # right from my ass (hippy joke goes here)
but im sure a lot closer than your first spouting of the ass. oh I mean your mouth.
and what your not a patient?


Well-Known Member
lol I posted the same time youy did and didn't care to fix it, yup I pulled that # right from my ass (hippy joke goes here)
but im sure a lot closer than your first spouting of the ass. oh I mean your mouth.
and what your not a patient?
I didn't pull a number from my ass...I had a brain fart and quoted the number of mmar bad. You on the other hand chose to be an asshole in your comments, qouted a number that has no relevance to anything, and figure you are adding to the conversation? Go troll somewhere else. And no, I am not a patient of anybody's. I have a disease and I use marijuana to ease the symptoms. I believe it was HC that decided we should be called patients for using a plant they claim is not medicine.


Well-Known Member
HC is a joke
I dont believe a single number they share so what does it matter.
All statistics can be turned upside down depending which way u look at them.
They pick and choose when to make up whatever suits them at the time.

I also believe that everyone thinking that if the liberals win than canada is going to turn into grower heaven.
Guaranteed that they will push for lps only because most of them are owned by buddies. In the circle jerk buddy system we can a government.


Well-Known Member
I bought my truck recently off of a guy on kijiji turns out he and his wife are judges in ontario.
When i went to pick up the truck we sat down and had a long 2-3 hr conversation about medical mj.
They both told me they couldnt say on the record but if someone in my position had copies of all medical records etc wanted to be dick that i should go to the cops and confess and force them to arrest me. They said i would do one day in jail and never be bothered again for the rest of my life. Apperently alot of peoples names just get thrown out immediately if there has been precedence in their file.
Now id never want to try to push my luck that far just in case but i thought it cool that two older people in their positions would even say that.


Well-Known Member
The doctors must have 'carte blanche' regarding what they can charge and of course the unscrupulous ones will be predatory in nature. Some can't recall who Hippocrates was nor remember the Oath that they took. I paid $15.00 to have the forms filled out and $18.00 to priority post it to the LP...... Then the gouging


Well-Known Member
1000.00 plus tax = 1150.00 total
when I think about how much I was gouged by a lawyer who is also a med patient himself (how compassionate) ...I feel quite embarrassed that I was being taken.... but in comparison to what black market
meds were costing me monthly....the fact that I can grow cheaply saving me thousands.....$$$$
my renewal was 250.00 a year...from the he's also taking advantage.....great....
I'm a chump.....considering I qualified as category A patient...