Effects of Salvia (Video)

That shit is crazy i never try'd it before but i know some people that have and seen what it does to them... i'll stick to weed. I can't believe they sell that stuff to pretty much anyone at corner stores around here.
i smoked it once with some buddies out of a 2 liter bottle. took one hit (it was the entire bottle though) and it felt like my skin was falling off. also, i could have sworn i was in the matrix. pretty scary stuff, i'd do it again though. we smoked the extract, i think it was 10x.
I bought some salvia seeds the other day. Is that the same shit? I think it's some kind of sage brush. Anyone know?
i cant watch that video and get anything informative out of it. Theres this dude... and he looks like he hopped off the short bus anyway explaining common symptoms of oxygen deprivation. Thats all I get from salvia.
the more extreme feelings are the worst,nothing makes sense to u AT ALL,sometimes u hallucinate,buy only on the extreme feelings,and it only last like 5-10 minutes :p,not worth spendin that much money on,get a bong and a regular lighter to have the moderate feelings(laugh ur ass off)and a jet lighter to get extreme,and dont get like 60x extracts and shit,thats some exreme shit
the more extreme feelings are the worst,nothing makes sense to u AT ALL,sometimes u hallucinate,buy only on the extreme feelings,and it only last like 5-10 minutes :p,not worth spendin that much money on,get a bong and a regular lighter to have the moderate feelings(laugh ur ass off)and a jet lighter to get extreme,and don't get like 60x extracts and shit,thats some exreme shit

Thats how I feel exactly I felt an extreme urge to go outside and get fresh air and kind of unconsciously walked out. Then just sat on the curb with a throbbing head buzz and no visuals as well as burning lungs.
I smoked 20x extract once from a bong with a little weed, my friend said i had to try it, i smoked a little (same as he had, hes 150 pounds, im 210) and nothing happened, so i smoked a bunch more, it was the craziest shit that i ever experienced, apparently i got up, walked across the room, fell to the floor and started screaming.... all i saw was a river of me's floating away from me... like my mind some how stayed put when i walked away... it was fucked right up. But hey, im sure i smoked a little too much and it also affects everyone differently.
for me it slows down time, and I can't stop laughin.. I mean. I start giggling, then I just nearly pop my head off and almost piss myself cause I can't stop rolling around on the floor.
never smoked it but i seriously doubt it would affect me...not to sound like a "badass" or anything but i got a very strong mindset never had a bad trip in my life
Well theres also a bunch of cheesy video effects that lead me to believe these guys have no clue as to what the scientific method is.
i bought a half oz. of some salvia shit for like 15 dollars i hadnt never done it... it was all big leaves and i crunched em up and smoked it and nothing at all happened, it just tasted like shit...why do they even sell that shit
Because your retarded, first of all, it probably wasn't even salvia. Second of all, not a whole lot is gonna happen unless you smoke an extract. i have no idea how much i smoked but it was a ton of 20x extract. as for having a strong mind. i have an IQ of 135 and generally am always the calm one in any situation. this stuff fucks you right up if you smoke enough
Last time i checked (though im no expert, im mostly about the everything else) salvia isn't purple, the stuff i had was like brown or orange (don't remember that well) and the plant itself is green. Some ones haven some shits and giggles with you probably.
Actually you can get extremely high off of salvia if you smoke it right. :)

If you bought the regular leaves, not extract, you are supposed to enhale as much of it as you can, then cough on it. I know, I know... it will feel like your lungs are collapsing, but the high is intense.

All I remember of the few moments I was high, again, time was slowed down, and we were listening to Sharigrama. But yeah. If you want to smoke the leaves and can't get a high from it, then try this method. It seriously works, my friend tried it and was rambling on about the "high machine is controlling my body man... its a machine..." Drool everywhere, lol.