PLANTS stolen!!!!

I can't imagine not having easy access to firearms. I have a small arsenal within my reach and live in a state that values home sovereignty. Like already mentioned, I'd fire a warning shot outdoors, but my state treats protecting your property outside the same as your bedroom. Same goes for driving around in your vehicle away from your property. It's sovereign. Harsh but effective I guess. We don't have many break ins, home invasions or car jackings in these parts. People with all their teeth neither. :blsmoke:

Sorry to hear about the thief.
You could bring your surviving lady inside for the nights, and put a big (non-blooming) tomato plant in her place on the patio. Have the police on speed dial, ready for when the thieves show back up, and are caught red handed stealing your vegetables!

If you live close enough, I will loan you my boyfriend -- he's not into guns, but crazy and chivalrous enough to mess up those punks if they come sniffin' around you again!
I can't imagine not having easy access to firearms. I have a small arsenal within my reach and live in a state that values home sovereignty. Like already mentioned, I'd fire a warning shot outdoors, but my state treats protecting your property outside the same as your bedroom. Same goes for driving around in your vehicle away from your property. It's sovereign. Harsh but effective I guess. We don't have many break ins, home invasions or car jackings in these parts. People with all their teeth neither. :blsmoke:

Sorry to hear about the thief.
What part of kentucky are u in?
Yeah it's the shits.... I spent a lot of time on her out of sheer enjoyment....only to either see or know she's going to die... as she's not near ready to harvest.. or someone is going to get caught with her or make a profit out of my work. asshats... what is this world coming to.... i mean really... I have no medical benefits and spent time and money tending to my ladies and now what i have to worry about myself, my dogs, my cat.... people wonder why i have no faith in people. fak i look criminal here... and do i look like I could scare off any punks... like now i am frightened

thieves are cowards.

your mere presence would send them fleeing.

it may not seem like good news, but the fact that they will be back is (in my opinion) a good thing if you can be vigilant enough to catch them.

i've been ripped before and it's a horrible feeling. but the best is when you find out who did it and get to terrify them afterwards.

seriously, try to get a friend to stay with you and work in shifts to catch these thieves. drag them by their ears back to their mommy's house or the cop shop.

good luck.
this would have lasted me the winter and given to others.... I'd trim just for the fun of it. Love doing that part.... can you image! I gave clones to my friends from that girl....and some have 4 at 6 feet and then some. PRobably a $2000 plant at the end of the day when we are paying $300 an oz. in some cases....
This little guy and this old girl just arent keeping up these days....

your puppies are very cute.. They look well loved.
I appreciate everyone's input, concern and appreciation for the situation. As we head in to dusk... I am going to head out for the night... Do I lock my lady in the shed for the night.. yes I can bring her inside and draw the blinds as well. I feel like someone is watching the place ... and it's kind of eerie no matter my age or gender. I will be putting her inside the kitchen and locking up at the very least... for tonight... question is did they see this one and will they be back.
plant looks just the right shape for an indoor grow, I would buy a 600hps and flower her off indoors, not what you want to hear but you need your weed or they could take the plant and your buying a lot of weed, if they can't see it, they may think your growing it somewhere else and give up

there not going to look for the plant at night, there going to look when your out and take it

if you do flower her off indoors don't tell anyone or they may find out
yup seriously.. I don't need trouble but I've never been in trouble and well... Orange is the New Black right?
Sorry to hear about your luck grasscropper, shit happens with outdoor, it sucks, hopefully you can keep that last plant going. All you can do is put up deterrents like the driveway alarm idea or a light sensor (not the greatest for your plants but a good deterrent). This year (I'm in Ontario as well) I have them at the cottage, not close by. I put up a light and game camera that also has a motion sensor and records to a flash card when tripped. Not that it will do much good for random kids, but more typically, it's someone who knows you were growing. It may not be the person you know directly, but people talk, it's someone they told, who told someone... etc. Fortunately, deterrents work the same way. If you have told someone, let them know you've installed the light, and a camera (you don't even have to bother getting the camera), news travels fast, in this case to your benefit.

Not that I've ever used them ;) But If you're really pissed and aren't concerned about your animals or friends tripping them, beaver or bear traps work well ;)
I appreciate everyone's input, concern and appreciation for the situation. As we head in to dusk... I am going to head out for the night... Do I lock my lady in the shed for the night.. yes I can bring her inside and draw the blinds as well. I feel like someone is watching the place ... and it's kind of eerie no matter my age or gender. I will be putting her inside the kitchen and locking up at the very least... for tonight... question is did they see this one and will they be back.
Bring them inside, if you have a garage that locks that could work. Outdoor stores sell traps, you can probably buy them online too ;)
So sorry to hear about your loss.. We were burglarized years ago while on vacation. Came home to find a window broke and place was trashed.. worst feeling to know someone went in you home and looked at everything and took what they wanted! the next day we had a alarm installed and when we moved to a new home alarm was installed before we moved in. I know it will not help with the plants outside but at lest we get a warning if they break in the home. I have a gun in my night stand and I have no problem shooting someone that comes in my home uninvited! 1) good quality video cameras, but they can always cover up with a hoodie or face mask and you will never know who it is. 2) bright lights with motion sensor in the FRONT and back.
I have thought about inventing a system that works with the motion sensor sprinklers that sprays permanent INK with water so we can spot rippers!! Just remember KARMA with get them!
Sorry to hear about your luck grasscropper, shit happens with outdoor, it sucks, hopefully you can keep that last plant going. All you can do is put up deterrents like the driveway alarm idea or a light sensor (not the greatest for your plants but a good deterrent). This year (I'm in Ontario as well) I have them at the cottage, not close by. I put up a light and game camera that also has a motion sensor and records to a flash card when tripped. Not that it will do much good for random kids, but more typically, it's someone who knows you were growing. It may not be the person you know directly, but people talk, it's someone they told, who told someone... etc. Fortunately, deterrents work the same way. If you have told someone, let them know you've installed the light, and a camera (you don't even have to bother getting the camera), news travels fast, in this case to your benefit.

Not that I've ever used them ;) But If you're really pissed and aren't concerned about your animals or friends tripping them, beaver or bear traps work well ;)

Yes, I have installed the light and am out at the moment... locked up all tighter than a drum... and my neighbour who knows, knows.
Sorry for your loss, Grasshopper. If I were you, I'd go walk around the neighborhood. More than likely it is a teenager that stole it. I don't think they could take it home to mom and dad, it might be off in the woods somewhere. Are paintball guns and BB guns illegal in Canada? Those bb's and paintballs hurt too, I would buy two BB guns that hold 20 BB's each and unload on the little thieves. I recommend some security cameras too, at least 3 to 4 camera. My neighbors all know I have a Glock and I'm not afraid to use. :cuss: