obama has taken less vacation in his entire presidency...

and the inspections and the payola to make it smooth for your local critters

if you're using MITS correctly, inspections are a breeze.

in fact, many businesses have been smart and gone way above and beyond MITS so that they can track their sales patterns and whatnot, making the business as efficient and targeted as possible.

haven't heard of payouts for local or state licensing, pretty sure that's illegal.
I'm talking about donations to the elected, but they may have run out enough people by now.
RFID tags? Mandatory? A Brave New World. It sounds like you abandoned Lost Gatos and moved a mile high?

Well, if you can break in as a grower, maybe you want investors.
RFID tags? Mandatory? A Brave New World. It sounds like you abandoned Lost Gatos and moved a mile high?

Well, if you can break in as a grower, maybe you want investors.

those tags help the business owners track inventory and predict patterns and trends. many of them would use them even without the regulation in place.

some of these dispensaries track down to the 100th of a gram. they're good.
Legal gives insane elected the chance to do more generational mayhem.


You listen online to the House Judiciary committee hearing:

HB1114 would declare that the presence of 5 nanogram/milliliters or more of THC in the bloodstream of a driver would create a "permissible inference" that the person is guilty of DUI. Under this proposed law, the mere presence of 5 nanograms/mL of THC is enough to prove guilt, regardless of any evidence that the person was not actually impaired.

HB1114 will require a "forced blood draw", forcing anyone suspected of driving under the influence of THC to submit to a blood draw forced by the state. Currently, alcohol levels can be tested through urine, breath or blood. But under the THC/DUI bill, the nanogram count can only come from a forced blood draw.
i can drive one mile, show them my license (not my med card), and pay far less than that.

it's a nightmare, i tell ya.

thanks, obama.

I understand that. It was a wide range and differed store to store. I was staying in Breckinridge and visited both the rec stores there. There were a couple strains going for that in breck. I spent the majority of my weed money in Alma though. The guy behind the counter was very helpful and very nice.

The best joint I smoked while there(remember, I'm from Texas. Our options are none. It's take whatever you can get. No real options) was of some stuff from star buds called dark star. It was better than the Tahoe OG that tested at 28% THC(according to shopkeeper).

I hope it gets legal here in Texas soon. A man can dream though lol.
You cannot find those $900 oz prices. Show it yourself rather than lie about it.
are you stupid or what?
you posted medicinal dispensary prices attempting to prove me a liar, then ask me to show it myself when I explained you to call up some recreational stores, but your brain or lack of makes that impossible, that much is quite clear.
"staycation" is trendy these days... living in The White House would probably feel like a vacation to most people. Why leave? Might as well hang out and milk it!
are you stupid or what?
you posted medicinal dispensary prices attempting to prove me a liar, then ask me to show it myself when I explained you to call up some recreational stores, but your brain or lack of makes that impossible, that much is quite clear.

At least I posted real and did not just flap my fingertips.

And when you want to match pay checks or Mesa cards for Gold as the forfeit, just let me know. Buck or Sky can hold the bet.

You can't prove $900 an ounce so you squawk and flap since this is your first rodeo, but not mine.
"staycation" is trendy these days... living in The White House would probably feel like a vacation to most people. Why leave? Might as well hang out and milk it!
At least I posted real and did not just flap my fingertips.

And when you want to match pay checks or Mesa cards for Gold as the forfeit, just let me know. Buck or Sky can hold the bet.

You can't prove $900 an ounce so you squawk and flap since this is your first rodeo, but not mine.

Ride'm Cowboy!!! :P
"staycation" is trendy these days... living in The White House would probably feel like a vacation to most people. Why leave? Might as well hang out and milk it!

And you can work on a golf course. The perimeter is well secured. They bring the Football. A President can push that button. But, by the time the Press knows something it is old news to the White House. He has Legions that do his bidding. He can relax and work on his silly swing. :)

The Press can call the President out of touch, but that just means he is not fitting in to their news cycle, Advertizing Dollar Marketing Plan.
And you can work on a golf course. The perimeter is well secured. They bring the Football. A President can push that button. But, by the time the Press knows something it is old news to the White House. He has Legions that do his bidding. He can relax and work on his silly swing. :)

The Press can call the President out of touch, but that just means he is not fitting in to their news cycle, Advertizing Dollar Marketing Plan.

His entire presidency has been about making speeches and playing golf. He hasnt *done* anything. Nothing has changed except the press has finally noticed. 2 more years. The wheels will likely stay on the bus for that long. At least we can hope.
oh no. he has done just fine.

he has to be a President at war, but also fool his peace-nik supporters.

problems, as well, just different.

Nothing at all is wrong if you ignore the politics

His entire presidency has been about making speeches and playing golf. He hasnt *done* anything. Nothing has changed except the press has finally noticed. 2 more years. The wheels will likely stay on the bus for that long. At least we can hope.
The wheels always manage to stay on the bus, don't they? Even when the sky is falling, the wheels somehow stay on the bus, and the bus keeps rolling toward...

...wherever it is they're taking us.
The wheels always manage to stay on the bus, don't they? Even when the sky is falling, the wheels somehow stay on the bus, and the bus keeps rolling toward...

...wherever it is they're taking us.

The wheels on the bus will stay on until the government runs out of assets to spend. It hasnt gone for the gold or 401K's yet so I figure we have at least 6 months...