My Grandma Got Raided

Funny you should ask. She called me this morning early because she knew she would wake me up. She was asking me about it and I could hear some beeping so I knew the police were recording the call. I played dumb and started talking about how she used to hand scrub my junk in the bath when I was a boy. She shut the hell up and the call ended pretty quickly. I can't believe she tried to roll on me. Seriously, what the hell does she have to live for? Some people.

How did you know about the incest with my mom? Are you new or a sock puppet?

Why would I pay toward the electric bill? Then she would know what I was doing. If she dropped a dime that got my grow snagged, hell yes she's to blame. Now she's trying to put the whole rap on me. I went straight to he rhouse and stomped her dentures before she gets home. I'm mad now. Hell yeah I believe in Karma, at least I hope so, because it's coming for her.

@ClaytonBigsby Damn I'm sitting here crying I'm laughing so hard and yes maybe I peed just a little! Damn..... I'm supposed to be out running and I have to post this sheeeit because they got rid of the rep wherein we were supposed to make comments on performance art. ohhh gawdd...... this is hysterically funny.
Funny you should ask. She called me this morning early because she knew she would wake me up. She was asking me about it and I could hear some beeping so I knew the police were recording the call. I played dumb and started talking about how she used to hand scrub my junk in the bath when I was a boy. She shut the hell up and the call ended pretty quickly. I can't believe she tried to roll on me. Seriously, what the hell does she have to live for? Some people.

How did you know about the incest with my mom? Are you new or a sock puppet?

So let me get this straight. You were growing weed in your grandma's barn without her knowledge or consent. I'm assuming you weren't paying anything toward her electric bill. She gets busted and you think SHE owes YOU. And now you plan to sell off her possessions and keep the money.
Serious question to the OP. Do you believe in Karma?
Why would I pay toward the electric bill? Then she would know what I was doing. If she dropped a dime that got my grow snagged, hell yes she's to blame. Now she's trying to put the whole rap on me. I went straight to he rhouse and stomped her dentures before she gets home. I'm mad now. Hell yeah I believe in Karma, at least I hope so, because it's coming for her.

LMAO! One of your finest posts!
She should rat you out big time, which is what she probably did, hopefully The cops are probably setting up surveillance right now on your miserable ass, and. most of them probably want to fuck you real hard for setting up granny. I know I would. If I was you I would move, because if I was one of those cops who had, or has a granny, whom they loved sees you, it's resisting arrest time, and a pocket full of speed to go along with it ( I'd personally toss a hand gun in for good measure) I hope you get 20,years and your room mate is a 300 pound raging homosexual. You would deserve every thrust, you rat bastard.
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She should rat you out big time, which is what she probably did, hopefully The cops are probably setting up surveillance right now on your miserable ass, and. most of them probably want to fuck you real hard for setting up granny. I know I would. If I was you I would move, because if was one of those cops had, or has a granny, whom they loved sees you, it's resisting arrest time, and a pocket full of speed time to go along with it ( I'd personally toss a hand gun in for good measure) I hope you get 20,years and your room mate is a 300 pound raging homosexual. You would deserve every thrust, you rat bastard.

You know he's got a point, I think it's time to start setting spring guns, #justsayin
She should rat you out big time, which is what she probably did, hopefully The cops are probably setting up surveillance right now on your miserable ass, and. most of them probably want to fuck you real hard for setting up granny. I know I would. If I was you I would move, because if was one of those cops had, or has a granny, whom they loved sees you, it's resisting arrest time, and a pocket full of speed time to go along with it ( I'd personally toss a hand gun in for good measure) I hope you get 20,years and your room mate is a 300 pound raging homosexual. You would deserve every thrust, you rat bastard.

It's people like you condoning big time ratting out that are ruining our world. He didn't set up granny Bigsby, it's honestly her fault for not putting one and one together and figuring out the huge draw on her electrical bills. And don't give me that 'she can't walk' shit don't be so soft. Hoverounds come at little to no cost to you! Go out into the barn ya dusty ol Bigsby and get over yourself do you really think your grandson has that much interest in you? I mean he's over all the time.. Look at yah self. So I ask you who's the real asshole in this situation?
It's people like you condoning big time ratting out that are ruining our world. He didn't set up granny Bigsby, it's honestly her fault for not putting one and one together and figuring out the huge draw on her electrical bills. And don't give me that 'she can't walk' shit don't be so soft. Hoverounds come at little to no cost to you! Go out into the barn ya dusty ol Bigsby and get over yourself do you really think your grandson has that much interest in you? I mean he's over all the time.. Look at yah self. So I ask you who's the real asshole in this situation?

I knew you would get it Indagrow. Seriously grandma, I come over, you bring me giant plates of food you fingerfucked with your dirty hands. The dog keeps getting fatter, but not me. Some people need shit spelled out. Thanks for your support.
She should rat you out big time, which is what she probably did, hopefully The cops are probably setting up surveillance right now on your miserable ass, and. most of them probably want to fuck you real hard for setting up granny. I know I would. If I was you I would move, because if I was one of those cops who had, or has a granny, whom they loved sees you, it's resisting arrest time, and a pocket full of speed to go along with it ( I'd personally toss a hand gun in for good measure) I hope you get 20,years and your room mate is a 300 pound raging homosexual. You would deserve every thrust, you rat bastard.

why does he have to be 300 lbs? I get claustrophobic.
It's people like you condoning big time ratting out that are ruining our world. He didn't set up granny Bigsby, it's honestly her fault for not putting one and one together and figuring out the huge draw on her electrical bills. And don't give me that 'she can't walk' shit don't be so soft. Hoverounds come at little to no cost to you! Go out into the barn ya dusty ol Bigsby and get over yourself do you really think your grandson has that much interest in you? I mean he's over all the time.. Look at yah self. So I ask you who's the real asshole in this situation?

I agree a bit too naive to be a grandmother.
idk Clayton that is some heavy shit. Sorry to hear she tried to snitch on you. Snitches don't do good behind bars nor on the street. If you get the word out the problem may rectify itself from within the jail.

If she does get out I would just play it cool and act like you know nothing about a grow. Blame the police for the stomped dentures and anything else missing from the house.

I'd start another grow in the same set up cause you never know how long all this legal BS could take. I think that spot is probably off the radar now that its been hit. good luck
LMFAO. Grand mother fucker.

I was this close to issue you a dry cleaning bill for my dirty under wear from laughing so hard, I nearly sharted my favorite short trimmed turquoise bikini underwear.

That would of been a day wrecker for sure.
I was this close to issue you a dry cleaning bill for my dirty under wear from laughing so hard, I nearly sharted my favorite short trimmed turquoise bikini underwear.

Ive got a drawer i keep with the garmments i ruin after reading some of the Bigsby's posts, Id post a pic to prove but some party pooping mod would prolly ban me.
The cops won't charge your grandma bet your ass they already know she had nothing to do with it your retarded for fucking her over. you will be investigated:hug:
Get off your high horse, you sound like a lazy snitch, you'ld probably love Claytons grandma, you obviously don't know the situation and your ignorance is showing. She should have just kept her dam mouth shut and paid her electric bill and she would have been fine. She got herself into this mess now she has to deal with the consequences, dragging Clayton down and damaging his reputation isn't going to help her. She created this mess, she's the one who couldn't keep her legs closed and decided to have kids and they had kids and now here is Clayton thanks to her and he has to support himself, if anything she should be greatful that he's doing something with himself and smart enough to set up a grow where he didn't have to pay for electricity and didn't have to worry about the risk since it wasn't on his property. I'd say she should be dam proud. Plus she was profiting from the grow, since he started he hasn't had to take money from her bank accounts and credit cards and has stopped pawning her jewelry, she had to have known something was up, I'd say she's just cheap and ungrateful, lazy bitch sitting around all day while Clayton does all the work. She hasn't worked in years, elderly people are so lazy and expect others to just take care of them, it's disgusting. I say if she gets out Clayton should make her sell the house and pay him for all this stress he's been going through worried about her snitching, he could probably buy a boat with the money from selling the house and once she's broke she can probably go to a old folks home for free that way he can enjoy the rest of his life without her being such a downer always complaining about her pain and needing a diaper change and she's hungry and and how she needs her meds and Clayton shouldn't be taking all her pain pills etc on and on... I don't know how he puts up with that shit.
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Get off your high horse, hater, you obviously don't know the situation and your ignorance is showing. She should have just kept her dam mouth shut and paid her electric bill and she would have been fine. She got herself into this mess now she has to deal with the consequences, dragging Clayton down and damaging his reputation isn't going to help her. She created this mess, she's the one who couldn't keep her legs closed and decided to have kids and they had kids and now here is Clayton thanks to her and he has to support himself, if anything she should be greatful that he's doing something with himself and smart enough to set up a grow where he didn't have to pay for electricity and didn't have to worry about the risk since it wasn't on his property. I'd say she should be dam proud. Plus she was profiting from the grow, since he started he hasn't had to take money from her bank accounts and credit cards and has stopped pawning her jewelry, she had to have known something was up, I'd say she's just cheap and ungrateful, lazy bitch sitting around all day while Clayton does all the work. She hasn't worked in years, elderly people are so lazy and expect others to just take care of them, it's disgusting. I say if she gets out Clayton should make her sell the house and pay him for all this stress he's been going through worried about her snitching, he could probably buy a boat with the money from selling the house and once she's broke she can probably go to a old folks home for free that way he can enjoy the rest of his life without her being such a downer always complaining about her pain and needing a diaper change and she's hungry and and how she needs her meds and Clayton shouldn't be taking all her pain pills etc on and on... I don't know how he puts up with that shit.


You sound like someone I could really get along with. It's refreshing to see someone else who really gets it.
