A (non) Racist Joke From the 1980's...

Why is that trolling? It was a funny joke, me and my friends got a good laugh about it. Why are you so uptight and offended, it only a joke, it was funny in my time, geez times sure have changed, Fucking twat.
Lotta fuckin twats hurboots! But wutr weta do
There's that cock topic again?

The Borderline's captivating allure is nearly impossible to ignore--particularly for a man in mid-life. Long term marriages are often destroyed in the midst of affairs with considerably younger women who've enlivened the Narcissist's sense of grandiosity, along with his penis. Erectile dysfunction is generally blamed on the wife of many years--when it's actually just a symptom of pre-existing intimacy issues, that have reached critical mass. I think of ED more as Emotional Dysfunction, than any problems with male physiology. In most instances, this is a psychic/emotional issue--not a physical one.


Constant references to rape and male genitalia just means he has a host of issue his PHD walrus can't address.

If she is actually, REAL, she must be in it for the material - akin to Seinfeld keeping Costanza around purely for new material.