Positive people required!!


Well-Known Member
This thread makes me truly laugh out loud so much!!
Been so busy lately, so much stuff going on I don't have time to chat like I once did but I miss some of you muchly!

Rosey I hope your day has went well sweetie xo

Pinny <3

Lasagna for dinner tonite at the Loveshack! Listening to Buddy Guy while cooking up Italian delights for dear hubby. He will be home soon so I need to finish up the salad and get the bread ready!

Here's my positive quote for the day:

“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.” -Victor Hugo


Well-Known Member

I kept hearing when I came on here that people would fuck with my pictures - and it's AWESOME!!!!!

bahahahaha - you must be a fellow Autist!
Actually I was talking about the unedited version..lol my phone didn't load Pin's
rendering ;)
LEGAL - and high as a BILLY GOAT!
Woot woot!!!
Oh fuck - wrong thread. At least it's still positive...hahahaha
You made an oopsie..:lol:
So positive in here... (:O
Its awesome!!! I like this one :)