Positive people required!!


Well-Known Member
It's doing better, thanks. I still have some discomfort but nothing like before.
Well hopefully since you are going back you'll be able to get it taken care of once and for all.
Best of luck on it. I had my appendix fail on me but I don't know if that is similar or not. It ruptured and I collapsed in the middle of the floor. My mother had to come get me to take me to the hospital and the only way I could get outside to the van was to crawl. It sucked. Lol


Well-Known Member
Well hopefully since you are going back you'll be able to get it taken care of once and for all.
Best of luck on it. I had my appendix fail on me but I don't know if that is similar or not. It ruptured and I collapsed in the middle of the floor. My mother had to come get me to take me to the hospital and the only way I could get outside to the van was to crawl. It sucked. Lol
Thanks hon. My sister in law had hers rupture. I bet that scared the shit out of you, did they say what caused it? I've heard its a freak occurrence thing..


Well-Known Member
Thanks hon. My sister in law had hers rupture. I bet that scared the shit out of you, did they say what caused it? I've heard its a freak occurrence thing..
It just happens. I hate the hospital and I refuse to go unless I'm near death. lol

It was probably my fault though cause I had stomach pains two days before it happens and didn't think anything of it. Just thought I may have pulled something or whatever right up until I hit the floor and then it was obvious what happen.

You know when that ruptures you can die from it right? I had to wait another 6 hours before surgery with it ruptured.


Well-Known Member
It just happens. I hate the hospital and I refuse to go unless I'm near death. lol

It was probably my fault though cause I had stomach pains two days before it happens and didn't think anything of it. Just thought I may have pulled something or whatever right up until I hit the floor and then it was obvious what happen.

You know when that ruptures you can die from it right? I had to wait another 6 hours before surgery with it ruptured.
yeah, I know! you're one lucky son of a gun! I can't believe they made you wait that long..wtf???

I hate that, I had pains last year from that other. I wish I'd known sooner, its a time bomb really.


Well-Known Member
Hey Pin, how did you do that open thing for your sig? I need to do that..mine is so huge, I know it must be a pain.


Well-Known Member
Just some cheap beeswax. $5 does me good for a month. I would love to do your hair, love. I'm badass at it.
Oh you'd have a ball with it, I'm sure. Its so long now, I'm getting it trimmed up and highlighted this weekend finally. My daughter in law is a hair dresser, she's got mad talent. I'll show you a pic when it's done if ya want.

I use spiker from time to time. That shit is like glue. It only takes a dab of it any more and your hair will be crispy. LoL
I had some hair "cement" ages ago when I had it cut very short. I'd wash and part dry it, then use that stuff to make it stand up. It looked great!!! very sexy and chic IMO but my kid said it made me look like a dike. :lol: