Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

my kid out at glamis

Talc mines out by ridge crest

he bites lol

Caught these two out there doing the wild thing .....

Mojave red


Lol Dove Springs? Fucking best place ever.Hey those mines are by schmidts tunnel? You in the high desert to lol, feel so close to you, when you talk riding.
Thanks everybody. I have known him since we were kids. I hope that cop gets put on trial.

Yeah. They tased his cousin (birthday boy) when he ran out and found his cousin(my homeboy dead in the front yard. The gunned him down because he had a phone in his hand. Just minutes before the shooting he was posting from that same phone on facebook. They just couldnt wait to kill someone. If cops cant distigush a handgun from a cell phone they need to hang it up, ya feel me?

Sorry for our loss frenso... rolling one for ya.
So I went out to check on my plant today to find that a branch snapped off during a wind/rain storm. It was just hanging on my a few layers of the outer part of the branch. I put her back in the upright position and wrapped her with string. Will the branch be alright? Anyone had similar issues at one time or another with this?
Really depends on how much of the stem was damaged. Give it a day and if its all limp tomorrow pull it imo
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I see swollen calyxes. Harvy comin up for you!! Sweet. I have been smelling so much skunk bud in my house for the last 2 months I am getting sick of it lol. When I harvest a different strain my opinion will probably change. My strawberry blue smells delicios and my seawarp smells like it could be used to polishe furnitures. Seawarp, some more seahash, and my strawberry blue are coming down in the next 2-4 weeks. After that I should be getting a break from harvesting/trimming until november lol. Even curing is a hassle. Should have got gallon jars.
I really wish I had your problem right now. Still have a week or two before I can begin to harvest.
Fumble, on photo bucket , if you highlight the little gear box thingy on your picture and click on the last or bottom bubble and paste to reply it will post a normal picture.
The baby is due in 3 weeks? You're so lucky. Without saying where, are they far away? Did you build the GH by yourself or did your guy help you?
It all looks great, food and herbs, thrilled to see your stuff. :-) :-)

Thanks S'manta :) He is due on the 21st but I am leaving on the 14th so I can be there when it is time - hopefully lol. Will be coming home the 4th. They live in Pennsylvania. I am so is so beautiful where they live. Out in the country with lots of greenery :)

I designed the greenhouse and my guy helped me put it together. Not too bad for eyeballing everything lol

Yea the mines are out by Schmidt. We go to Spangler hills , some off the best single track left in So Cal. Dove springs has to many closed trails. Im closer to Johnsons Valley or Lucerne valley than Ridge crest.

I normally don't stop for rangers either but he got me at the truck and the sheriffs got me at a bottle neck on a hill. lol.
Thanks S'manta :) He is due on the 21st but I am leaving on the 14th so I can be there when it is time - hopefully lol. Will be coming home the 4th. They live in Pennsylvania. I am so is so beautiful where they live. Out in the country with lots of greenery :)

I designed the greenhouse and my guy helped me put it together. Not too bad for eyeballing everything lol

Say hi to my Mom, she's in Bucks County. :-) :-)