Should i?

Blaze happy

Active Member
i eat breakfest any time:-?bongsmilie....:clap:
Awesome, what a free thinker you are, that is bad-ass!
Now apply your free-thinking to your weed smoking, its simple.

Ask yourself "do i wanna have a smoke", if the answer is yes, then really, if your supply permits, you should go have a smoke, why not hey it's what you want to do.
HOWEVER and i really stress the however part, if you dont feel like a smoke, than dont go and have a smoke..

Dont hesitate, be decisive, make that incredibly simple decision post haste!

Seriously though man, you know what you want more than complete randoms from all over the world, your the best person to ask what you feel like doing.

However, i say smoke it :mrgreen: :peace:


Well-Known Member
dude your dumb thats what this site is for, so what if it's not in the toke and talk section, and so what if i ask you should i :joint: my chronic, im just bored not a hesation wow... take a bong rip before talking to me cause you gotta chill man.:blsmoke: