Any martial artists round here?

kick a black belt in the balls he becomes a purple belt.
any martial artist worth the designation knows how to defend against that... and if you attempt it, you'll probably piss him off even more!

Probably the best thing you can do is learn to not telegraph, and do something unpredictable. Groin kicks are predictable, and most "martial artists" can see them coming a mile away. They train their reaction time down to almost nothing, so what you may feel is quick, he sees developing in slow motion. Plus, being off balance (kicking unbalances most people) is a bad idea without proper training. Concrete doesn't flex when you fall on it, and there's no ref to stop the fight if someone starts stomping your face into the curb... no rules about not kicking downed opponents, back of head strikes, groin kicks, eye gouges, joint locks, and no tapping out.

Belts are often a gimmick. In many Americanized systems, it only means you memorized a set of motions and demonstrated it in front of an instructor and your peers. It's kinda like a degree; it doesn't mean you're great at doing whatever you learned, just that you can prove you learned it.

Although, some systems do use a meaningful belt system... the last time i was part of a martial arts school, the FIRST belt was the black belt, and most people didn't stay long enough to reach it; it merely meant "practitioner," took most people who reached it, 1-2 years of constant training to achieve, and was basically the milestone that proved you were capable of actually using it, and that you were of sound enough body and mind to qualify to continue your training indefinitely (and that you were now qualified to teach the new people the basics, in such a way that those capable could actually use what you teach them), learn all the advanced and "super secret family stuff," and the implication was that you essentially become part of the family, at that point, and authorized to represent the school in public. That place was big on fundamentals. Had the other factors in my life, at that time, gone as i intended, i'd have stayed there. That place and those people are some of the best things that ever happened to me.
any martial artist worth the designation knows how to defend against that... and if you attempt it, you'll probably piss him off even more!

Probably the best thing you can do is learn to not telegraph, and do something unpredictable. Groin kicks are predictable, and most "martial artists" can see them coming a mile away. They train their reaction time down to almost nothing, so what you may feel is quick, he sees developing in slow motion. Plus, being off balance (kicking unbalances most people) is a bad idea without proper training. Concrete doesn't flex when you fall on it, and there's no ref to stop the fight if someone starts stomping your face into the curb... no rules about not kicking downed opponents, back of head strikes, groin kicks, eye gouges, joint locks, and no tapping out.

Belts are often a gimmick. In many Americanized systems, it only means you memorized a set of motions and demonstrated it in front of an instructor and your peers. It's kinda like a degree; it doesn't mean you're great at doing whatever you learned, just that you can prove you learned it.

Although, some systems do use a meaningful belt system... the last time i was part of a martial arts school, the FIRST belt was the black belt, and most people didn't stay long enough to reach it; it merely meant "practitioner," took most people who reached it, 1-2 years of constant training to achieve, and was basically the milestone that proved you were capable of actually using it, and that you were of sound enough body and mind to qualify to continue your training indefinitely (and that you were now qualified to teach the new people the basics, in such a way that those capable could actually use what you teach them), learn all the advanced and "super secret family stuff," and the implication was that you essentially become part of the family, at that point, and authorized to represent the school in public. That place was big on fundamentals. Had the other factors in my life, at that time, gone as i intended, i'd have stayed there. That place and those people are some of the best things that ever happened to me.
See, you don't know the system. It's built on spontaneous reactions. Not predetermined movements. like I said I didn't learn from these people. If you chill for a bit maybe I will post some other videos.
See, you don't know the system. its built on spontaneous reactions.Not predetermined movements. like I said I didn't learn from these people.If you chill for a bit maybe I will post some other videos.
That's a massively erroneous assumption.

What did i just say? "Learn not to telegraph, and do something unpredictable."

What did you say? "spontaneous reaction not predetermined movements."

You seemed to disagree, but said almost exactly what i said. I just didn't go into detail explaining what i learned, and tried to remain as vague as possible, as any non-officially-authorized possessor of the training i received, should do. I don't represent or pose as an affiliate of the school i learned what i learned from, because i didn't attain the rank necessary to receive their approval to do so. But i also didn't stop studying and practicing when i could no longer attend, and their stuff isn't the only thing i've studied since.

edit: i was also implying that "black belt" doesn't always mean quite as much as the uninitiated seem to assume. Any real martial artist knows how to easily defend against a groin kick, and any martial artist with extensive training will have minimized their reaction time (think Neo dodging bullets in The Matrix, but not quite), and will be able to get there before you do... unless you're just an ace groin kicker specialist, or something.
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Just so happens IRON-EYES I am a hippie ninja. If you stop up here You better call me mother fucker. Don't call me a mother fucker just call me. Not in a gay way either I ain't gay. I have sofa hot meal and dank for you brother.
That's a massively erroneous assumption.

What did i just say? "Learn not to telegraph, and do something unpredictable."

What did you say? "spontaneous reaction not predetermined movements."

You seemed to disagree, but said almost exactly what i said. I just didn't go into detail explaining what i learned, and tried to remain as vague as possible, as any non-officially-authorized possessor of the training i received, should do. I don't represent or pose as an affiliate of the school i learned what i learned from, because i didn't attain the rank necessary to receive their approval to do so. But i also didn't stop studying and practicing when i could no longer attend, and their stuff isn't the only thing i've studied since.
I don't telegraph shit, hows that? Strait from the spot. What are you trying to learn from by studying someones hesitant punch? Are you a boxer? I'll tell you one fact. I have never had my ass beat by under five people.
That's a massively erroneous assumption.

What did i just say? "Learn not to telegraph, and do something unpredictable."

What did you say? "spontaneous reaction not predetermined movements."

You seemed to disagree, but said almost exactly what i said. I just didn't go into detail explaining what i learned, and tried to remain as vague as possible, as any non-officially-authorized possessor of the training i received, should do. I don't represent or pose as an affiliate of the school i learned what i learned from, because i didn't attain the rank necessary to receive their approval to do so. But i also didn't stop studying and practicing when i could no longer attend, and their stuff isn't the only thing i've studied since.

edit: i was also implying that "black belt" doesn't always mean quite as much as the uninitiated seem to assume. Any real martial artist knows how to easily defend against a groin kick, and any martial artist with extensive training will have minimized their reaction time (think Neo dodging bullets in The Matrix, but not quite), and will be able to get there before you do... unless you're just an ace groin kicker specialist, or something.
I'ts okay for you to go home now, a real hippie ninja is in the house. Eat a twinkie and relax maybe you learn something from youtube.
I don't telegraph shit, hows that? Strait from the spot. What are you trying to learn from byu studying someones hesitant punch? Are you a boxer? I'll tell you one fact. I have never had my ass beat by under five people.
That's all fine and good, but if you're close enough to touch me with any appendage, i'm already in position to defend my vital points, without looking like it. I love the "look natural, like you're just standing there" position, it's incredibly deceptive. When i had to leave the place i mentioned, i turned my focus to the art of Not fighting, and have not failed yet. I have not allowed myself to be put in a position that requires combat (though have been tempted and provoked a few times). It's just better that way, i think. I won't harm someone unless i have to. People talk shit, i don't care. I leave them an out, a chance to choose something other than combat, and it almost always works. What kind of person would i be, if i went around baiting people into combat, just so i could enjoy harming them? Not the kind i want to be.