clippin bottom of plant


Well-Known Member
i was wondering should i trim up the bottom of my plants? ive seen some peoples look bare at the bottom

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Potential Clones, for sure. If the bottom growth will not get enough light for Buds, may as well take them out unless you plan to clone or rejuvenate. I do both, so I leave mine.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
It would help if you had a pic,but here goes...the reason people remove the lower branches is because they won't develop as well,removing them lets the tops get more of what they also increases airflow under the plant,keeping temps preference is to leave as many fan leaves as you can on the plant,they store water and nutrients for plant growth


Active Member
It would help if you had a pic,but here goes...the reason people remove the lower branches is because they won't develop as well,removing them lets the tops get more of what they also increases airflow under the plant,keeping temps preference is to leave as many fan leaves as you can on the plant,they store water and nutrients for plant growth
Spot On Brother Satman rocks

Another Mistake made by Growers is the removal of leaves from the plant.On the surface ,this mayseem like a reasonable proposition.After all,If you get rid of some of those big leaves that aren't really getting any light it may help open up other areas of the plant to light.The theory of light energy conduction (energy being distributed throughout the plant),However , contradicts this practice.Each leaf on the plant is a storage unit ,And a sugar and complex carbohydrate production factory for photosynthesis/energy. Leaves do not have to receive light to play a role in photosynthesis. While they may not be receiving light they are still storage units for energy. Removing leaves reduces photosynthesis potential (HENCE GROWTH)

Cheers & Peace :joint:


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the great advise.i already have a bunch of clones going so ill just leave them there
wish i could post some pics but my computer is shit