Nutrients for soil grows

Assuming makes us both look dumb LMAO it is my third grow bro not my fourth or fifth or sixth u understand im learning trial and error getting hands on thought as long as i wasn't burning them i could put the light as close as i wanted have a really good fan on my cool tube but light was way to close
LMAO,Ty needed a good laugh.True assuming is bad.
Im telling u the tips are just twisted a little i have my other plants in reg potting soil no nutes yet and the have some twisted tips
My other 2 grows i didnt have the light that close at all figured i try it this time guess i had a dumb moment
All depends on air also as you said,But I never go closer then 20-24".
Let Dry out some we will go from there.....Read that link,I use FFOF and Happy Frog Soil.Ammended.
That was what i was gunna get happy frog and ocean forest 50/50 mix but the asshole at the hydro store told me to get this rainforest blend but n.e ways i just read if my tips of leaves are twisted a little and new growth is yellowing i probably had the light to close..
That was what i was gunna get happy frog and ocean forest 50/50 mix but the asshole at the hydro store told me to get this rainforest blend but n.e ways i just read if my tips of leaves are twisted a little and new growth is yellowing i probably had the light to close..
50/50 with a Myco inoculant is what I use.Been using ROLS Also,Started with just FFOF YRS ago,after a MG LOL failure man that over 10yrs ago.I then did a bad of EWC and Bat Guano and perlite,Nothing else.Worked pretty damn good then found RIU.How much was it and how big a bag?
That was what i was gunna get happy frog and ocean forest 50/50 mix but the asshole at the hydro store told me to get this rainforest blend but n.e ways i just read if my tips of leaves are twisted a little and new growth is yellowing i probably had the light to close..
NO probably about it!!:mrgreen: