For many many years we've tried to smoke the best.I can almost promise that we have all smoked some mold spores from time to really can't see it in some cases. However this is still highly unacceptable. One of the biggest supporting arguments for the MMPR is the quality control aspect..the weed will be clean and contaminant free they said.....
Mold is easy to see if you look. A scope helps.
But you can see right away, after dealing with peoples poorly grown shwag for years...what it looks like, with out a scope.

If I smoked mold was someone else's. Definitely not grown by anyone I know.
But ya.. Im sure people smoke mold every day. Im just not one who likes it very much myself or would I chance buying it from an LP who cant stop it from growing. Proof is in the pictures!. Nothing against you nsbudca