Whats with the funny hat? Notice the strange body type?
Funny looking babies huh!
They say he worshiped the sun god but thats just speculation. the last picture looks like a planet with capsules or pods coming out of it. Why would a sunray have a little oval at the end?
Teach? I'm trying to learn. Where is the proof?

Why did everyone see only Angels and apparitions, or faces in the sky, before the Age of Flight? There was not even a single UFO claim until 1947 or something.

A guy saw one of the disk lift experiments from Area 51, in his Cessna. I've seen the video.

After that, All Flying Saucers.

You can just believe in it. That is what a religion is, after all.

No proof.

Many sightings have been documented pre '47 - some by very credible witnesses.

The nuclear and jet ages is when we started to see an explosion in sightings. The correlation is a no brainer. I personally think many sightings at least 90% plus were experimental aircraft in testing, but the other 5-10% warrant serious investigation and probably have been investigated to the point of exhaustion by some alphabet agency.

The military and government witnesses are the most credible and compelling, particularly high ranking military personnel with security clearances.

Regardless of the veracity of the statements made by witnesses, one aspect remains common amongst all;

The witness are interviewed at length about their sightings by intelligence agency employees - obviously someone is interested in this phenomena and will expend public resources to verify it
That's cool stuff but not it. It was more of an elongated delta.

I am saying dear Doctor those saucers from a long time ago, started the UFO craze. It did not exist before then. Before then, people saw crazy shit, angels and flying witchs.

You guys are putting way too much faith in eye-witness. We know now, that is the least reliable of all.

And Wilksey, what to you think of crop circles? They just found one in the Netherlands last week.

Foot boards with a rope loops
16 guys
a bunch of string, measured into precise length to make the circles.
6 hours

If you study the history of fooling most of the people, most of the time, you see that falling for flim flam, is what we monkeys do. This is just one more example.

Hint: people lie for attention
I am saying dear Doctor those saucers from a long time ago, started the UFO craze. It did not exist before then. Before then, people saw crazy shit, angels and flying witchs.

You guys are putting way too much faith in eye-witness. We know now, that is the least reliable of all.

And Wilksey, what to you think of crop circles? They just found one in the Netherlands last week.

If you study the history of fooling most of the people, most of the time, you see that falling for flim flam, is what we monkeys do. This is just one more example.

Hint: people lie for attention

The UFO phenomenon has been with humanity since, probably forever. However, the descriptions used by individuals to describe what they have seen have indeed changed to match the linguistics of any given time period. There are accounts from the time of Rome that describe objects in the sky "like bronze shields", and during the time that the hot air balloon / zeppelins roamed the skies, they were referred to as "airships". Today, people would use UFO / flying saucer simply because those terms are common place in OUR time.

I agree that there are indeed people that are full of shit. There are also people that misidentify natural phenomenon and made made objects. However, there are also people that see vehicles that are NOT made by humans, and they tell the truth about what they have seen. Some, like aviators, police, or military, tell the truth simply because it's their duty. Others tell the truth because they're honest people and it's the right thing to do, and still others tell the truth because sharing information is something we, as a species, just naturally do to PROTECT the species...whether we realize it or not.

We, as a species mind you, became dominant because of our ability to communicate. Sure, we lie to each other, and we're greedy motherfuckers, but most of us realize that we stand a better chance of survival if we stick together. So when somebody saw a grizzly bear at a water hole back in the day, they told the others to "watch out for that g'damn grizzly bear", and it is this kind of communication that helped us survive. Seeing these damn UFO's scares the fuck out of a lot of people, and they report what they've seen for the same reasons our ancestors reported on those damn grizzly bears. They do it to protect the species. It's an instinct.

Human observation, speculation, and deductive reasoning have allowed our species to harness the power of the atom. So when trained observers, ie pilots, trained equipment operators, like RADAR crews, consistently observe the same kind of phenomenon over, and over, and over again, the probability of error gets lower, and lower, until it becomes far less likely for them all to be wrong, and far more probable for them to be correct. They report objects operating outside the bounds of human craft, which means they were made by somebody else.

There's simply far too many good people that have witnessed these things to be discounted by any rational individual.

As for crop circles?

I believe there are indeed a lot of fakes out there, however, there are individuals that have examined some of these circles and found physical abnormalities that would suggest they were not made by the typical human "artist".


Maybe if we pull our collective heads out of our ass and stop killing each other, our visitors might formally introduce themselves. But then again, maybe not. Maybe it's best they don't.