Hash and Oil Picture Thread

picture showing how easily color can be changed and how meaningless color can be. same oil, folded in and ripped apart so that one side has 25% of the oil and other side has 75% of the oil, vac chamber for 12 hours.

Age of the plant material can change color a lot too. And certain strains just make certain colored oil too. When i ran fresh dried trim it wasnt more than 3 days old just dry enough to run, and it was almost clear. Thinner parts were but in the thick parts they had some yellow.

Cookies always comes out super red. Ive seen a few other strains that are always a certain color but most range from yellow gold to amber orange to darker amber brown to pretty brown. Depending on age and how it was cared for ie. frozen, jarred, cured, etc...
To everyone in the Picture thread I am going to go through and look for good pics. If i find some i would like to use it I will a credit you with the extract but i will PM you and ask you permission first.
If any one has a problem with this or doesnt want their pics use let me know.

you gonna post them acrosss weed nerd? use them up!!


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