young voters prefer hillary to rend pawl by huge margins


Well-Known Member
I vehemently disagree. Read our country's tax code, and tell me who pays the most?
No you don't understand, the amount spent on our military is exactly the same as whats collected from corporations. roads are built with gas taxes, schools are funded by property taxes and so on. Personal income tax is sent directly to the federal reserve bank to pay off our national debt.


Well-Known Member
No you don't understand, the amount spent on our military is exactly the same as whats collected from corporations. roads are built with gas taxes, schools are funded by property taxes and so on. Personal income tax is sent directly to the federal reserve bank to pay off our national debt.
Note carefully who's actually PAYING those taxes. Hint; it's not the megacorps, with all the lobbying money and inside access.

Another hint; General Electric, one of the world's largest and most powerful corporations- nevermind profitable to its shareholders to the point of 'blue chip' status- regularly pays NO TAX. At all. Total bill, zero.

I can't make this shit up, go look for yourself.


Well-Known Member
Note carefully who's actually PAYING those taxes. Hint; it's not the megacorps, with all the lobbying money and inside access.

Another hint; General Electric, one of the world's largest and most powerful corporations- nevermind profitable to its shareholders to the point of 'blue chip' status- regularly pays NO TAX. At all. Total bill, zero.

I can't make this shit up, go look for yourself.
Well in that sense.
I guess Corporations are not people


Well-Known Member
After all is said and done and all races paid, the average American pays about 35% of their total income in taxes.

In the last election, Mr. Romney disclosed that he paid just 14%- and that was higher than the 11% he legally could have paid. What the income is derived from makes an enormous difference; wages get taxed at drastically current rates than business gains- to say nothing of real estate.

Your words betray you as one who needs to learn this country's tax code before you can be trusted to speak intelligently about it.

But that's not even the worst part;

BECAUSE they're underpaying their taxes on a massive and ongoing scale, they're accumulating ever more wealth without having to work for it.

In other words, a class of 'nomenclatura' as they're known elsewhere, oligarchs- or just plain corporate fascists.

America was not founded on an ideal of inherited monarchic style feudal lords; it was created IN DIRECT OPPOSITION TO SUCH AN IDEAL.

Our country does best when the rich are taxed at high rates, which returns capital to the commons where it does more good to the economy and society.

That's my basis for a 75% tax on all income over the first million per year, regardless of source.


Well-Known Member
Note carefully who's actually PAYING those taxes. Hint; it's not the megacorps, with all the lobbying money and inside access.

Another hint; General Electric, one of the world's largest and most powerful corporations- nevermind profitable to its shareholders to the point of 'blue chip' status- regularly pays NO TAX. At all. Total bill, zero.

I can't make this shit up, go look for yourself.
Your not making it up, but the people are not paying for wars. That's what you originally said. no personal taxes go towards the military.

H.M. Murdoch

Well-Known Member

young voters prefer hillary clinton to rend pawl by 25-40 point margins.


Are you talking about those stupid kids who go into $100,000 student debt to get a social worker's degree, and then want the democrats to "forgive" their debt?

Or are you talking about the kids who work at McDonald's and want the democrats to raise minimum wage to $25 per hour?

Or are you talking about all the illegal alien young people who want the democrats to allow them to bring their whole family across our border?

Or are you talking about all the young girls who believe that Miley Cyrus and MTV hold all the answers to life?

Buck, which of these are you talking about?

You certainly CAN'T be talking about responsible young adults who have worked hard and learned through hard work, and have become successful without major failure in their lives. I'll bet most of those would have disdain for Hillary.


Well-Known Member

Are you talking about those stupid kids who go into $100,000 student debt to get a social worker's degree, and then want the democrats to "forgive" their debt?

Or are you talking about the kids who work at McDonald's and want the democrats to raise minimum wage to $25 per hour?

Or are you talking about all the illegal alien young people who want the democrats to allow them to bring their whole family across our border?

Or are you talking about all the young girls who believe that Miley Cyrus and MTV hold all the answers to life?

Buck, which of these are you talking about?
your pigeonhole stereotypes are enlightening.

not enlightening in the sense that they give us a greater idea of what reality is, but enlightening in the sense that they allow us all a peek into that deluded fucked up mindspace of yours.

H.M. Murdoch

Well-Known Member
your pigeonhole stereotypes are enlightening.

not enlightening in the sense that they give us a greater idea of what reality is, but enlightening in the sense that they allow us all a peek into that deluded fucked up mindspace of yours.
You didn't answer my question. But answering questions isn't your specialty, is it?

As I said in an earlier post, you're strung tighter than the thin E-string on my guitar - but you're MUCH easier to play.


Well-Known Member
You didn't answer my question. But answering questions isn't your specialty, is it?

As I said in an earlier post, you're strung tighter than the thin E-string on my guitar - but you're MUCH easier to play.
my bad.

yes, every single young voter is an illegal immigrant child who works at mcdonalds with $100k worth of college debt.

you are so smart with your big brain.

tell us more.

H.M. Murdoch

Well-Known Member
my bad.

yes, every single young voter is an illegal immigrant child who works at mcdonalds with $100k worth of college debt.

you are so smart with your big brain.

tell us more.
You're fun Buck. A lot of fun. I just wish I had found this place sooner.

BTW Buck, I'll bet both inches of your tiny dick that you're rooting for the foreigners in the Little League World Series, aren't you? The Chicago team is all black (players, coaches, parents), but I'm rooting for them over the foreigners. Doesn't that prove that I'm not a racist?