Random Jibber Jabber Thread

De quervains is a repetitive strain injury.

What are you doing repeatedly that exasperates it?

Still gaming? And I'm sure you use that hand for your job too...

Not trying to lecture you, I know you've heard me say these things before...

As always I hope it feels better chica!
except i changed job fields and dont use anything for the right hand this isnt the same thing my hand is SUNKEN in where i got the cortisone injection which is a side effect not the same thing as the issue i had.
he wouldve had to prove im mentally incompetent of making my own medical decisions hes rated the worst doctor here for his bed side manners.
Needless to say (no pun intended) when i go to his office at 9:45 am tomrorow morning ill be raising one hell of a shit show

the photo doesnt look bad but it looks alot worse in person its sunken in between two tendons about an inch deep my thumb pain is starting to come back ,
and my right arm is all entirely weak

My skin is completely WHITE like ive lost all pigmentation from the shot

The ODD and weird thing is that all this is happening now like 5 months later,
I also have allt he other side effects of cortisone injections
breaks out (acne)
puffy face
easy and excessive bruising

ect ect ect the list fucking goes on
theres only TWO hand surgeons in this city, but thats not really the point im sick of people walking over me, and im going to give this guy a good fucking piece of my mind tomorrow , i told him i DID NOT want the injection he did it anyways
hes not even my real fucking doctor hes just a hand surgeon who decided
"hey lets stick cortisone into a patient i dont know and have NO FUCKING MEDICAL HISTORY on"

i seriously doubt that happens in my everyday environment, i know 5 or 6 ppl what can crack up laughing at a weird noise they made or somebody sneezing. they laugh as hard as me when im fried and drunk and my friend plays a country song on acoustic guitar making fun of a another friend, sounds ignorant but it really isn't. but these idiots don't they don't think about such things, they're no better then the dog i used to have, 3 thoughts, shit, eat, sleep.
What a glorious day!! I fucking mean it! Maybe there is a God.......Skywalker in the morning and Bongwater at night....Is it possible to OD on 'tard hunting? It's like Meat Extravaganza

Thankee Jesus

rather speak my mind and be hated on then be a sheep and not, wish ppl could actually try to understand what i say sometimes despite their bully angry attitudes