moldy meds from Tilray

So far the steps I have taken are: call Tilray, email Tilray with pics, email John Conroy with pics. No HC as last time I tried to deal with them they basically said they don't want to get involved. If anyone has a contact at HC I could go to instead of their general inquiries email that might help. If I have not heard back from anyone by this evening I will send it to the CBC, Global, CTV etc. Again, if anyone has contacts that would be awesome.

If you plan on contacting the media wouldn't it be nice to say that you have contacted HC on this date, and this date, and no reply or action...great ammo for John.

Also...seeing you've brought this situation to light, I would strongly suggest detailing everything. Write it down, record it...everything. You're playing with the big boys that have deep pockets, protect yourself.
So, I just got off the phone with Phillipe Lucas. Had a good conversation about a number things, the mold, pricing, customer service etc. At the end of the day, they are confident that the mold did not originate from their facility and they are looking at things that may have caused the issue, shipping procedures, Purolator mishandling the product etc. At the end of the day I will be getting the product replaced. Sounds like they are fighting to get mess covered by insurance, which is good as well as bringing down the prices for all strains. Seemed like a decent guy. Have I completely changed my mind on L.Ps? No but, I will say that out of the three I have been with they have handled this situation better than P.N and mettrum did their mess ups. Still looking into compassion clubs though.
So, I just got off the phone with Phillipe Lucas. Had a good conversation about a number things, the mold, pricing, customer service etc. At the end of the day, they are confident that the mold did not originate from their facility and they are looking at things that may have caused the issue, shipping procedures, Purolator mishandling the product etc. At the end of the day I will be getting the product replaced. Sounds like they are fighting to get mess covered by insurance, which is good as well as bringing down the prices for all strains. Seemed like a decent guy. Have I completely changed my mind on L.Ps? No but, I will say that out of the three I have been with they have handled this situation better than P.N and mettrum did their mess ups. Still looking into compassion clubs though.
how could it not have originated in their facility? did they ship it in an open container? no. it's shipped in a strictly sealed container so how can anything purolator does affect mold growth? as soon as they package and seal and stamp it, it's supposed to be secure and not be affected by the shipping or storing environment, thats the point of the bottle and the strict regulations governing packaging. fuck tilray

if you store buds in an airtight jar and it grows moldy, whats the cause? same scenario here. moisture content was not low enough would be my guess
So, I just got off the phone with Phillipe Lucas. Had a good conversation about a number things, the mold, pricing, customer service etc. At the end of the day, they are confident that the mold did not originate from their facility and they are looking at things that may have caused the issue, shipping procedures, Purolator mishandling the product etc. At the end of the day I will be getting the product replaced. Sounds like they are fighting to get mess covered by insurance, which is good as well as bringing down the prices for all strains. Seemed like a decent guy. Have I completely changed my mind on L.Ps? No but, I will say that out of the three I have been with they have handled this situation better than P.N and mettrum did their mess ups. Still looking into compassion clubs though.

This guy is a PR pro.
They are no dummies.
"they are confident that the mold did not originate from their facility" = you introduced the mould. How can a courier introduce mould into a sealed between the lines.
Purolator mishandling the product etc.

BS he's never going to admit it as they know it'll be posted online. I had two OZ in my car in a ziplock bag that I forgot I had lol and they went from sitting in hot car and on humid and rainy days for a month and I had no fuzzy mold growth on it. The stuff was probably wet when it was put in or the was high humidity in the room and the mould grew.

Besides he can't admit it was contaminated from them as that would jeopardize their whole supply of that batch.
The vac sealed bag that the smaller bags come in was no longer sealed. There might have been a small hole in it cause I still had to cut it open. So, they are thinking that it may have been tampered with. But, the tilray bags were still sealed with the safety seal sticker.
So, I just got off the phone with Phillipe Lucas. Had a good conversation about a number things, the mold, pricing, customer service etc. At the end of the day, they are confident that the mold did not originate from their facility and they are looking at things that may have caused the issue, shipping procedures, Purolator mishandling the product etc. At the end of the day I will be getting the product replaced. Sounds like they are fighting to get mess covered by insurance, which is good as well as bringing down the prices for all strains. Seemed like a decent guy. Have I completely changed my mind on L.Ps? No but, I will say that out of the three I have been with they have handled this situation better than P.N and mettrum did their mess ups. Still looking into compassion clubs though.

Glad to hear they got back to you, and are working on fixing the situation. However, they are in complete denial and being willfully ignorant if they think there were ANY external factors other than improper curing before packaging that led to this mold issue. Aside from MAYBE improperly sealing the bag(which would still be their fault) it's impossible to have been tampered with by a third party unless Purolator is now injecting mold spores into MMJ(sarcasm)

EDIT: If the Tilray bags were still sealed like you stated it's 100% without a doubt a fault on their end
This guy is a PR pro.
They are no dummies.
"they are confident that the mold did not originate from their facility" = you introduced the mould. How can a courier introduce mould into a sealed between the lines.
definitely a PR pro haha, the conversation originates because a customer got moldy product and he turned the conversation around to talk about something completely unrelated but releasing a positive sentiment, like how they might be potentially getting it covered by insurance companies? haha. classic two-switch
The vac sealed bag that the smaller bags come in was no longer sealed. There might have been a small hole in it cause I still had to cut it open. So, they are thinking that it may have been tampered with. But, the tilray bags were still sealed with the safety seal sticker.

How long did the shipping take? If the mould grew so big in that bag the spores were already on it from the factory.
Tbh, I know that they are just covering their butts however, at least I received their attention over this. Can't say the same for P.N, Mettrum or HC. All blew me off when I tried to address issues I was having.
How long did the shipping take? If the mould grew so big in that bag the spores were already on it from the factory.

If they're like the other LP's they pre-package bags and then pick them as orders are filled. I can almost certainly guarantee that's what led to this. Just like Tweed except they have the opposite problem, schwag dries out and turns to shake due to being pre-packaged ahead of time
Tbh, I know that they are just covering their butts however, at least I received their attention over this. Can't say the same for P.N, Mettrum or HC. All blew me off when I tried to address issues I was having.
was the issue as big as this or minor compared to mold? tilray would rather take care of this themselves quickly by feeding some bullshit and giving a refund rather than let it leak out to the media, they aren't doing this in your interest like they might try to make it seem.
Tbh, I know that they are just covering their butts however, at least I received their attention over this. Can't say the same for P.N, Mettrum or HC. All blew me off when I tried to address issues I was having.

True as this may be, should we have to now settle for this being "good" news or a silver lining as patients? "Well at least they got back to me..." I mean absolutely no offense, just some food for thought in regards to how little they care about the patients.
The vac sealed bag that the smaller bags come in was no longer sealed. There might have been a small hole in it cause I still had to cut it open. So, they are thinking that it may have been tampered with. But, the tilray bags were still sealed with the safety seal sticker.

Ok so it the main bag was punctured but there was another sealed on inside that no way did Purolator sabotage your meds and risk a law suit vs some company trying to pawn off defective product.
definitely a PR pro haha, the conversation originates because a customer got moldy product and he turned the conversation around to talk about something completely unrelated but releasing a positive sentiment, like how they might be potentially getting it covered by insurance companies? haha. classic two-switch
Actually, I switched topics because as I stated before even though I make good money I can't fill my whole amount with an L.P. I basically told him that they are losing out on a number of potential sales by going for higher cost per unit instead of selling for less and making it up in volume. I also brought up their rude CSR named Ashley and censoring clients on Facebook. There is a lot more but I'm typing this all during a training session at work and can't get into too much detail atm as I'm not supposed to be on my phone ;-)
Actually, I switched topics because as I stated before even though I make good money I can't fill my whole amount with an L.P. I basically told him that they are losing out on a number of potential sales by going for higher cost per unit instead of selling for less and making it up in volume. I also brought up their rude CSR named Ashley and censoring clients on Facebook. There is a lot more but I'm typing this all during a training session at work and can't get into too much detail atm as I'm not supposed to be on my phone ;-)
well, there you have your answer. your issues with mettrum etc had to do with customer service and potential ideas to better their business, nothing that can prompt a recall or major potential backlash for them in public

your issue with tilray was MOLD on the MEDICINE they shipped you. not really a comparison between the 2 issues, if word goes out into the public theyre doomed so obviously its in their interest to quickly contact and sweet talk you, change the subject to random positive things they are doing like talking to doctors and insurance companies to subtly make you feel better and then give you a refund and send you on your way so that you hopefully wont bring this up ever again
True as this may be, should we have to now settle for this being "good" news or a silver lining as patients? "Well at least they got back to me..." I mean absolutely no offense, just some food for thought in regards to how little they care about the patients.

Yah hopefully it don't sound like were arguing against you its just for me it hard to see "medical" corporation growing shit that b grade and selling it for AAA prices and the customer being helpless to change the system for better.