my ignore list is getting big


Well-Known Member
The men didn't tell me to "go back to sleep hun"… you did
I don't get it. She looks out of proportion. Ass size makes her legs look stumpier… Yes, I know, no one is looking at her legs. Just sayin' If she had longer legs it'd look better..

none of the men where listening to you,they had ass and legs on the brain, not the stumpier unproportional legs,lol


Well-Known Member
If I tried to keep my ignore list current, I wouldn't have any time to read this site. It seems like there has been a huge explosion of semi-morons lately, but ignoring them goes against my grain. If it keeps up for long I will just not drop in for a few months.

My reaction to these sorts is to ignore them by actually ignoring them. Too many people engage them in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Ladys ladys calm down we all know yessica is the alpha chick

Mainliner or okallright whatever u go by your a dude -_-

And hookahbelly

I believe your a dude too but in not sure no offense or nothing im not sure